Why are people so obsessed with rebels?

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It’s one of life’s mysteries.

In an episode of The Simpson’s, Bart is upset because his babysitter, on whom he has a crush, has a boyfriend. Bart sums it up, “I don’t get why she likes him. All he is is a good looking rebel who plays by his own rules.”
You seem to be missing the point. Society more often than not tends to paint rebels as heroes. There are millions of movies about the Generic Resistance trying to overthrow the Generic Empire, and every single one of these movies paint the resistance as heroic and the empire as evil.
Even if the Rebel Alliance is not shown as heroic, they are still ‘gritty hardcore’ protagonists in comparison to the generically evil empire.
I have never once seen a movie in which the hero is fighting for the loyalists, or where loyalists are shown to be less than evil.
I can’t speak for movies, but I’ve played quite a few video games where rebel alliances are decidedly a Bad Thing. Others give the player a choice to play as a rebel or a member of the “legitimate” authority, painting both sides as morally ambiguous. 🤷
This type of thinking becomes a problem if it leaks into real life, as anyone who commit mass murder are deserving only of scorn. Summery executions are not acceptable. Slaughtering civilian populations is not acceptable. And yet people who commit brutal atrocities are still praised just because they happen to also be “fighting the power”. Che being a rebel is the only reason he is so popular.
Rebels are more likely to be in a situation where violence or large-scale civil disobedience are the only options (apart from simply accepting oppressive structures). Obviously civil disobedience is going to lead to a lot more casualties on your side. So when a rebel resorts to violence, they’re seen as correcting a legitimate grievance and doing what they’ve been forced to do, while an existing power that tries to thwart them has other options at its disposal. If you have the option of sending people to prison, but you decide to kill them all, that makes you MUCH less sympathetic than the people who had the power to kill, but not to capture or otherwise disable their enemies.
Please stop twisting my words. All I was saying is that Luke Skywalker would not have as much fan support if his faction was leading a civil war as apposed to a rebellion. Most rebellions are named after political goals (independence, democracy, etc), but they just call themselves Rebel Alliance. I’m not saying they are bad, I’m just saying that it is clear everyone goes into movies these days thinking rebel=good, more powerful side=evil.
Probably because people are generally disillusioned by governments and other powerful people. If you want more realism, don’t look for it in movies.
But now that you mentioned the subject, his blowing up the Death Star did result in millions of people (most of whom lacking a choice in their side) dying very painful deaths (I know the Empire blew up a planet in the movie, but 2 wrongs don’t make a right).
Not equivalent. The Death Star was a weapon. Blowing up that weapon was the only way to prevent the Empire from using it on other peaceful planets. Of course it would have been ideal to shut it down and take the Imperial soldiers prisoner, but the rebels don’t have the resources to do that. They’re rebels. All they can do is blow stuff up.

The rebels and the government might do the same sorts of things, but the difference is that the government could be merciful, and chooses not to. The rebels aren’t given that option. To be merciful would be to utterly doom their operation. We want to believe that if they did have power, the rebels would do better than their predecessors. In real life they often don’t, but a lot of people keep hoping despite the odds.
I don’t like how you’re referring to religion itself as tyrannical.
Obviously I’m not going to agree with LW that religion is inherently tyrannical (if he thinks that), but religion is one of the tools that powerful people often have at their disposal. Historically, they’ve often been able to weaponize it against the would-be rebels, keeping them from demanding better treatment out of concern for their souls.

I guess I’m saying that the whole pro-rebel thing is ultimately born of our optimism. If we know that the current authorities have freely chosen to abuse their power, we want to believe that other people will do better. Even if the rebels do the same sorts of things, we know that often, that was the only way for them to combat the authorities. We want to believe that they’re better than the people who we know are freely cooperating with evil. It isn’t until the rebels gain a similar level of power that we’re able to judge them on the same scale as their former oppressors. By that point, they have power, and if they happen to be evil, it’s too late to stop them without starting a second rebellion.

But we hope against hope that when they gain power, things will somehow be different.
I am sorry, but being a rebel is no excuse for genocide or mass murder. I’m tired of people saying “It was war, so Che was justified in murdering hundreds of POWs” because war itself is not justification for atrocities. Contrary to popular belief, there are in fact rules of war: the Geneva Convention and the Nuremberg Principals apply to the group of plucky rebels as well as to the superpower. If a group of guerrillas can’t win without committing inhuman acts of cruelty, than they simply do not deserve to win for the reason that they are no better than the ones they hope to overthrow.

Also, rebels aren’t always rebelling against evil governments: sometimes they’re rebelling against good governments which just happen to oppose their (sometimes narrow) worldview. The Confederacy were rebels, and not only were they bad but their enemies were clearly good.

There is a clearly defined line between terrorist and freedom fighter: the former commits atrocities and the latter never would.
I am sorry, but being a rebel is no excuse for genocide or mass murder.
I doubt that anyone here would disagree. But there are reasons why people are more sympathetic towards killers who are facing a more powerful enemy. If you scale the principle way, way down, hitting a bully is generally seen as different from being a bully, regardless of whether the former is acceptable behavior. The line between self-defense and revenge might not always be obvious to bystanders.
Also, rebels aren’t always rebelling against evil governments: sometimes they’re rebelling against good governments which just happen to oppose their (sometimes narrow) worldview. The Confederacy were rebels, and not only were they bad but their enemies were clearly good.
Sure. It’s definitely possible for rebels to be in the wrong. Although it’s probably worth noting that the confederacy was rebelling in part because they felt that their right to oppress other people was being taken away. People who identify with rebels are more likely to identify with the slaves than with the slaveholders.
There is a clearly defined line between terrorist and freedom fighter: the former commits atrocities and the latter never would.
I don’t think it’s always so clear. Take the Star Wars example from earlier- is blowing up the Death Star an atrocity? As you noted, it probably killed a lot of innocent people (not that the movie bothers to confirm that). But it was probably also the only way to stop the Empire from blowing up whole planets (full of even more innocent people). In Star Wars, the Empire is utterly evil, so people are willing to do almost anything to stop it. They’re willing to die. They’re also willing to kill.

Are they justified in possibly allowing innocents to die, if it means saving more? It’s not like they’re intentionally killing civilians, they’re just trying to destroy a weapon. If that’s not an option, what should they do in the face of such overwhelming evil?

I think that’s the question that leads to rebellion in the first place. The oppressed are running out of options, and at some point, they come to the conclusion that letting the people in power continue is simply intolerable. When they get that desperate, some manner of violence is often one of the only means they have left of expressing their disapproval.

People who are frustrated by the authorities in their own lives are naturally going to identify with stories like that, regardless of whether the rebels are morally justified.
So people deciding for themselves is a bad thing? Yeah. That’s the heart of Catholicism right there. 👍
Deciding for themselves what is good or evil. Don’t you forget that part. And that’s not just Catholicism, it’s common sense. People’s opinions have absolutely no bearing on whether something is true or not. Surely you can agree with something as simple as that?
This is slightly off topic, anyway.
Also, rebels aren’t always rebelling against evil governments: sometimes they’re rebelling against good governments which just happen to oppose their (sometimes narrow) worldview.
Yeah well, it just seems like your tone is suggesting that the complete opposite (making government and other ruling establishments as the side of the good guys) is so unheard of. Unfortunately, WW2 alone is full of propaganda (from both sides) that will gladly sate any person’s desire to see that sort of pro-authority entertainment.

Oh and get this, Catholics/Christians who like the idea of participating in the culture war against Obama, Democrats, and anything from Hollywood fancy themselves as rebels too. Do you have a problem with that as well? 😉
People who are frustrated by the authorities in their own lives are naturally going to identify with stories like that, regardless of whether the rebels are morally justified.
Exactly! My country was ruled by the Spanish crown for 300 years. The most generous estimate would tell you that things already started going downhill halfway through that. Religious orders malformed into an abusive frailocracy. Reforms were taking way too long in comparison to the rate of the injustices being committed. The voice of the colonized faced heavy censorship that also happened to be armed to the teeth (if not with guns then with threats of hellfire).

Sometimes I wonder if the people who are so sympathetic to authority figures might think otherwise if they were born in a country that faced the worst of it.
Surely you can agree with something as simple as that?
This is slightly off topic, anyway.
The problem is that talking morality on the subject of oppression and rebellion leads to the kind of dilemmas that are the stuff of nightmares for rigid moralists. Too often we’re quick to judge either party under the false assumption that things were ‘that simple’ for them. 🤷
I am sorry, but being a rebel is no excuse for genocide or mass murder. I’m tired of people saying “It was war, so Che was justified in murdering hundreds of POWs” because war itself is not justification for atrocities. Contrary to popular belief, there are in fact rules of war: the Geneva Convention and the Nuremberg Principals apply to the group of plucky rebels as well as to the superpower. If a group of guerrillas can’t win without committing inhuman acts of cruelty, than they simply do not deserve to win for the reason that they are no better than the ones they hope to overthrow.

Also, rebels aren’t always rebelling against evil governments: sometimes they’re rebelling against good governments which just happen to oppose their (sometimes narrow) worldview. The Confederacy were rebels, and not only were they bad but their enemies were clearly good.

There is a clearly defined line between terrorist and freedom fighter: the former commits atrocities and the latter never would.
The Allies (US, British, French, Soviets, Chinese, Yugoslavs) in WWII committed quite a few war crimes .

Several American commanders during the Revolutionary War qualify as war criminals such as Harry Lee who butchered civilians and Francis Marion who was a rapist and butchered civilians.

There are precious few (if any) wars where a victorious side didn’t commit war crimes.
Look, I can understand that rebels usually are only upset because of an injustice their rulers committed (notice how I said usually: the Confederacy is one example of rebels simply being bad guys [the CSA was fighting for their right to enslave other human beings]). I am just saying that two wrongs never make a right.

I can understand that rebels who commit atrocities are motivated by revenge or a belief that they can’t win otherwise or a desire to “get even”, but THAT DOSN’T MAKE IT RIGHT.

You can not just say “Life under King Louis sucked, so Robespierre shouldn’t be judged too harshly for murdering everybody”. Robespierre absolutely should be condemned as the murderous sociopath he was, and I think any of the thousands of civilians who were guillotined would agree if you ask them (which you can’t because they were guillotined).

Below is a quote from Fredrich Nietzsche which is not only one of the few things he wasn’t wrong about, but in fact sums up the point that is being missed.

"He who fights with monsters should look to it that he himself does not become a monster. "

Rebels and rebellions shouldn’t be treated as inherently heroic with disregard to their actions. Rebels should only be treated as good guys if they act like good guys. And yes, there is in fact a clear line as to what makes someone good or bad: if he breaks the Geneva Convention or the Nuremberg Principals, than he’s bad.

I feel I should also make a note. What I mean is when rebels commit warcrimes as a policy.
Rebels and rebellions shouldn’t be treated as inherently heroic with disregard to their actions. Rebels should only be treated as good guys if they act like good guys. And yes, there is in fact a clear line as to what makes someone good or bad: if he breaks the Geneva Convention or the Nuremberg Principals, than he’s bad.

I feel I should also make a note. What I mean is when rebels commit warcrimes as a policy.
Again, nobody necessarily disagrees with you. It’s just views like yours (from the very start of this thread) seem to slip easy to going one-sided. You have an issue with rebels being treated as inherently heroic but why do I not see you having issues with authority hero worship (as demonstrated in political propaganda both in ancient and modern times)?

Look I’m just saying that, from person experience and understanding of my own country’s history, people who sympathize against rebels tend to fall to the other extreme: growing blind to the fallibility of human authority.

Throughout this thread, you keep saying two wrongs don’t make a right. And yet, you’re only focusing on the second wrong, the so-called wrong of rebel leaders committing atrocious actions. You seem mostly silent when people bring up the atrocity of oppressive rulers. By doing so, you come as someone who is ignoring the first injustice.

If you take issue with rebel worship, it would be unfair if you have no issue with worship of authority. Replacing one idol with another isn’t being impartial.
It’s not that I’m a Hobbs supporter, it is just that Authority Worship is much less common in non-propaganda forms. The only movies I have ever seen which portray the power as good guys are Civil War Movies, and those don’t count because the pro-union movies avoid calling the Confederates rebels.
I’ve seen shirts with Che’s face, I’ve never seen shirts with Mussolini’s face, but I assure you I would be equally offended by both (well the Mussolini one would be more offensive because there’s less chance that the wearer is ignorant as apposed to a jerk).

However, I will admit that in some conflicts both sides are bad so it is unfair to support either one.

Neither Rebels nor Authorities should be murderous/deranged. War has rules (Geneva Conventions and Nuremberg Principals), and they apply to everyone.
It’s not that I’m a Hobbs supporter, it is just that Authority Worship is much less common in non-propaganda forms. The only movies I have ever seen which portray the power as good guys are Civil War Movies, and those don’t count because the pro-union movies avoid calling the Confederates rebels.
Does form matter? Virtually any piece of media that portrayed Hitler in a positive light was propaganda, regardless if it the production was a movie, newspaper, advertisement, poster etc. And in the long run, it’s irrelevant. You could even say that Che’s popularity is just another form of propaganda in of itself.

It’s no more significant in this discussion than the color of a truck is to a discussion on fixing an engine. 🤷

So I’m gonna ask again, why complain about rebel propaganda that worships rebels when there has long been propaganda that worshiped authorities?
Does form matter? Virtually any piece of media that portrayed Hitler in a positive light was propaganda, regardless if it the production was a movie, newspaper, advertisement, poster etc. And in the long run, it’s irrelevant. You could even say that Che’s popularity is just another form of propaganda in of itself.

It’s no more significant in this discussion than the color of a truck is to a discussion on fixing an engine. 🤷

So I’m gonna ask again, why complain about rebel propaganda that worships rebels when there has long been propaganda that worshiped authorities?
You’re confusing correlation with causation. Propaganda means a work was made to convince people to support a cause: if it is not propaganda that it was made without ulterior motives.

Studying trends in propaganda works tells us things about what the maker wants society to think.
Studying trends in non-propaganda works tells us things about how a society thinks on its own.

So, it is less like truck color and more like ‘does your truck run on gas or diesel’.
You’re confusing correlation with causation. Propaganda means a work was made to convince people to support a cause: if it is not propaganda that it was made without ulterior motives.
This is pure distinction without any real difference. Today’s media is regarded by both left and right as full of the propaganda of opposing sides. Prominent Catholics like Bill Donohue certainly aren’t guiltless of this. Again, to say that it’s state-sanctioned or not is really a red herring (especially in the 21st century). A person can willingly create material that supports Obama without the administration’s explicit approval. That won’t make it any less a piece of propaganda in the eyes of the Tea Party crowd.

Now, can we get back to my original question? Why all this hate for the rebel propaganda and not for the one supporting authority?
Neither Rebels nor Authorities should be murderous/deranged. War has rules (Geneva Conventions and Nuremberg Principals), and they apply to everyone.
Just dropping in-thank you for saying this.

As can be seen in recent events, people will excuse (Or deny, like Iran’s president denying the Holocaust, or Israeli apologists denying IDF war crimes) atrocity and violence simply because it is being committed by the side they prefer. It is disgusting.
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