Why are we given this urge if it's wrong to act on it?

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What gave you the idea that God is the one giving you these urges?
A question for the OP and others who say masturbation is completely healthy and not immoral:

Is there ever a point that masturbation becomes immoral and destructive? Is daily masturbation wrong? What about every hour? What about mastuebation while using porn? What about while fantasizing someone in a lustful way?

I ask this precisely because, often, we want to say masturbation is not a sin because we are thinking of the strong urge of the adolescent who can’t control his hormones. We think it isn’t fair to scare young people into hell and to hate their sexuality. And granted, these are good insights.

But precisely it misses the fuller Catholic understanding of sin! Mortal sin must take into account the subjective experience of the individual. Masrurbation is inherently disordered precisely because we weren’t given our sexual organs in order to please ourselves. Sexuality is fully expressed in marriage, ordered to new life.

So we want to avoid the extreme of saying that each time some commits masturbation, they are also committing a subjective mortal sin. That’s not necessarily true.

However, I think that digging deeper will show that the only consistent view is to say that masturbation is, in itself, disordered and misses the mark of sexuality.
I’m not sure if anyone has mentioned this yet…

But I am catching up on this thread and noticing that a lot of people are replying to the OP as if she were a man. I just find it interesting that they missed that her name is Marianne. I know Marian can be a gender neutral name, but I’m pretty sure Marianne is a woman’s name. I apologize to OP if you are male.

I just find it interesting that so many people assume OP is a man though. Females experience frustration the same as men. It just isn’t as socially acceptable to admit to it/ talk about it.

That being said- I think sexual cravings are something more similar to craving a chocolate milkshake. It’s a natural craving. Wanting something good isn’t bad for you… but wanting in excess or in the wrong way IS bad for you. So like- that milkshake… if you eat it before dinner and then no longer feel like eating the healthy food that is good for you, well, that would be bad. Or drinking milkshakes in excess- that’s bad too. Or having the milkshake all to yourself when your husband/wife would also like a drink. Etc etc.

Sex is good. I think we can all admit to that- but it’s definitely better with your spouse. It isn’t just physical, it’s this intense insane soul deep explosion of sensations.

I think touching yourself is less the sin as opposed to… ok if you do… what are you thinking about? What are the sinful things it could be pulling your mind towards? And think of your future spouse if you are not married yet, are they experiencing this with you? No. So it just… falls flat. Or might introduce your body to expectations and such that when you do have a spouse… you can’t experience what you are supposed to w them because you’ve muddied it up with a fantasy or something to that affect.

I’m just thinking of all this very abstractly.

Clearly I’ve often wondered the same thing… in an act where you aren’t throwing yourself at the wrong person and it’s not sinful to take a hot bath to feel good etc etc- yeah, I have thought about it and these are the answers I personally reached.

I can also speak from experience and awkwardly admit- that whenever I fell to that temptation it DID affect my intimacy w my spouse negatively. Can’t explain why- was just harder to get into. When I am not humoring those kind of urges- I guess I’m more eager to receive? I don’t know. I don’t want to be too descriptive.

All I can say is that I think it is SILLY and WRONG to treat sex like the act itself is dirty. We should be careful how we discuss it with our children when they are old enough. BUT- at the same time, it’s only good in the right context. And further, if it is in the right context- it’s probably one of the greatest points of human existence for those with the vocation.

It’s hard for me to rationalize with words why it’s sinful. All I can say is that I believe it is because I can tell the difference in myself and in my marriage when I avoid it.
No. I just noticed your comment on how everyone is on antidepressants
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