Why are you catholic?

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Well, I was raised Catholic and didn’t really know much of what the church taught or why the church taught what it taught. When I got ot be an adult, my husband and I moved around the country - ten times in the first ten years we were married - and I kept praying for friends and the friends I kept making were basically fundamentalist and evangelicals. They would all tell me that I “had a heart for Jesus” and some would even pray that I would become a CHristian someday. That confused and hurt me that they didn’t consider me to be Christian. I started asking why and looking up their quotes in the Bible and reading more and more of the Bible. To make a many years long story short - I attended some Bible studies and other services at some of my friends’ churches. I also kept reading the Bible and studying why the Catholic church held the teachings that she does. I found that unlike what my friends told me about the Catholic church being unbiblical, the Catholic Church was very Biblical. In fact I found that the quotes that my friends used to show the Catholic church is not biblical were normally taken out of context or were a bigger part of a point that was refined in other passages from sacred scripture. In all this study, I discovered the church I had grown up in but never known. I discovered the Catholic Church is a rich blessing from our Heavenly Father. I am thankful to all of my protestant friends whose questions and doubts helped me find answers in the fullness of the faith found in the Catholic Church.
yes the catholic church is biblle based. But the catholic church is filled with anti-biblical things. The vigin mary: the bible clearly states there is no way into the kingdom of heaven EXCEPT through Jesus Christ himself( John 14:6). It also says that God makes no judgements, that has been left to Christ himself( John 5:22 ). So then why do so many cathilics ignore this and coninue to pray to Mary, when clearly according to the scriptures she can do nothing for you or anyone else for that matter. Jesus is your PERSONAL SAVIOR so why do catholics have to tell a priest anything. But i do commend the catholic church for their works. But remember you are not saved by works alone. i say this to every one who reads it!

Perhaps it would be easier if you were to ask questions about what you have been told about the Catholic Church?

You seem to have many misunderstandings about what we believe and why we believe that which we do. If you would like to tackle these things one at a time, we would be glad too :). Threads can get too confusing if we have many issues per thread.

As to your questions, I am Catholic because it is the Church with Christ himself founded. It compiled the bible, speaks the truth, and upholds the will of God in a fallen world.
yes the catholic church is biblle based. But the catholic church is filled with anti-biblical things.
Nothing the Church teaches goes against the Bible.
The vigin mary: the bible clearly states there is no way into the kingdom of heaven EXCEPT through Jesus Christ himself( John 14:6). It also says that God makes no judgements, that has been left to Christ himself( John 5:22 ). So then why do so many cathilics ignore this and coninue to pray to Mary, when clearly according to the scriptures she can do nothing for you or anyone else for that matter.
Have you ever asked someone to pray for you? Also, read the wedding feast in Cana in John 2. Watch how Jesus says it is not His time yet, and then He changes His mind. What made Him change His mind? Did she do something for the wedding guests? Also, Catholics believe Christ alone is the Lord and Savior.
Jesus is your PERSONAL SAVIOR so why do catholics have to tell a priest anything.
Becaue Jesus told the Apostles to fo forth and forgive sins in His name, and those they forgived would be forgiven and those they retained would be retained. (John 20:23) By the way, where is the term “personal savior” in the Bible?
But i do commend the catholic church for their works.
But remember you are not saved by works alone.
Catholic don’t believe we are saved by works alone. We believe we are saved by grace.
Iam Catholic because I want to be 🙂 I love Jesus Christ, I love the
Blessed Virgin Mary! Mainly, because I love God with my whole
heart, my whole soul, and my whole mind!
yes the catholic church is biblle based. But the catholic church is filled with anti-biblical things. The vigin mary: the bible clearly states there is no way into the kingdom of heaven EXCEPT through Jesus Christ himself( John 14:6). It also says that God makes no judgements, that has been left to Christ himself( John 5:22 ). So then why do so many cathilics ignore this and coninue to pray to Mary, when clearly according to the scriptures she can do nothing for you or anyone else for that matter. Jesus is your PERSONAL SAVIOR so why do catholics have to tell a priest anything. But i do commend the catholic church for their works. But remember you are not saved by works alone. i say this to every one who reads it!
Actually the Bible is Catholic based. The Canon of Scripture wasn’t defined until around 393 AD (the first official Bible, and I am not sure what the exact date is).

Second, when the priest is hearing confession he is acting in “Persona Christi.”

Thirdly, when we pray to Mary we are asking Mary to pray with and for us. Look to the Wedding Feast at Cana for an example.

You are correct in saying that we are not saved on works alone. It has always been the Catholic Church’s teaching that faith and works save.
Thanks Genisis315-- Exactly what I was going to write!

RW–You may want to post your questions on the Apologetics thread to get even more detailed answers. Good Luck!

To answer your question I am Catholic because of College. I took a History of Civilization Class and I learned so much about history, all of it related to what I had grown up learning about my Faith. My mother is Catholic and raised my brothers and sisters in the Faith.My father was lutheran and always made outragous claims about Catholism and then my mother would get out the Bible and prove him wrong. (My parents are now divorced and I still don’t understand how my dad ever married a Catholic girl!) In my adult life I am constantly listening to archived recordings of EWTN"s show The Journey Home about people’s conversion stories. It is so uplifting to hear about people coming closer to Christ! I highly recommend the program. Go to www.ewtn.com to listen to it live Monday night or listen to archived shows. God Bless–Rebecca
Why are you catholic?
Born and raised. I have yet to see a good reason to leave. The more I learn the more I am convinced I have been in the right place the whole time.

Plus, nothing is better than worshiping God through the Mass and receiving Jesus in Holy Communion 👍 .
yes the catholic church is biblle based. But the catholic church is filled with anti-biblical things. The vigin mary: the bible clearly states there is no way into the kingdom of heaven EXCEPT through Jesus Christ himself( John 14:6). It also says that God makes no judgements, that has been left to Christ himself( John 5:22 ). So then why do so many cathilics ignore this and coninue to pray to Mary, when clearly according to the scriptures she can do nothing for you or anyone else for that matter. Jesus is your PERSONAL SAVIOR so why do catholics have to tell a priest anything. But i do commend the catholic church for their works. But remember you are not saved by works alone. i say this to every one who reads it!
I am sorry to say you actually know very little about Catholicism , before you attack it, don’t you think it would be wise to find out what it teaches ?😦

Evidently you have heard some negative things about the Church, but what are your sources ?:confused:

To be fair you should be well read on what the Catholic Church teaches from Catholic souces and why they believe that way.

The tone of what you say comes accross in a most unchristian manner.
It is in all of our best interest to be charitable.🙂


I’m not trying to be rude, but this may come off as rough.

Please educate yourself properly of what we catholics believe. Before you tell us what we believe, kindly read the Catechism of the Catholic Church first. IF you have problems with our faith handed from St. Peter, then come back and discuss it here.

I apologize for being curt.

in XT.

P.S. I’m Catholic because I love and believe in God and it is the Chruch that Christ founded.
I’m catholic firstly, because I was baptized catholic. I’m still Catholic because Jesus Christ founded this Church. 🙂
Who was it…Cardinal Neuman? who said (paraphrasing) to be immersed in history is to cease to be protestant? Kinda my story. To be sure I have close Catholic relatives (like my grandfather) who influenced me. But, when I began to apply my degrees in history and anthropology (I am an archaeologist) to my Christianity and Christian scholarship (something I had avoided like the plague) I found the Catholic Church shining like a beacon in the fog. This is the church founded by Christ and preserved by his apostles and their sucessors. In all my life I never thought I’d make such a statement, but…
I was born Catholic. I stayed Catholic because I felt (and now know) that in the Catholic Church, we have the fullness of the Truth of the Gospels and Jesus Christ! 👍
Who was it…Cardinal Neuman? who said (paraphrasing) to be immersed in history is to cease to be protestant? Kinda my story. To be sure I have close Catholic relatives (like my grandfather) who influenced me. But, when I began to apply my degrees in history and anthropology (I am an archaeologist) to my Christianity and Christian scholarship (something I had avoided like the plague) I found the Catholic Church shining like a beacon in the fog. This is the church founded by Christ and preserved by his apostles and their sucessors. In all my life I never thought I’d make such a statement, but…
So…have you started RCIA yet??? 😃
Good question!

I was born and raised Catholic. I do sometimes wonder what I would think about the church if I were not born Catholic, but it doesn’t shake my faith the church. So some scientists may say I am just Catholic because I more psychologically comfortable with it. Not much I can say to that! All I can do is have faith in what I believe, and I believe in the Catholic church. There are still many things I don’t know about its doctrine and teachings, but the more I learn and think about it, the more I am in awe of the church and the people within.
I’m Catholic because I was lucky enough to be brought up in the Church, even though my parents did not see fit to force the religion on me. I was atheist for most of my life, but after a serious illness, I decided that I needed God’s help to get through my problems. I felt that Holy Mother Church is the Truth, with a big T, so why would I accept the imposters? – To be quite blunt. ^^;

I just feel that the Church is the most reliable source of truth within this universe, based on my research of the various religions and Christian denominations. If we can’t believe in an institution that’s survived for 2000 years, or whatever, then what can we believe in, right? I just wish our “separated brethren” would understand that. ¬¬;
Because I know this is the Church Christ founded. Because I can’t imagine being anything else. Why on earth would I give up the Eucharist? Jesus is really physically present with us in the Mass; could I renounce him–no!! I’m also Catholic because I love history and knowing that I am a link in a chain that extends back two thousand years to Jesus himself. This may be a shocker to some Protestants, but I like having a Pope in the Vatican who shephards our faith. A religion needs rules (for lack of a better word) and someone to lay them out, which is what all of our Popes have done for us. How could I turn away from my faith?
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