Why are you catholic?

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**“The difficulty of explaining ‘why I am a Catholic’ is that there are ten thousand reasons all amounting to one reason: that Catholicism is true.” **
- G.K. Chesterton
The sacraments.

Even with all the insanity of the hierarchy and priests, the sacraments keep me Catholic.
I was born and raised Catholic. I fell away for years. The only reason I am back as a practicing Catholic is because, for some reason, the Lord WANTED me back and gave to me the necessary grace to do it. It was His mercy toward a sinner that turned my life around. To revert back to my sinful ways of the past would be the biggest mistake of my life…and I’ve made some doozies. Now I can only wonder why He chose to have such great mercy on me. And His mercy continues every day.
because all salvation substantially(organically) or indirectly comes through the church. If the church is here, it must be There. If anyone is There they will surely be catholic.
Why are you catholic?

I am Catholic because when I came back the the Lord a couple of years ago, the Catholic Church was the only one that made sense.

I’m sure others can explain to you how the Catholic religion is the only one that matches the teachings of Sacred Scripture and the Early Church, and how the only Church that can trace its origins from the Apostles is the Catholic Church.

But, for me, after 5 years of wandering among Churches, including Calvery Chapel abd a Christian community in Oregon, and another 20 wandering down the road to Jericco, the Catholic Church was the only one that made sense.

In Christ, Michael
So…have you started RCIA yet??? 😃
Yep! Loving every blessed minute of it, too! I have to say, my protestant experience (even as Southern Baptist) never conveyed the backwards misunderstandings (or at least never publically derided Catholicism) as in the way the thread starter did. Of course, if you can’t tolerate Catholics in Louisiana, you are out of luck! 😃

Uh oh, I hope we didn’t bring the hurricanes on ourselves… 😃
Because of the intercesion of The Lady of The Rosary and the three seers of Fatima.
because CHRIST called me through the EUCHARIST & I found out that I believed most things more like a catholic than a protestant.( I’m not protesting any more)
Hey everyone.
Looks like RWBhbrws1 is suspended and probably wasn’t really interested in our responces. It was fun to hear your stories though! God Bless!
Because I realised it is the only true faith and converted - simple now, but it regrettably took me too long to come to that obvious(now) realisation.
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