Why aren't the Arabs helping their brethren?

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Somebody forwarded this email to me today. What is your opinion of this author’s take on the Tsunami crisis?

Where are the Arabs when Moslems really are Refugees?
Naomi Ragen

I have been watching with growing amazement how the Americans are being
criticized for the disaster in the Indian Ocean. First, the UN (Americans are
the largest financial contributor to the UN, with 3 billion dollars in 2003
alone) called America “stingy.” Then President Bush, who made a policy
statement 72 hours after the disaster, while Kofi Anan was still on Christmas
vacation, and the Swedes, who had thousands of citizens feared dead, had
nothing to say. But no one has said a word about Saudi Arabia’s $10 million
dollar aid package.

Wow! Considering the billions they have funneled into terror groups, that’s
really big of them.

Almost exactly a year ago, on Jan 1 2004, Americans also went to Iran to help
when an earthquake killed 30,000. According to CBS news one Iranian cleric
greeted the help with the following statement: “We hate the arrogance of the
Americans and we are sure that they haven’t come for humanitarian reasons, but
for other things like spying,” said Abdullah Irani, a mullah from Qum, the main
center for Shia Muslim clerics in Iran."

And just try to Google Syrian aid for tsunami victims…See what you come up
with. Zero.

Given the fact that Indonesia is 78% Moslem, and has lost more than 100,000
people, Sri Lanka is 8% Moslem, and India is 11% Moslem, one would think that
Arab nations would now show an outpouring of support and sympathy. After all,
isn’t that the excuse they always use for backing the “poor Palestinians” –
that they are fellow Moslems and their solidarity is a given? And doesn’t the
West tip-toe around Muslim sensibilities whether it be the Americans who are
terrified of entering a mosque (even one being used as a shelter for
terrorists), or Parisians who dare to ask girls not to wear Islamic head
coverings to class, or British, who allow local Imans to give hate sermons in
London mosques? Isn’t the Western belief that that to hurt or offend one Moslem
is to hurt and offend them all? So, how is it, that the great solidarity of the
Islamic world when it comes to their “pride” or their touchy religious
sensibilities doesn’t extend to humanitarian aid when thousands of Moslems lay
dead in the streets? Where are the much touted “Moslem Benevolent Funds” when
you really need them for something other than guns to kill Israelis and blow up

Makes one think, doesn’t it, that perhaps all these years their concern for the
plight of the Palestinian “refugees” wasn’t based on purely humanitarian
grounds. Let’s just see how charitable Moslems will be to the millions of
Moslem refugees in Asia now, people who, unlike the Palestinians, really don’t
have a roof over their heads or a way to earn a living. Let’s just see.
this should be posted on an islamic site. many many good points.
Saudi Arabia triples aid package… RIYADH (AFP) - Saudi Arabia announced that it was increasing its aid to victims of the Asian tsunami disaster to 30 million dollars and would organize a telethon to raise more funds.

Given that the scale of the disaster and damage “has surpassed all expectations, royal orders have been issued to increase Saudi Arabia’s aid to the victims from 10 million dollars to 30 million dollars,” the official SPA news agency reported.

SPA reported earlier that King Fahd and Crown Prince Abdullah bin Abdul Aziz, whose oil-rich country initially pledged 10 million dollars in emergency funds for the victims, had ordered a telethon to be staged by state television on Thursday.

The death toll from the massive December 26 earthquake and resulting tidal waves around the Indian Ocean neared 146,000 Tuesday, more than 94,000 of them in Muslim-majority Indonesia.
Gilliam, I am glad to see that Saudi, at least, is really helping out.
I think we need to concentrate on our own help to the victims, and let the Arab nations figure out their way. It is not good for us to be criticizing. We did not like it when we were criticized.
Saudi Arabia is giving 30 million? Big deal! Any single state in the US is giving that much. The only reason the Arab nations support the Palestinians is because they don’t want them in their countries. They figure if they can keep the Palestinian dream of retaking all of Israel they won’t have them moving into their countries.
Do we know anything more about this article? Who the author is and whether (or where) it was published? An article criticizing Arabs, purportedly written by someone with a Jewish name…We probably should suspend judgment without knowing more.
La Chiara:
Do we know anything more about this article? Who the author is and whether (or where) it was published? An article criticizing Arabs, purportedly written by someone with a Jewish name…We probably should suspend judgment without knowing more.
How very kind of you to point out that anyone with a Jewish name has no business criticizing a Arabs or their countries. I don’t know about where you come from but even in my home state of Georgia that is racism. The oil states in Arabia are some of the richest countries in the world yet they have given only a pittance to aid their Muslim brothers. It is obvious they would rather spend their money on terrorism.
Because it could be a scam. Or because it incites anger against Muslims and, therefore, is a form of racism. I question this article which has an author’s name but no other “provenance”. Sounds dubious to me. Call me skeptical.
How very kind of you to point out that anyone with a Jewish name has no business criticizing a Arabs or their countries. I don’t know about where you come from but even in my home state of Georgia that is racism. The oil states in Arabia are some of the richest countries in the world yet they have given only a pittance to aid their Muslim brothers. It is obvious they would rather spend their money on terrorism.
I said that? I don’t think so. And you are calling me racist? Hmmmmm.
Saudi Arabia is giving 30 million? Big deal! Any single state in the US is giving that much. The only reason the Arab nations support the Palestinians is because they don’t want them in their countries. They figure if they can keep the Palestinian dream of retaking all of Israel they won’t have them moving into their countries.
This is so right on target.
La Chiara:
I said that? I don’t think so. And you are calling me racist? Hmmmmm.
This is you exact quote;
La Chiara:
Do we know anything more about this article? Who the author is and whether (or where) it was published? An article criticizing Arabs, purportedly written by someone with a Jewish name…We probably should suspend judgment without knowing more…
I did not say you are a racist but your statement is most certainly racist. Let the chips fall where they may.
La Chiara:
I did a google search on Naomi Ragen and found her website.


She is not altogether an impartial observer of such issues.
The question should be, is she accruate or not. The Arab states have been slow to respond. But they have responded.
OP, not all Arabs are Muslims.
Arabian Peninsula… Christianity, introduced in various parts of the peninsula in early Christian centuries, succumbed to Islam in the seventh century. The native pop. is entirely Muslim. The only Christians are foreign workers mainly from Philippines, India and Korea.

1998 Catholic Almanac: Our Sunday Visitor: USA (1997), pg. 333-367.
gilliam said:
Arabian Peninsula… Christianity, introduced in various parts of the peninsula in early Christian centuries, succumbed to Islam in the seventh century. The native pop. is entirely Muslim. The only Christians are foreign workers mainly from Philippines, India and Korea.

1998 Catholic Almanac: Our Sunday Visitor: USA (1997), pg. 333-367.

There is a good sized population of native Christians in Lebanon, and they are Arabs. There are smaller enclaves native Christians in Egypt, Iraq and Turkey and Palestinians. These are the ones I am sure of, there may be others. So it is true that not all Arabs are Muslim and not all Muslims are Arabic.
There is a good sized population of native Christians in Lebanon, and they are Arabs. There are smaller enclaves native Christians in Egypt, Iraq and Turkey and Palestinians. These are the ones I am sure of, there may be others. So it is true that not all Arabs are Muslim and not all Muslims are Arabic.
I know, it would have been better to have stated: All but an extremely small portion of the population of most Arab countries are Muslim. By the way, the Turks and Egyptions are not Arabs.


Saudi Arabia - 0%
Lebanon 30%
Iraq 4-5%
UAE - 5%
Bahrain - 5%
Kuwait - 7-9%

I have no idea about Palestinians. I have a record that 94.80% are Muslims.

Source: adherents.com
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