I agree that DV is an indication of a person’s tendency toward even greater degrees of violence. But I would argue that DV has underlying causes that could/should fall under the mental health umbrella. Whether DV is caused by chemical imbalance, generational abuse, or some other mental illness or disorder. Those are all problems that could be alleviated by counseling, psychiatric care, or even institutionalization.
Currently, the US has a reactionary system composed of courts, jails and prisons, drug rehabilitation centers, halfway houses, and the underutilized institutions for the criminally insane. All of which are reactionary. Not much exists on the preventative side.
Currently, the US has a reactionary system composed of courts, jails and prisons, drug rehabilitation centers, halfway houses, and the underutilized institutions for the criminally insane. All of which are reactionary. Not much exists on the preventative side.