I’ve been thinking for a while about becoming a deacon in order to serve the God and church that I love more thoroughly. Is this a good enough reason? I cannot become a priest because I am married. What else does a deacon do besides help out during mass? I can’t quit my day job, I just want to be part of the historic church more so than I am now. ANy deacons out there that can tell me why they became deacons?
Hi RubberSoul,
My experience has been it takes a lot of prayer and discernment and then more prayer and discernment.
After 15 years since my Ordination I still have to pray and discern my vocation.
It is not a matter of you choosing to become a deacon, but the Lord choosing you. It is His call not ours. We are just called to respond to wherever our Lord wants us. And if you are chosen to enter Formation that is not a guarantee you will be ordained. You won’t know that until the Bishop lays hands on you, I have seen many enter the Diaconate Formation who were never ordained because of various reasons.
For one, your wife has to support you taking that step. Without her approval you will not be accepted. There are many meeting to attend in the discernment process. You have to have the recommendation of your pastor, recommendation from your place of employment and from others who know you. Your marriage will be closely evaluated and you and your wife will be interviewed by priest and deacons and their wives. You will be required to have a physical examination, psychological examination and more.
One of the things they will be looking for is experience and commitment to ministry. The Formation Period is 5 years and you must be at least 35 years old at the time of ordination.
What is important is not so much what Deacons do in their ministry but who they are. You can’t preach it if your not living it.
If I can be of further help let me know. :angel1:
I will pray for you an Brendan that the Lord’s will for you will be fulfilled.
Peace and Blessings,
Deacon Don Bourgeois
St. Jane de Chantal Catholic Church
Abita Springs, Louisiana