Exactly. Catholics are always called upon to answer questions that are asked in a ‘prove it’ manner and a ‘distrustful’ sense. And this one about receiving the wine or bread is simply mute when, in fact, they are changed into the body **and ** blood, soul and divinity.Tom,
I would also ask you friend why so many protestants use grape juice instead of wine–is that scriptural and valid? Also why do they do it so infrequently when Christ commanded us to do it?
Let’s ask, the real question that should be answered, as quoted above. Why do Protestants view the Eucharist as symbolic?
If we were to be as ‘prove it’ and ‘distrustful’ of their intentions and decision-making…then, we should know why many Protestants use ‘grape juice’ or a like substance, for communion. Who made that decision? I view it as a poor one, considering the magnitude, the awesomeness, the beauty in the gift of the Church’s Eucharist!
It took me three ‘posts’ to try and express how I feel on this ‘discussion’. I feel better now, regardless of any objections.
I am simply happy to have the Eucharist, and I trust in Christ, so therefore I trust in his Church because I trust in Him.