As a former episcopalian a few thoughts.Episcopal Alternative?
I am a non practicing Roman Catholic who, according to the Roman Church, has not been in the State of Grace for over twenty years due to divorce and re-marriage. I have, from time to time, attended Mass refraining from receiving the sacrament of Holy Communion. In the earlier years I did receive after convincing myself it was ok. In later years, and presently, I do not physically receive in the Roman Catholic Church, however, I do from time to time receive in spirit only. More recently I have received in the Episcopal Church since I have learned I am welcomed to do so and not prohibited by cannon.
My wife is an active Congregationalist. I have attended services with her on many occasions but have never felt quite right about it. I do receive Communion when attending services at the Congregational Church. When I do receive I pray to Jesus for his understanding that I am participating in a community ceremony in remembrance of Him and I do not consider the bread and wine His body and blood. I do, however, believe in the True Presence in the Roman Catholic Mass and the Episcopal Eucharist.
My wife and I want to attend a church together as active and faithful members. It is important for both of us for many reasons. The most important reason for me is to fully practice my faith and to receive the sacrament of Communion leading to a State Of Grace in good conscience and on a regular basis. The service or mass is always a very emotional experience for me; especially when I feel the absence of Christ when the faithful are receiving.
I have only recently learned and now I truly believe that in the Episcopal Church the actual presence of the Body and Blood of Christ is in the Host. I was taught otherwise, thus I was under a different impression. My sister and her husband (who is becoming a Roman Catholic Deacon) has assured me of this fact. The good news is obvious. I can fully practice my faith in the Episcopal Church! The Nicene Creed recited in the Episcopal Eucharist further confirms my faith and gives me the “go ahead” to become an Episcopalian. I can actually feel the tug. This is the best news I have received in years.
Guidance? ……
In respect of your marriage, I don’t know if you have discussed this with a priest, you may or may not be in the position that your first marriage could be annuled. Our priest recently stated, when discussing the diocesan meeting for those affected by marriage/remarriage/divorce that the process is generally pretty quick nowadays, it may not be a hopeless situation. Fr Serpa, CA Apologist also notes these matters are often quickly resolved. forums.catholic-questions.org/showthread.php?p=236593#post236593
Why not post in the Ask an Apologist forum or private message one of the Apologists?
In respect of the real presence in Episcopal Churches, two points.
1 - Belief in the Anglican communion goes all the way from a Catholic understanding through to a real presence, but not transubstantiation through to memorial only. Depends entirely on the parish you go to. Similarly you will only find confession in Anglo Catholic parishes, etc.
2 - The Eucharist in the parish you go to might be valid. The ‘higher’ (i.e. more Anglo Catholic you go, the more likely.) The Church does not believe Anglican Orders are valid (Apostolae Curae), however many Anglican Bishops since then were consecrated or reconsecrated by Old Catholic or Orthodox Bishops which makes their Holy Orders ‘valid, if illicit,’ I have heard it described.
I would really investigate the annulment route. It sounds like you only want to leave so you can recieve the Eucharist, which I fully understand.
Hope this helps.