The American system was built on the ideals of freedom… mostly individual freedom.
During WW2, the word “socialist” became a big bad word… probably worse than “nig**r”.
Then the government was taken over by the so-called corporate-America. Congress even has a wing dedicated to offices for lobbying representatives.
All while channeling so much of their budget to the military, as if anyone was going to attack them anytime soon… clearly not, so they have to attack others - Korea, Vietnam, Iraq, Afghanistan… just naming a few…
A huge waste of resources that could be directed at themselves, at keeping them alive and healthy… But the health industry also wants to make their big bucks - if you can pay for health, why have it for free?!
Reminds me of the Nestle guy’s comments on access to clean water.
Governments exist to point the country in the right direction. To draw up the outline of where to go. America’s governments have made it so the corporations have priority… which works well enough while people are coming in to work for next to nothing, or are willing to have 2 or 3 jobs simultaneously… but that can’t last forever.
Why would I move out of Europe to the US, when I know that if I have an accident, I’ll be treated properly here and not be left in financial ruin afterwards… while in the US… no insurance, no bueno!
I think this sort of thing would be difficult to implement in one go, in the US… but perhaps it could start in a few smaller states, where the people are more receptive to such ideas, and then spread out, as the “experiment” turns out to be a positive one. Of course, the military budget will suffer, some taxes may increase a bit, but what does it matter, when you automatically increase everyone’s life expectancy and quality of life?