"Many complain that young people are not getting the basic life skills so needed to survive in the world. …
At the same time, our culture encourages young people to extend their adolescence well into their twenties. They postpone future responsibilities indefinitely as seen in a third of young adults between 18 and 34 that now rely upon their parents for room, board or financial support.
The result is a surge of young people ill-prepared to be adults. Indeed, young people doing adult-like things has given rise to the new verb “to adult.” Making one’s bed in the morning is an exercise in adulting as would be arriving on time for work.
Marketers would be amiss if they did not take notice of an opportunity. Hence, adulting classes have sprung up all over the country."
Why Catholic Millennials Need These Four Urgent Life Skills
At the same time, our culture encourages young people to extend their adolescence well into their twenties. They postpone future responsibilities indefinitely as seen in a third of young adults between 18 and 34 that now rely upon their parents for room, board or financial support.
The result is a surge of young people ill-prepared to be adults. Indeed, young people doing adult-like things has given rise to the new verb “to adult.” Making one’s bed in the morning is an exercise in adulting as would be arriving on time for work.
Marketers would be amiss if they did not take notice of an opportunity. Hence, adulting classes have sprung up all over the country."
Why Catholic Millennials Need These Four Urgent Life Skills
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