This is from the CRHP book.
Christ Renews His Parish
1.) Christ Renews His Parish. CRHP is a copyrighted parish renewal prcess that has existed since 1969. and been recommended by the renewal office of the National Conference of Catholic Bishops. It has been used as the primary instrument of personal & parish renewal in over 600 parishes in 25 states in the United States and in Italy. All this has happened without benefit of advertising and full time staff. We believe that if the Lord wants to use CRHP in a parish, He’ll tell someone there who can take proper action.
2.) Over the years, we’ve worked hard to structure CRHP so that it becomes part of normal parish life without becoming another parish organization. We have also worked not to become associated with any particular school of spirituality nor mode of prayer. CRHP is sacramentally based and utilizes much prayer, scripture, and sharing.
3.) CRHP has four parts:
1.) Experience a CRHP weekend
2.) Be a part of a team; go through formation
3.) Minister a CRHP weekend
4.) Search for the Lord's call to what is next
When someone completes the whole of the process, they are called parishioner. There is no other special title.
4.) CRHP requires assistance from outside the parish to start. Once parish renewal has started, it continues using parishioners only. A number of dioceses have established renewal offices to coordinate CRHP within their diocese. CRHP is coordinated nationally by a volunteer group of lay people. CRHP does not receive any financial subsidy or support from any diocese or religious order.
5.) The process costs $450 per parish, a one time registration fee. Handbooks cost $35 each (when ordered by a parish in numbers of five or more) and are passed from team to team, thus eliminating the need to constantly purchase more handbooks. Handbooks are vital to the formation process so each team member must have a handbook. Parishes agree to use the process only within their appropriate parish.
For more information, please contact:
P. O. Box 19100
Cleveland, OH 44119
Office: (216) 731-7903 (voice mail)
FAX: (216) 481-1666
Reprinted with permission. Christ Renews His Parish, Cleveland, OH. All Rights Reserved.
I don’t know. My bishop is supporting the Why Catholic? program.
Hope this helps!