"Why Catholic?" program - Renew International

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I am very very very sceptical of anything from Renew or Renew international. Thier programs from the 80’s and 90’s were outright earth realigion and pagan like. very watered down theology. You will not see this program in many traditional parishes. Some but not many. A good catechist could develop a very similar program on their own that is more Orthodox.
I wish. My parish can’t even get a decent evening Bible study class together. The DRE won’t participate and isn’t interested enough to respond to my e-mail when I inquired about alternative courses. What he didn’t realize is that I copied that pastor and he wants to know about the response I get from the DRE.

You wouldn’t happened to be in the DFW area?
My parish is St. Ann in Coppell (close to DFW airport) and we have a group starting the Why Catholic study. Our Bible studies are parishioner driven because there are so many of them. Lots of past CRHP teams now meet for Bible study. We have a group called Sisters in Christ that is organized sort of geographically into smaller groups that meet in homes in or near our parish boundaries that do Bible study and other spiritual activities together. All women are welcome.

We do have an adult RE director who schedules lectures for Wed. evenings and coordinates RCIA. The lectures are listed in the bulletin with the topics in advance during the school year mainly. All adults across the metro are welcome to attend one lecture or many. He is a very nice man who could give you some info if you call him after Easter. (Busy season you know!) Just make sure you don’t call the kids’ DRE who is swamped with little kid stuff only.

If you are close to our part of the metro and want to come join a Bible study (day or evening), then check out our bulletin using the drop down menu from the home page of the website. You should be able to find the info on the Why Catholic and some other Bible studies and call the leader(s). We also have the in depth study course sponsored with U. of Dallas that goes by semesters and takes something like 3 years to complete. There are other parish sponsored studies that have no or low fees and just choose materials like one of Scott Hahn’s courses and then meet weekly. The leaders could also give you info on starting a group at your parish since it sounds like your priest is willing.

We have a very friendly super-size parish that welcomes people from the surrounding parishes to join us for activities. We even have people drop in to sing in our choir just for the summer while their parish choir takes a break. I drove across Dallas to participate at St. Ann for 2 years after doing RCIA there before I moved into the parish. You will be welcomed! You can PM me if you have more questions.


I have had so many invitations from a lot of wonderful people. Most of them are in Collin county or in your area. I’m in Arlington.

My pastor’s 10th anniverary at our parish is coming up and he is sending out a survey for comments. Tonight, I sent him an e-mail requesting that he include Bible study on his survey.

I looked at the Why Catholic website and, at this time, there are no parishes in the Fort Worth diocese who are offering this course. I imagine the younger parishes will be those most interested in this type of course. My parish was the first parish (abt 1950) in Arlington out of seven, now, and the parishoners seem to be a bit older than a parish in a newer community like Coppell. I’m hoping St. Michael’s in Beford or Most Blessed Sacrament in north Arlington will discover this course soon.

I’ll give St. Ann’s website a look and may take you up on your offer when things start up again in the Fall.

Thank you so much.
Please help! Our diocese (parish, too) will soon be taking part in a spiritual renewal process to help parishioners develop a closer relationship with Christ. I am very confused now because I knew the program was originally linked to “Call to Action” groups and it had a Renew 2000 name. There is no mention of Renew 2000 anywhere on their website. I have found some past information from the archives dating back to 2004. Lots of people weren’t speaking favorably about it back then.
Colin Donovan, EWTN, wrote about the program RENEW and RENEW 2000. He said that some bishops forbade the use of the Leader Books. He continued that in order to make these sessions orthodox, it would depend on the lay leadership and local cleric. So, it seems there’s a lot of “ifs, ands, and buts”.
I want to go to my bishop and talk to him about this, but I want to come with facts… anybody got any facts about RENEW International??
I don’t have any inside info in Renew but my parish is taking part in their Why Catholic? program. We’re going through the catechism over a four year period. We’ve completed the first session (2 sessions a year) and nothing jumps out at me as odd. I think they also do Theology on Tap. Wish I had more to tell you.

God Bless,
Please help! Our diocese (parish, too) will soon be taking part in a spiritual renewal process to help parishioners develop a closer relationship with Christ. I am very confused now because I knew the program was originally linked to “Call to Action” groups and it had a Renew 2000 name. There is no mention of Renew 2000 anywhere on their website. I have found some past information from the archives dating back to 2004. Lots of people weren’t speaking favorably about it back then.
Colin Donovan, EWTN, wrote about the program RENEW and RENEW 2000. He said that some bishops forbade the use of the Leader Books. He continued that in order to make these sessions orthodox, it would depend on the lay leadership and local cleric. So, it seems there’s a lot of “ifs, ands, and buts”.
I want to go to my bishop and talk to him about this, but I want to come with facts… anybody got any facts about RENEW International??
Are you talking about thier “Why Catholic?” program?

Here is the review of Renwal International websight and materiels. But nothing on “Why Catholic?”

We started the “Why Catholic? - What We Believe” - in our parish this last lent and it is being used all over the Diocese. At first I was very enthused about it, but I am having second thoughts of continuing my participation in the fall. This program is not the same as the Renewal 2000 which brought so much flak in previous years, but I was disappointed.

It seems to follow the CCC, which it is suppose to be a ‘Journey through the Catechism’. Archbishop Michael J. Sheehan of Santa Fe endorces it and the Nihil Obstat is Rev. Lawrence E. Frizzell Archdiocese of Newwark and the Imprimatur is Archbishop Joh J. Myers of Newwark.

I would like to see a proper evaluation of it, it was brought to our Diocese while we didn’t, and don’t have a Bishop - though our previous Bishop was suppose to have approved it.

Hope this helps.
Thanks for your help here. I looked on the website link that you inserted and read what Regis Martin had to say about the leaders’ manuals. Oh my goodness. Please pray that my husband and I may go with some literature to our bishop and speak to him in love, but in truth.
I have facilitated a RENEW group. We still meet as a faith sharing group, but I refuse to use any more RENEW materials. Its approach does not meet the needs of various ethnic or cultural groups, it makes the less-educated feel inferior, it is manipulatiev, and most significantly, it is weak theologically. It’s a “feel good” program sadly deficient in building the Church in truth. I hope you’ll look into BCC or some other program.
:yup: Thank you very much, quiet52, for your shared experience with RENEW International. I’m grateful for your candid comments.
I’ve also received help from one of the apologists here who sent me a few reviews of Renew Materials.

I’d like to know more about BCC program you mentioned. Should I just “google” this? I’ll try it. God bless you for your help.
I apologize – I assumed the BCC (Basic Christian Community) retreats and sharing groups were widespread, but I just found out they’re not. Here’s some info anyway on this website:

There are quite a few BCC faith-sharing groups in quite a few parishes in my diocese.

Perhaps you can look into the “Echoes of Faith Plus Adult Faith Formation” series. Or the “Exploring Our Catholic Faith” program. Visit www.RCLweb.com for more information. Sorry, I don’t know about them first-hand … I’ve only read the ad in a RCL brochure, but just glancing at what is pictured, I think either program would beat RENEW International.

You’re in my prayers.
Perhaps you can look into the “Echoes of Faith Plus Adult Faith Formation” series. Or the “Exploring Our Catholic Faith” program. Visit www.RCLweb.com for more information. Sorry, I don’t know about them first-hand … I’ve only read the ad in a RCL brochure, but just glancing at what is pictured, I think either program would beat RENEW International.

You’re in my prayers.
there is a discussion of resources from RCL and their deficiencies on other threads. If this parish is looking specifically for a parish renewal and evangelization program, they should stick with that focus. why not just look at the materials in question on the website, or obtain the free stuff they are happy to send you, preferably evaluating with the help of a team of parishioners who will be implementing the program.
I’m checking out other parish evangelization programs online. Thanks!
I’m a small group leader for Renew’s Why Catholic? program. We’re just going through the Catechism. It’s been pretty good so far but nothing earth shattering for my group.

If you’re parish is looking to jump start things they should start Christ Renews His Parish program before doing something like Why Catholic?. I would have never have volunteered as a small group leader before CRHP.

Would you tell me more about “Christ Renews His Parish”?
Most of the feedback and research about RENEW hasn’t been complimentary. Many experts have stated that it is not theologically sound. CUF (Catholics United for the Faith) has raised a red flag about this program.

Our parish is made up of families who are desiring solid Catholic truth. No fluff - no New Age! The majority are homeschooling, although the parish has grown so in the past year that they are looking at a new Catholic Education Program in the parish.

My thought is: allow the homeschool moms to teach the moms and dads of the non-homeschoolers. Catholic education should be taught from mom and dad! CCD has (in my opinion) been one of the reasons we are so uncatechized as Church today.
My biggest concern is: Why would a bishop present this kind of stuff to his flock?? :shrug:
Would you tell me more about “Christ Renews His Parish”?
This is from the CRHP book.


Christ Renews His Parish
1.) Christ Renews His Parish. CRHP is a copyrighted parish renewal prcess that has existed since 1969. and been recommended by the renewal office of the National Conference of Catholic Bishops. It has been used as the primary instrument of personal & parish renewal in over 600 parishes in 25 states in the United States and in Italy. All this has happened without benefit of advertising and full time staff. We believe that if the Lord wants to use CRHP in a parish, He’ll tell someone there who can take proper action.

2.) Over the years, we’ve worked hard to structure CRHP so that it becomes part of normal parish life without becoming another parish organization. We have also worked not to become associated with any particular school of spirituality nor mode of prayer. CRHP is sacramentally based and utilizes much prayer, scripture, and sharing.

3.) CRHP has four parts:

1.) Experience a CRHP weekend
2.) Be a part of a team; go through formation

3.) Minister a CRHP weekend

4.) Search for the Lord's call to what is next
When someone completes the whole of the process, they are called parishioner. There is no other special title.

4.) CRHP requires assistance from outside the parish to start. Once parish renewal has started, it continues using parishioners only. A number of dioceses have established renewal offices to coordinate CRHP within their diocese. CRHP is coordinated nationally by a volunteer group of lay people. CRHP does not receive any financial subsidy or support from any diocese or religious order.

5.) The process costs $450 per parish, a one time registration fee. Handbooks cost $35 each (when ordered by a parish in numbers of five or more) and are passed from team to team, thus eliminating the need to constantly purchase more handbooks. Handbooks are vital to the formation process so each team member must have a handbook. Parishes agree to use the process only within their appropriate parish.

For more information, please contact:

P. O. Box 19100
Cleveland, OH 44119

Office: (216) 731-7903 (voice mail)
FAX: (216) 481-1666

Reprinted with permission. Christ Renews His Parish, Cleveland, OH. All Rights Reserved.
My biggest concern is: Why would a bishop present this kind of stuff to his flock??
I don’t know. My bishop is supporting the Why Catholic? program.

Hope this helps!

My biggest concern is: Why would a bishop present this kind of stuff to his flock??   :shrug:
I think one of the reasons for this is that, whatever your opinion of RENEW, they are certainly excellent at promoting their materials. When they pitched the Why Catholic? program here in my neck of the woods, it sounded like it would be the greatest thing in the world, but a lot of people were sorely disappointed.

It’s not that the program is heretical, but it seems like it would be difficult to do well unless the Group leader was fairly well versed in Catholic teaching (even though the RENEW people claim that the leader doesn’t need to be especially knowledgeable). If someone in the small group doesn’t have a handle on things, it can turn into the blind leading the blind IMO. I’ve heard priests comment that, when they sat in on the small groups in their parish, some of them were veering off into heretical ideas (not because there’s heresy in the RENEW books, but because of the open-ended, subjective discussion questions). I think the program can be done well with the right people, but you just need to be careful.

FYI, Theology on Tap began in the Archdiocese of Chicago and was only recently taken on by RENEW (the beginning of this year). It seems to be a good program for evangelization to the oft neglected young adult group. I’m not sure what changes or control RENEW is now exerting over it since it changed hands.
I’m currently involved in the fourth “season” of RENEW at our parish and, while I haven’t run into anything heretical, it would not be my first choice of parish programs. In the weekly meetings, we read two short scripture passages and two longer selections that are not from scripture – these latter two are the ones we discuss. To my way of thinking, RENEW seems to be about social action – a good thing – but without enough emphasis on a personal relationship with and knowledge of Our Lord. (We meet once monthly between “seasons” to discuss the upcoming Sunday readings and I find that MUCH more beneficial than the regular RENEW meetings.) However, our group is open enough to digress a little and sometimes the tangiental discussions prove more meaningful than the RENEW materials. It is still good to get together with brothers and sisters to pray and talk about the Lord.

In another parish, about 20 years ago, I participated in Christ Renews His Parish and that proved to be a life-chaning and parish-changing program. Parish involvement increased and friendships were forged that last 'til now. And, of course, people came to know Jesus in a way they had never encountered before.

Pardon my verbosity, but that’s my rather large .02 worth.
This is from the CRHP book.


Christ Renews His Parish
1.) Christ Renews His Parish. CRHP is a copyrighted parish renewal prcess that has existed since 1969. and been recommended by the renewal office of the National Conference of Catholic Bishops. It has been used as the primary instrument of personal & parish renewal in over 600 parishes in 25 states in the United States and in Italy. All this has happened without benefit of advertising and full time staff. We believe that if the Lord wants to use CRHP in a parish, He’ll tell someone there who can take proper action.

2.) Over the years, we’ve worked hard to structure CRHP so that it becomes part of normal parish life without becoming another parish organization. We have also worked not to become associated with any particular school of spirituality nor mode of prayer. CRHP is sacramentally based and utilizes much prayer, scripture, and sharing.

3.) CRHP has four parts:

1.) Experience a CRHP weekend
2.) Be a part of a team; go through formation

3.) Minister a CRHP weekend

4.) Search for the Lord's call to what is next
When someone completes the whole of the process, they are called parishioner. There is no other special title.

4.) CRHP requires assistance from outside the parish to start. Once parish renewal has started, it continues using parishioners only. A number of dioceses have established renewal offices to coordinate CRHP within their diocese. CRHP is coordinated nationally by a volunteer group of lay people. CRHP does not receive any financial subsidy or support from any diocese or religious order.

5.) The process costs $450 per parish, a one time registration fee. Handbooks cost $35 each (when ordered by a parish in numbers of five or more) and are passed from team to team, thus eliminating the need to constantly purchase more handbooks. Handbooks are vital to the formation process so each team member must have a handbook. Parishes agree to use the process only within their appropriate parish.

For more information, please contact:

P. O. Box 19100
Cleveland, OH 44119

Office: (216) 731-7903 (voice mail)
FAX: (216) 481-1666

Reprinted with permission. Christ Renews His Parish, Cleveland, OH. All Rights Reserved.

I don’t know. My bishop is supporting the Why Catholic? program.

Hope this helps!

I am so grateful to so many of you that have helped me. May your kindness be rewarded. So much to be shared!
Deo Gratias! 🙂
It’s my understanding that “RENEW” is different from “Christ Renews His Parish.”

From what I’ve heard, “RENEW” has a reputation for being liberal, but admittedly I know next to nothing about it, so I would welcome insight from someone with actual experience.

As for Christ Renews His Parish, I’ve participated in that, and in my experience, CRHP can be very, very good … or not, depending on the answers to the following two questions:
  1. Is the Renewal Weekend of Christ Renews His Parish focused on Jesus Christ, or is it focused on the members of the renewal team and their politics?
  2. Who is the spiritual advisor … Is it a priest, and if so, does the priest follow the Pope and the teachings of the Church?
I’ve experienced two different renewals through the Christ Renews His Parish program. The first one, led by a very good pro-life priest on the weekend itself and then led by another very good orthodox priest on the weekly team formation meetings, was tremendously uplifting, prayerful, and centered on deepening one’s relationship with Jesus along with reaching out to others.

The second one was decent for the Renewal Weekend itself, however the team that formed from that second particular weekend seemed to be more concerned by petty power politics over who would get named to which ministry and was lacking in the prayerful environment that I’d come to expect the first time around, and was not led by a priest as our spiritual advisor, the priests at the time being too busy.

So when done right, I would say Christ Renews His Parish is a beautiful thing!

I still have, in fact, a small and very meaningful gift that I received as a surprise from my first Christ Renews His Parish weekend retreat … the one giving me the gift told me that it was not in the script for her to walk over, single me out, and present me with it, but that she felt a strong urge by the Holy Spirit. It’s been over ten years, and I am still grateful, and consider the gift as coming from God, by means of the person acting as His Instrument in coming over to me.

~~ the phoenix
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