The bottom line in a very long discussion:
- Tolerance is anything but love.
- Marriage is a sacred institution bringing God into the relationship between a husband and wife.
- The modern trend is to make marriage illegal, replaced by a sham. What comes to mind is how after May 13, 1995, when the current Dalai Lama confirmed that a boy called Gedhun Choekyi Nyima was next incarnation, the Chinese Communist Party announced its own candidate, chosen after a mock Golden Urn ceremony. The choice of the current spiritual leader is under house arrest, while the pretender carries on with his duties under the control of the Party.
- One never knows, but it is rational to conclude that with prayer and God’s intervention, between two commited people of the same sex, a celebate, deeply loving relationship is the likely outcome.
Those views relate to your religion, and your religion is free to continue as it always has done. There’s no imposition as with your Chinese case, and as said before, the polls indicated that when you’re in church, a majority of those on the pews around you approved equal marriage.
Here’s our then Prime Minister summing up after the vote here in 2005.
*"There is no damage to marriage or to the family in allowing two people of the same sex to get married. Rather, these citizens now have the ability to organize their lives according to marital and familial norms and demands. There is no threat to the institution of marriage, but precisely the opposite: this law recognizes and values marriage.
Aware that some people and institutions * profoundly disagree with this legal change, I wish to say that like other reforms to the marriage code that preceded this one, this law will not generate bad results, that its only consequence will be to avoid senseless suffering of human beings. A society that avoids senseless suffering of its citizens is a better society.
In any case, I wish to express my deep respect to those people and institutions, and I also want to ask for the same respect for all of those who approve of this law. To the homosexuals that have personally tolerated the abuse and insults for many years, I ask that you add to the courage you have demonstrated in your struggle for civil rights, an example of generosity and joy with respect to all the beliefs."*
You don’t agree with him, and the Church had tried very hard in Spain as it did later in Ireland but failed to convince a majority. The question is how come.*