Why contraception is wrong

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The thread which asked about this is closed but as someone in the RCIA (becoming catholic), I wanted to share my conviction as to why it is *not * God’s plan for us to use contraception:

We can stop a human life God has purposed, before or after conception - through contraception or abortion (in some cases like The Pill, one and the same). Either way, we interfere with lack of trust and take control over domain which is solely God’s - the purpose and planning of reproduction.

As for the implementation, that’s where we come in!!

The thread which asked about this is closed but as someone in the RCIA (becoming catholic), I wanted to share my conviction as to why it is *not *God’s plan for us to use contraception:

We can stop a human life God has purposed, before or after conception - through contraception or abortion (in some cases like The Pill, one and the same). Either way, we interfere with lack of trust and take control over domain which is solely God’s - the purpose and planning of reproduction.

As for the implementation, that’s where we come in!!

Amen. Sis.http://forums.catholic-questions.org/images/icons/icon14.gif
Welcome Home to Rome!

You seem well grounded if you already understand God’s plan for reproduction and the position of the Church’s on contraception.

The thread which asked about this is closed but as someone in the RCIA (becoming catholic), I wanted to share my conviction as to why it is *not *God’s plan for us to use contraception:

We can stop a human life God has purposed, before or after conception - through contraception or abortion (in some cases like The Pill, one and the same).
In regards to a life that is unrealized you are getting into a deep debate of foreknowledge, eternity, kairos and how all of that effects what God has purposed.
Either way, we interfere with lack of trust and take control over domain which is solely God’s - the purpose and planning of reproduction.

As for the implementation, that’s where we come in!!
My biggest problem with what you said is that as long as an individual is respectful to the order designed into the procreative act (not using artificial means) then, according to Humane Vitae, it is moral to plan/space/control births. The reason that/or how one can tell that something is contraception and immoral is from the fact that it does not respect how our bodies are designed sexually. The domain of reproduction is not solely God’s as we are “co-creators” with HIm in the Marital Embrace. He respects our free-will (to participate or not) and we respect how He has designed the act.

Under the Mercy,

What if from childhood, one has never had the desire for children?
Never played with dolls, or babysat. Just felt nothing in regards to babies/children.
Did serious soul-searching and prayer, came to peace with it.

I would say to that person that God in his infinite wisdom foreknew that she wouldn’t be a good mother, and therefore made her so she wouldn’t want children.

How would you answer her?
smil(name removed by moderator)ossum:
What if from childhood, one has never had the desire for children?
Never played with dolls, or babysat. Just felt nothing in regards to babies/children.
Did serious soul-searching and prayer, came to peace with it.

I would say to that person that God in his infinite wisdom foreknew that she wouldn’t be a good mother, and therefore made her so she wouldn’t want children.

How would you answer her?
Very Possible. Look at all those among us called to religious vocation and never reproduce themselves. How old are you? Do you feel you have been called to marriage (it’s part of the package deal to be open to the gift of children)? Are you drawn to serve God (not your own interests) in another capacity? Perhaps you need time to discern God’s call to you, but certainly NOT everyone is called to be a parent.

At the same time, don’t sell yourself short–being a mother is not the most natural thing for all of us, but it doesn’t mean you won’t or can’t learn to be a good mother–even if you maybe didn’t have a great model in your own life. Having a child is a gift and parenting a beautiful discipline full of rewards.
But that’s the thing…
She has prayed, and wondered about her lack of interest for many years (is now in her 40’s).
But as i said, she is at peace with it, figuring if God didn’t give her the desire, then, well, He must know what’s best.
Her husband is in agreement with her.
smil(name removed by moderator)ossum:
But that’s the thing…
She has prayed, and wondered about her lack of interest for many years (is now in her 40’s).
But as i said, she is at peace with it, figuring if God didn’t give her the desire, then, well, He must know what’s best.
Her husband is in agreement with her.
Just taking this as a hypothetical case, we must assume that this couple is not Catholic, since openness to life is part of the package in Catholic marriage. You literally have to sign assent to it before you say “I do.”
Just taking this as a hypothetical case, we must assume that this couple is not Catholic, since openness to life is part of the package in Catholic marriage. You literally have to sign assent to it before you say “I do.”
Oh my…maybe I’m not explaining it well.
They are Catholic. She hoped one day the desire would come.
It never did.
He had had a vasectomy before becoming Catholic, so, that’s why they’ve never had contraception issues.
Anyway…for 34 years of her life (up to now) she has felt no desire to have children.
Knew her husband had had a vasectomy, and just thought, since this was the man (in every other way) she’d dreamed of, it must be the right thing to marry him.
(BTW…he has worked out his issue of the vasectomy with his priest before converting.I don’t know all his details…and wouldn’t presume to ask.)
And in the end, if you make a choice according to your conscience as to what you feel is the right thing/the way you are being led…
Isn’t it really between her and God?
smil(name removed by moderator)ossum:
Oh my…maybe I’m not explaining it well.
They are Catholic. She hoped one day the desire would come.
It never did.
He had had a vasectomy before becoming Catholic, so, that’s why they’ve never had contraception issues.
Anyway…for 34 years of her life (up to now) she has felt no desire to have children.
Knew her husband had had a vasectomy, and just thought, since this was the man (in every other way) she’d dreamed of, it must be the right thing to marry him.
(BTW…he has worked out his issue of the vasectomy with his priest before converting.I don’t know all his details…and wouldn’t presume to ask.)
And in the end, if you make a choice according to your conscience as to what you feel is the right thing/the way you are being led…
Isn’t it really between her and God?
Whoa. Way too complicated for me. I’m sure Christopher West would come up with “the” answer.

And, no. It is never just between oneself and God in the sense that if I think something is OK, then God must think so too. Life is complicated. We live in communion/community. Everything we do affects the universe. Our own judgment is often limited by our own prejudices.
I wanted to share my conviction as to why it is *not *God’s plan for us to use contraception:

We can stop a human life God has purposed, before or after conception - through contraception or abortion (in some cases like The Pill, one and the same). Either way, we interfere with lack of trust and take control over domain which is solely God’s - the purpose and planning of reproduction.

As for the implementation, that’s where we come in!!

i don’t know much and i’m just trying to learn but here’s my take on this:
it is possible for man to reject god’s plan and thus, “interfere” with god’s plan but if you apply that argument to contraception, one would have to logically admit that even NFP used to space births for valid (for so it seems to us humans) reasons could very wellbe putting a spanner in god’s plans. who’s to say, god might have wanted a child born at a particular time at a particular place but the designated couple honestly thought that the time was not right!!

yet, the church says NFP for valid reasons is licit
thus, i would think that this argument cannot be applied here. as i said, i’m not sure because the converse that contraception will not interfere with god’s plans does not seem to me as being completely right either

perhaps it is good to note that the main reason the church rejects contraception is that it separates the unitive and procreative aspects of sex as is clear from humanae vitae
smil(name removed by moderator)ossum:
Oh my…maybe I’m not explaining it well.
They are Catholic. She hoped one day the desire would come.
It never did.
He had had a vasectomy before becoming Catholic, so, that’s why they’ve never had contraception issues.
Anyway…for 34 years of her life (up to now) she has felt no desire to have children.
Knew her husband had had a vasectomy, and just thought, since this was the man (in every other way) she’d dreamed of, it must be the right thing to marry him.
(BTW…he has worked out his issue of the vasectomy with his priest before converting.I don’t know all his details…and wouldn’t presume to ask.)
And in the end, if you make a choice according to your conscience as to what you feel is the right thing/the way you are being led…
Isn’t it really between her and God?
It is never about feelings or emotions when speaking of moral acts. It is about intent and will. I can’t really speak to the situation you describe because there are not enough details. The one thing that comes to mind is that many of the folks I know say they have prayed about contraception, or some other act they want to do or not do, and then say they have decided to follow their conscience even though it conflicts with the truth. This is false reasoning and immoral. Our consciences must be formed properly. Conscience is not feelings.

There is no way to say one is right with God if they commit an intrinsically evil act knowing that the Church teaches such an act is wrong. I am not saying that is the case in your example. I am only relating a common belief among many who are Catholics.
The thread which asked about this is closed but as someone in the RCIA (becoming catholic), I wanted to share my conviction as to why it is *not *God’s plan for us to use contraception:

We can stop a human life God has purposed, before or after conception - through contraception or abortion (in some cases like The Pill, one and the same). Either way, we interfere with lack of trust and take control over domain which is solely God’s - the purpose and planning of reproduction.

As for the implementation, that’s where we come in!!

What do you say to someone who just doesn’t see how NFP and contraception are different? They claim there is no logic to that line of thinking.
What is the difference between NFP and contraception? Contraception ruins a good thing. NFP teaches patience in anticipation of a good thing.
Accepting contraception would lead logically to accepting homosexuality, polygamy, polyamory etc. that’s what’s wrong with it! When sex becomes purely recreational, than marriage loses its special function and morality goes down the toilet (see: “sexual revolution”).
I have had personal conversations with women on the pill and women on NFP. Women on NFP never complain that sex isn’t great, they only complain they can’t get enough. On the other hand woman on the Pill complain that have to use toys, video, and extensive foreplay to spice things up because they are never satisfied. I think one could connect the problem to suppression of ovulation, if you body is shut down sexually with chemicals in all elements there is little doubt that your vagina is just an empty orafice. Sorry for being graphic.
pinery camper:
What do you say to someone who just doesn’t see how NFP and contraception are different? They claim there is no logic to that line of thinking.
The “logic” is that with NFP you do not subvert, distort, sabotage a natural human act. With contraception (or coitus interruptus, or masturbation), you interfere with a natural human act. NFP works with nature, not against it.

If someone tells you that NFP is the same as contraception, ask them why they don’t use NFP.
smil(name removed by moderator)ossum:
What if from childhood, one has never had the desire for children?
Never played with dolls, or babysat. Just felt nothing in regards to babies/children.
Did serious soul-searching and prayer, came to peace with it.

I would say to that person that God in his infinite wisdom foreknew that she wouldn’t be a good mother, and therefore made her so she wouldn’t want children.

How would you answer her?
I would first ask you to explain a little more on what would make someone a bad mother or father. I never played with dolls and I love my son!!! 🙂 …well he is crying right now so i have to go!!!
I never liked children, until we were ready to have children. Which meant married and making a paycheck week to week.
Human sexuality is Gods gift to us he wants us to have sexual intercourse with our spouse as much as we want, but in todays society too mnay kids could make a family poor and not able to provide the propper care for you children; and since the pope is the one that says contraception is wrong, maybe the pope is wrong because he doesn’t know the will of God. Abortion is killing a living person because the sperm and egg have already formed a embryo and thats a living being in our eyes but contrception just pervents them ffrom joing together so hwo is it killing somone.
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