Why contraception is wrong

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the pope is the one that says contraception is wrong, maybe the pope is wrong because he doesn’t know the will of God.
NameisJohn, it wasn’t until 1930 that ANY Christian group condoned contraception. You don’t think the Pope sits up there in the Vatican and makes this stuff up all by himself on a whim, do you?

Start here to get an idea of how the Catholic Church views this important issue: catholic.com/library/Birth_Control.asp

For a little deeper study, you should read Humanae Vitae, the prophetic encyclical in which Pope Paul VI re-affirmed the Church’s position on birth control. This teaching is profoundly rooted in a belief in human dignity. vatican.va/holy_father/paul_vi/encyclicals/documents/hf_p-vi_enc_25071968_humanae-vitae_en.html
It is taught in Catholic school which iu attended for 9 years that God wants a married couple to have sex and share their love for each othe but in todays world if you don’t use contraception you could have a massive debt on your hands and notbe abel to be able to take care of your kids right, i would rather have one kid and take care of him right then have like 10 and none of them get much attention or the propper care
I converted to Catholicism several years ago and am recently married. My wife and I use NFP and one thing I have learned from the discussion we have had about NFP and in our practice of it is how my mind had been stained by the “culture of death.” I really saw children as a burden, without even knowing it. My wife just said “Children are a gift.” and then it hit me “How can I complain about getting a gift early!” However, that’s assuming that things go “wrong”. NFP is actually very effective, so there is a very good chance of being able to have children when the couple is ready. The periods of abstaining really helped me to learn to respect and listen to my wife as well.

I think one reason we are concerned about children is out of a desire to give them plenty of material things. However, that may not be necessary for their happiness. My wife is a Filipina and grew up in a pretty difficult situation. They often lived week to week and she nearly died of typhoid fever and sometimes didn’t get basic medical care because of the cost. Yet her and her family are very happy and she harbors no bitterness or anger about having so few material goods. So even if we can’t give kids everything we would like to, it seems like if we give them love, despite other suffering, they can still be happy.
Peace in Christ!
It is taught in Catholic school which iu attended for 9 years that God wants a married couple to have sex and share their love for each othe but in todays world if you don’t use contraception you could have a massive debt on your hands and notbe abel to be able to take care of your kids right, i would rather have one kid and take care of him right then have like 10 and none of them get much attention or the propper care
Unfortunately, you were taught by ignorant Catholics or traitors. In either case you are under a serious obligation to learn the truth and form your conscience correctly.

Spacing children can be done for legitimate reasons and there are moral ways to do that. Contraception is evil and aginst God’s will. We know this from the Church which speaks infallibly on this issue. The Holy Spirit is not confused. He does not want you to contracept.
It is taught in Catholic school which iu attended for 9 years that God wants a married couple to have sex and share their love for each othe but in todays world if you don’t use contraception you could have a massive debt on your hands and notbe abel to be able to take care of your kids right, i would rather have one kid and take care of him right then have like 10 and none of them get much attention or the propper care
Dear NameisJohn,

Wow! I wish I could say I don’t believe you, but my daughter went to a high-powered Catholic prep school and never once heard the two words “Humanae Vitae.”

A LOT of people, including most bishops, were drop-dead flabbergasted in disbelief when Paul VI confirmed the ancient teaching on this practice. Do yourself a BIG favor and start over from scratch, with an open mind, to learn the real Church teaching on this important subject.

A good place to start is with Christopher West’s little book Good News about Sex and Marriage. Trust me. There is more to this than one might think if one’s resources are drawn from secular culture. I beg you not to be dismissive of this; once understood, it will profoundly change your life and your marriage – for the better.

My own story is that I intuited the rightness of Catholic teaching on this 20 years before becoming Catholic. When I approached my husband about it, he practically collapsed in a heap of relief because he, too, felt the same way. We stopped contracepting THAT minute, and never looked back. For me, part of the appeal of the Catholic Church was that she stood firm on this fundamental principle about the dignity of the human person and the value of life.
i would rather have one kid and take care of him right then have like 10 and none of them get much attention or the propper care

Careful with your assumptions here; it sounds like a dismissal.

Not contracepting does not necessarily equate to having 10 children. And having 10 children does not mean that they are not properly cared for. In big families, the children can help look after one another. And scholarship aid for education is a WHOLE lot easier to come by . . .
I believe what i said was some what miss understood by you guys, i ddin’t meant aht my school taught me that i ment that my school taugth me that contraception is wrong and thet god wants us to have sex with our spouse. It was merely my oppion that without the use of contraception you will not be able to have sex as often without te risk of adding a unwanted kid to your family not that kids are unwanted that that one particular kid might be one to many.
Also how do we know that this is God’s will only God knows his will, and i don’t believe that the pope is infalable like most of you believe;therefore, I am slightly confused on how we know that this is God;s will.
When i say the pope is not infalable, i only mean taht in the way that God did not choose him presonally like Jesus chose Peter
It was merely my oppion that without the use of contraception you will not be able to have sex as often without te risk of adding a unwanted kid to your family not that kids are unwanted that that one particular kid might be one to many.
Actually, if a NFp couple on a normal cycle utilizes every infertile day for relations than the number of times a month is, if I remember correctly, about 3-4X higher than the average number of times a month for a married couple.

but in todays world if you don’t use contraception you could have a massive debt on your hands and notbe abel to be able to take care of your kids right, i would rather have one kid and take care of him right then have like 10 and none of them get much attention or the propper care
I practice NFP and I’m a lawyer who does divorce work. People go into debt because they are greedy.I have debt because I have a law degree/ Having two children myself, the cost of children are relatively cheap compare to having a vacation home or recreational hobbies, movies, or going out for dinner. Ask youself what do you really spend your money on?.

I always ask this question. If a couple only wants two children due to a lack of attention. Why do they put them in day care centers?

Hpw much sex do you really want? How much sex do you expect to have when you are married?

I don’t mind going into details about my personal life if you really need to know how often people have sex in the non=fertile stages when they need to abstain in their fertile periods. .
I believe what i said was some what miss understood by you guys, i ddin’t meant aht my school taught me that i ment that my school taugth me that contraception is wrong and thet god wants us to have sex with our spouse. It was merely my oppion that without the use of contraception you will not be able to have sex as often without te risk of adding a unwanted kid to your family not that kids are unwanted that that one particular kid might be one to many.
Also how do we know that this is God’s will only God knows his will, and i don’t believe that the pope is infalable like most of you believe;therefore, I am slightly confused on how we know that this is God;s will.
When i say the pope is not infalable, i only mean taht in the way that God did not choose him presonally like Jesus chose Peter
Well, If we reject the fact that Christ founded only one Church and He speaks to us infallibly on matters of faith and morals, then we rely on ourselves to determine right and wrong. That would be moral relativism. We would basically be making ourselves a god. That is common today. We have rejected Truth because to accept Truth would mean changing the way we lead our lives. There is only one Truth. There are not multiple conflicting Truths.
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