Originally Posted by DrTaffy View Post
It is evidence based
But is that evidence sufficient to prove the claims being made? You clearly think so, but you have equally clearly failed to convince the scientific establishment.
Excellent. I am heartened to see you use “have faith”.
Reasonable, justified faith. Not blind faith, or faith beyond what the evidence justifies. That, I am informed, would be
Atheists have this double standard–“it’s ok for us to have faith!” And “Oh, you silly Believers. You have your faith, don’t you?”
Nope. You are misrepresenting the other side again.
For that matter, you are the one with an objection to blind faith. I only object if I am expected to also accept that article of blind (or inadequately supported) faith.
Charlemagne’s assertion notwithstanding (C3, you are misinformed that blind faith is required for “theological mysteries”),
I don’t see that he said that. He just said that blind faith should be reserved for theological mysteries, not that it was required for them.
And you can thank the Catholic Church for this scientific method.
Interesting that whenever a Catholic does something good, we are told that we should thank ‘the Church’ for it, but when a Catholic does something horrible, even a priest acting as such, we are told that it is nothing to do with the church.
I’ll stick to thanking the individuals involved.
It’s not an argument for God that any thinking person has ever proferred.
‘Thinking’, maybe not. But it is one that has been and still is made.
Rather, it’s an example of the dismal understanding atheists have of the apologia offered for belief in God.
That seems to be a ‘dismal understanding’ of the apologia that have been offered. Again, the term was coined by christians. Referring to arguments that have been made.
Atheists reject arguments that Believers reject as well.
Would that they were able to actually articulate an argument for God’s existence, and then offer a rebuttal to it.
They are, and have done so. You are naturally free to not be convinced by all their objections, but misrepresenting them like this seems unworthy of you.
Scientists (atheist or not) just admit ‘we don’t know for certain, but these are our best guesses and this is what we are doing to test them and look for better ones.’
They are. Those who offer evidence and argument, as opposed to mockery and animated GIFs, are very welcome in most atheist fora I have frequented.
And it’s a good thing no thinking Believer asserts “God did it by magic”.
have - not in so many words, but “God did it by unkown and/or unknowable means” is harder to type.
In contrast no atheist I know of has argued anything reasonably reducable to “we don’t understand therefore Science” as
you claimed.