Let me see if I can help here. First, let me caution that this is a fiendishly difficult topic, not just from the scientific point of view.
So, naively, if you run the expansion of the universe backwards you get to a time when all the mass-energy of the universe is contained in a mathematical point and this is called a singularity, because the density at such a point would be infinite. There are two ways of looking at this singularity:
- The density really is infinite (whatever that means), and because the conditions are so extreme, then none of our models of reality apply
- The space shrinking to a point idea is simplistic, and in reality the density, while unimaginably vast, was finite, because, for example, space is quantised and cannot be smaller than a Planck volume (4x10^-105 m^3). And the conditions are so extreme, that none of our models of reality apply.
I like to think about this via the scale factor of the universe which if we take to be unity now and extrapolate back, becomes smaller and smaller (~10^-3 at decoupling when the CMB photons were released, ~10^-26 at the end of inflation, ~10^-76 before inflation), and tends to zero. Everything becomes undefined when and if the scale factor actually goes to zero.
So what about this idea that conditions get so extreme that none of our models apply. Well, if you remember James Clerk Maxwell famously unified the theories of electricity and magnetism to develop electromagnetic theory. In the 1960s, a good theory to unify electromagnetism and the weak force called electroweak theory was proposed by Glashow, Weinberg and Salam, and its predictions have been successfully tested by experiments in particle accelerators. Physicists think that the fundamental forces start out as a single force in the extreme conditions of the Big Bang and separate into individual forces by a process known as symmetry breaking as the Universe cools. In the same way that electricity and magnetism are unified in electromagnetic theory, and electromagentism and the weak force are unified in electroweak theory, so the strong force (for which we have a good standalone theory, quantum chromodynamics) and gravity (for which we have a good standalone theory, General Relativity) should also be able to be unified with electroweak theory.
The next to try to unify is the strong force, and theories that unify electroweak and the strong force (called Grand Unified Theories or GUTs) exist. The problem is that there are many of them and we don’t have an obvious way of testing their predictions and selecting between them because that requires energies on the GUT scale which is about 10^16 GeV (for reference the Large Hadron Collider operates at energies some 10^11 times below GUT energies).
Then, and closer to the Big Bang is a theory that unifies the favoured GUT theory (which we don’t have) with a theory of quantum gravity (which we don’t have - at the moment quantum theory and General Relativity work superbly in their domans but give grotesquely incompatible results under certain conditions - which tells us that one or both are incomplete). This unification is called a ToE (Theory of Everything) and while such theories exist we can’t currently distinguish between them because we can’t test them. Thew energies are even higher than GUTs.
Remember GUTs and ToEs are theories for finite but extreme conditions and we’re already in deep trouble.
Finally we get to the Big Bang itself and things get even more extreme - energies and densities are higher still and possibly infinite (whatever that means). The concepts of time and space become blurred together, various conservation laws break down, time possibly takes on a different or no meaning.
So that’s what people mean when they claim that the laws of physics break down as we approach and reach the Big Bang. Hope that helped. Perhaps in another post I’ll say what I think about the OP.