Why deny the eucharist?

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Ok, here is my question, why do we deny the body and blood of Jesus Chirst to sinners? Jesus didn’t deny his body and blood to his disiples(sp?), and they were sinners, he didn’t make them go to anything like confession. Also, didn’t Jesus come here for sinners, then why would we deny him to sinners. Isn’t the body and blood of christ healing? Wouldn’t it heal these people? I dont want a debate i just want an answer.
Because in Scriptures St Paul clearly tells us that we are to examine our conscience first. We are to approach Christ with a Clean heart and conscience or else we drink of the cup of Christ unworthyly and bring judgement upon ourselves.

But someone here can explain it better hehe.
Jesus didn’t deny his body and blood to his disiples(sp?), and they were sinners, he didn’t make them go to anything like confession. Also, didn’t Jesus come here for sinners, then why would we deny him to sinners.
Good point about drinking the cup of punishment.
1st Corinthians 11: 27 proves that not only is it possible to take a sacreligious communion, but that it was probably being done by some members of the community. (As most people don’t write things unless it is needed. Kinda like, Caution, Hot on the McDonalds cups.) It states that there is in fact a worthy and unworthy state to communicate.
The desciples were indeed sinners, like we are all sinners, but not in the same way as perhaps 1 Corinthians 6: 9-11.

You must be careful with WWJD statements. Tertullian talks about confessions to priests occuring in the first century, as well as many other Church Fathers.

P.S.I appreciate the idea of ‘It didn’t happen in the Bible…’ being brought up because it shows your reading but it does lead to some problems, like for example “Why didn’t the Apostles get baptized?” well of course they did, but just because Scripture didn’t say so doesn’t mean it didn’t happen.
One other point is that the disciples that received Communion with Jesus at the Last Supper had been trained for 3 years by Jesus himself. Furthermore, would it even be neccessary to make an actual confession to Jesus since He reads our hearts and already knows all there is to know?

Jesus’ own words taught the Apostles that they were to hear confessions when he said to them, “Peace be with you. As the Father has sent me, even so I send you.” 22 And when he had said this, he breathed on them, and said to them, “Receive the Holy Spirit. 23 If you forgive the sins of any, they are forgiven; if you retain the sins of any, they are retained.” John 20:21-23
I forgot to mention in my earlier post that priests or bishops do not deny communion to would be communicants unless they have publicly commited serious sin. Public sin is different from personal or private sin in as much as it is public or common knowledge. We cause scandal to fellow Christians when we sin publicly or even if we appear to have sinned publicly.That requires the sinner to publicly recant the sin that was committed even if the sinner has already gone to confession and been absolved of the sin. Without a public recantation it would appear (and therefore cause scandal) that the priest or bishop was knowingly giving communion to someone known to be in mortal sin. In all other cases the priest or bishop has to assume that the person coming up for communion is doing so in good faith. He really has no way to know what state the persons soul may be in at that particular time and either does anyone else for that matter.
Ok, here is my question, why do we deny the body and blood of Jesus Chirst to sinners? Jesus didn’t deny his body and blood to his disiples(sp?), and they were sinners, he didn’t make them go to anything like confession. Also, didn’t Jesus come here for sinners, then why would we deny him to sinners. Isn’t the body and blood of christ healing? Wouldn’t it heal these people? I dont want a debate i just want an answer.
Actually all who receive the Eucharist are sinners.We are the only ones who need it.

The issues of excommunication or refusing Communion is a little more complex than who is a sinner and who isn’t. It is more about being in union with Church and fullness of the faith taught by the Church. And it is about public scandal. Which may explain why some bishops intimately familiar wth scandal to which they have been a party, may be reluctant to take a tough stand on the issue of politicians and the scandal of their hypocracy. People who live in glass houses are very careful about throwing stones.

There are other reasons for refusing or refraining from Communion unrelated to current public events. Other posts have addressed some of these.

I have, in the past, been in a postion of not receiving Communion because of my state in life and grace.

You may find interesting a little book on the subject titled, The Charitable Anathema by Dietrich von Hildebrand.
Here’s why:

1 Corinthians 11:26-30
For as often as ye eat this bread, and drink this cup, ye do shew the Lord’s death till he come. Wherefore whosoever shall eat this bread, and drink this cup of the Lord, unworthily, shall be guilty of the body and blood of the Lord. But let a man examine himself, and so let him eat of that bread, and drink of that cup. For he that eateth and drinketh unworthily, eateth and drinketh damnation to himself, not discerning the Lord’s body. For this cause many are weak and sickly among you, and many sleep.

In other words, scripture says that you must examine yourself and be worthy of (reconciled to) Christ otherwise you go to Hell.

This is why we don’t want Protesants to receive. Not discerning the Lord’s body (as this scripture says) and being in a state of non-examined sin, they could be condemning themselves.

And despite what some may think, the church is not in the business of damning people, but saving souls.
One would not invite an important person into their home without cleaning it to ensure that it looked the best that it could. One should not invite the Son of God into their soul unless it is the cleanest that it could be.
:nope: First, and with all due respect: your question seems like a very subjective, unscriptural one which if true would go against the exact teachings of Jesus CHRIST which we receive through His Church.
Secondly, it is Church teaching that the Body Of Christ in the Eucharist is not to be freely given to everyone(as if it were the cake at a party), and we even see this when the Church requires Children to do their Fist Communion First before they actually receive Jesus christ for the first time. Also, every catholic must first examine his or her conscience before they approach the Altar of the Lord(I cannot stand when many say the “table of the Lord”, forgetting the sacrificial aspect of the mass, and why altars in the Old Testament was for, and the Sacrife of Melchizedek, and Christ on Mount Calvary. to see if they have formed their conscience to what the church teaches is a sin, not what they believe is or is not a sin, then to see if they are in mortal sin. The Catholic Church, hence Christ Himself teaches that a person for example who supports abortion, or who has performed one is automatically excommunicated(New Code of Canon Law). Furthermore, a priest can refuse Communion (all these bishops need is courage which many of them lack) to any catholic who is in unrepented PUBLIC sin.
As per your argument that communion should be freely given to everyone (I guess to just make them happy in your opinion?) BECAUSE Jesus Christ at the Last Supper gave it to His Apostles, well, many forget to remember that the apostles YES were sinners as we all are, but were not in PUBLIC SIN, and more importantly the Apostles(many people do not know or do not WANT to know) were at that point already Ordained Priests;)
No one could say they DESERVE to receive Christ, who are we but poor selfish sinners, and it is ONLY because of God’s Mercy, that we are ALLOWED by Him to Receive His Body and Blood in the Eucharist, only if we are first prepared. I am sure that none of us want to sin of Sacrilege now would we? Hence, we must be free of PUBLIC Mortal sin BEFORE approaching Christ in the Eucharist.
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