Why did God condone/command this?

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So on this view, there isnt actually anything wrong with child sacrifice as long as it is to the right god.
No. What it means is that human-initiated murder is immoral.

But hey – that was a cute way to spin it. 😉
Well, he doesn’t spin it, he observes the obvious hole in the fundamentalist interpretations of these passages. That is where the hole is.
We can’t refer to morality in speaking of God. Morality evaluates human acts. Infanticide is a human act.
So – although I think we’re heading down a path that will lead us to a “if a tree falls in the forest and no one is there, does it make a sound?” conclusion – how would you evaluate the killing of children when commanded by God?
As P Benedict would. And Bp Barron, and a whole host of other world class Catholic thinkers. As referenced earlier in the thread.
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That passage may be referring to the fact that, for example, he believed that the ages of the early people were accurate (around 900 years in some cases). It could possibly mean he was too literal in his interpretation. I don’t know though.

I know that the past few popes didn’t adopt a litetalistic interpretation of the entire creation story. Hence why the Catholic church is not a young earth creationist church.
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