Why did Hollywood and the entertainment industry have to be ruined for the rest of us?

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I’m talking about this on the forum, it seems like Hollywood became dominated only by actors and other celebrities who are vehemently pro-abortion and just about pro-everything that is the opposite of traditional Christian or Catholic moral belief. I’m not extremely hard-core traditionalism nor asking that we have the “moral police” everywhere in our lives either, but the vehement extreme liberal beliefs on the other end of the spectrum sucks too, and have simply ruined it for the rest of anyone who want to be actors or any other performer who happen to not be extreme progressives or very liberal. The last group of people who made it there that don’t conform or agree with that at all are dying off. And this comes from a younger millennial that is 26yo today.

Yes, I’m not going to lie, I say that sometimes I wish God himself will let something happen that make them very sorry and bad, so that they realize they are in the wrong, and they would accept anyone who isn’t a kind of hard-core progressive. I know that’s not how it works, but it still makes me feel angry about this world sometimes.
Are you an actor? Do you work in the industry and suffer from bias against you? Do you have friends or family in this situation?

Hollywood has never been a bastion of morals since its inception. It’s always been a rotten, exploitative place. Nothing has changed.
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No, I’m not an actor, even though I admit it’s a sort of dream. 🙂
I was also thinking about others who are actors or other performers, though.

I guess Hollywood never really “changed” since the start, but it does seem like it has been at least a little better 50-60 years back compared to today.
It wasn’t any better. They just didn’t let it all hang out in the open then like they do now.

The good news is, these days there are a lot of independent films, and filmmakers and actors are much less dependent on the Hollywood structures and systems if they want to have a career. It’s not the only game in town any more.
Hollywood is the primary game in town and the newcomers are usually worse. I know people in Hollywood. I understand how it works. Decade after decade, more sexual situations, more vigilante anti-heroes, more graphic blood and guts, more profanity… It shows “heroes” that can be just as bad as the bad guys. It’s wrong. It’s bad. Most of it.

To them, nothing is ruined: “no limits,” “breaking down barriers”… To what? All of the above. Joy, justice, peace? They made Hollywood into what it is today. They lied. The fought for nudity. In the past, there was the body double. Usually a woman, she stood in for the real actress for the nude scene.

Most anything made before 1964 is worth watching. And if a show was bad, it was bad because people thought it was silly or boring.
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Okay, I was talking more about the actual people coming to it now than the film and TV themselves.
I’m an actor with some minor success, but nothing to live off of. Ive trained at a prestigious acting school in New York City. Being a Catholic is like open season.
If you don’t like Hollywood, I suggest try supporting independent media and artists.

Also, if this gives you any comfort, Hollywood is going to have to tone down the politics eventually if they want to save themselves. They are losing relevance and money from pushing politics at the expense of telling good stories that entertain.
redbetta: I don’t see it really mattering, because certain people just don’t change or willingly want to give anything up.

I can see independent media and artists though.

I just noticed that the most culturally influential people close to the top also only happen to be the most vehement or politically progressive types in the current state of things. That was one kind of the stuff I was getting to also.
LittleFlower: I didn’t mean to make my statement so much about Christian morals more as complaining about the exclusion or hounding of those who happen to not agree with the radical progressive political line.
Sad to read such a jaded perspective.

There are many people who work in the entertainment industry who are people of virtue, there are many Christians.

Take for instance on the New York theatre/acting community. There is a Catholic parish dedicated to those who work in this industry, including very late night Masses to fit the schedules: https://actorschapel.org/mass-times

St Pope John Paul II was an actor and a playwright.

I live in a resort town with both a film festival and thing that draw in celebrities. It is not uncommon to see a famous face at Mass.

Lists upon lists (some here are not practicing, however, once Catholic always Catholic and we believe that those who step away from practicing will return by grace of their Sacraments and the loving prayers of their brothers and sisters) 75+ Catholic Celebrities

Not to mention the scores of people who work behind the scenes in the industry.
Check out actor Robert Patrick’s twitter account!

He’s currently reading the Bible through in a year, and usually posts a weekly update. He also posts regularly about his church (St. Thomas in LA–Episcopalian), and he often gets prayer requests and asks for prayer for various needs. His wife does the same. He also posts tweets from the Pope and from other Christian teachers.

And he’s well-liked in Hollywood! Involved in lots of great service organizations, including the USO–he’s done several tours to very dangerous areas of the world where our military are stationed.

Back when I first became a fan (X Files), I read that he was an atheist. I started praying for him, and after he did Ladder 49, he started talking about an awakening to God and religion. Then I read an interview in which he referred to his marriage (which is now 25 years) as a “covenant marriage” meant to last for as long as they live. How many non-Christians use the word “covenant” when talking about marriage?

And I read another interview in which he described attending a Bible study at his local Harley Davidson dealer, and at first, he was afraid to go because he had (still has) a foul mouth. The HD owner told him to come anyway!

And then I read about his membership in St. Thomas’, and his wife’s pride in their son who was working at their church camp, and all kinds of other posts and interviews in which he made it clear that he is a Christian. Yay!

Robert Patrick often refers to other actors and Hollywood professionals who are Christians. There is definitely a group of Christians in Hollywood. Don’t give up on them–pray for them and support their movies and projects if they are of interest to you. (I don’t like my favorite actors violent movies very much–I like his television shows.)

He also hints that he is conservative in his viewpoints about certain issues. Christian entertainment professionals have to be “wise as serpents and gentle as doves” when it comes to discussing the issues.

My daughter works in New York theater. She’s worked in theater (not acting) for almost 20 years and is busy and successful, although not rich! There are Christians in the theater industry, although there are many who are not Christians, and many of the entertainment professionals lack knowledge and seem to be close-minded when it comes to those of us who live in the fly-over states. My daughter has a hard time with this, but she has a lot of tact. The biggest problem she has is finding a parish where she can have friends; St. Malachy’s hasn’t worked out for her. 😦

PRAY for Christians in the entertainment industry, and encourage your children to enter this field if they have the desire and talent! We need to be salt!
This sort of stuff is why I am really glad Chris Pratt made the speech about God. He’s not perfect, but it was a brave move.
Well, if your contract says X,Y, and Z (it used to contain marriage and pregnancy clauses) then you don’t really have to ability or platform to be against those clauses.

It’s very sad.
Most anything made before 1964 is worth watching.
I completely agree. I enjoy watching older films with my son and discussing how they are better than the current fare - stories with plots, character development and positive messages, and real action scenes - not just over-the-top CGI. We’ve also discussed how studios would use the same actors in multiple films, playing the same characters in different venues, and how they are less burdensome to watch than “The Fast and the Furious 28”.
As you say what was better wasn’t Hollywood. What was better was society. Society wouldn’t allow Hollywood filth to be shown. The worst content was actually illegal. Hollywood was kept in check. But it always wanted to corrupt society. It was always subtle and deceptive. Now it has succeeded in corrupting and has free reign to corrupt society even more.
There are a few Christians and Catholics lurking in Hollywood, they’re just quiet about it. It’s just the unhinged liberal celebrities we hear about the most. Like Tis_Bearself said, there’s more available outlets now for independent filmmakers that don’t have to toe the Hollywood line.
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Oh. it was. It had to be. When the Church had the Catholic Legion of Decency, filmmakers had to take note. Starting in 1933, after engaging Hollywood film producers about their responsibilities regarding this new medium, Hollywood agreed but then broke their promises. And what would come to be known as the National Legion of Decency began to rate films, condemning some. That’s why, pre-1970, most films were worth watching.
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