It has occurred to me that some one else could have betrayed Jesus but Judas was the one who was chosen - not by God but by Satan. Perhaps he could have resisted but with such a great prize at stake the Evil One must have thought of every possible trick to deceive him. He may even have persuaded Judas that his Master wanted to be betrayed to fulfil the prophecy. He could have said “Why do you think your Master handed you the piece of bread?” That diabolically clever question is very difficult to answer. What would we have replied? The more I think of it the more I’m convinced it is the most probable solution:I have pointed out that the agony of guilt, remorse and despair that made Judas kill himself is unimaginable. The words “I have betrayed innocent blood” explain why Jesus said "It would have been better for that man if he had not been born”. Unlike Herod and Caiaphas Judas repented and proved his repentance was sincere beyond all possible doubt. He gave way to temptation not only once but twice. He betrayed the Master he had followed faithfully for three years and then committed suicide. He committed two acts of folly which didn’t reflect his true character. He had witnessed how his Master was full of compassion for everyone except those who exploited the poor and regarded everyone else as sinners. He was dedicated to Jesus and must have been out of his mind to yield to temptation. Judas was literally one of the élite but the higher we climb the further we can fall. St Peter had been tempted and he warned us that “your enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour” Judas too was a victim of infernal malice because he was closer to the Son of God than anyone else except Mary, Joseph and the other apostles - and therefore a prime target for the Evil One…
His lack of hesitation in returning the money demonstrates how little importance he attached to it. I don’t believe even the most precious jewels in the world would have made the slightest difference. Jesus had had such a powerful effect on him throughout the three years they had been together he knew nothing in the world can replace our love for others or their love for us. It is impossible to exaggerate Our Lord’s charisma and influence on those who met Him, least of all one of His apostles… Judas must have been heart-broken and distraught when he realised the full significance of what he had done. He must have felt utterly lost, despised by everyone - particularly the other apostles - and doomed to go to hell. No wonder he hanged himself. For him life no longer had any value, purpose or meaning in stark contrast to the life he had led with his Master. He had gone from one extreme to the other, having lost everything he treasured most: friendship, companionship, loyality and a sense of mission in the face of hostility from the High Priests, Pharisees, Sadducees and scribes. Above all he had lived with the greatest man who has ever lived on this earth and even in his demented state of mind he knew he deserved to suffer, be punished and be put to death but he also knew no one would kill him. In a sense he was a martyr but for the wrong reason. However, God’s ways are not our ways. Perhaps God loves Judas more than those who have had an easy life and never had to endure temptation, far more than the self-righteous who cold-bloodedly exploit the poor and let them die of disease, malnutrition or starvation. In fact I feel sure God loves Judas and forgives him because he was so tortured by guilt and despair he must have paid for his folly and never be able to forget what he has done even in heaven… I’m not so sure about Herod and Caiaphas because in their case it was not folly but malice that motivated them. However no one except God knows for certain who is in hell and it is presumptuous to pass judgment on anyone, least of all a man who played a part in our redemption.
The words of Othello keep coming into my mind: “O Iago, the pity of it, Iago”!" with Iago representing the Evil One…
“Why do you think your Master handed you the piece of bread?”