Why did Judas betray Jesus?

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I think today’s first reading may shed some light on the OP:
This is such an awesome passage, and so confirms that the book belongs in the canon of Scripture.

But I think it better describes the crowds who shouted he should be crucified, and the Sanhedrin, and all those referred to in Scripture as “the Jews” with regard to His execution. I think Judas knew from the beginning Jesus’ blood was innocent.
Good morning, guanophore!
I dont’ think Judas saw Jesus as a threat. He knew he had betrayed innocent blood. He betrayed him to gain something he thought was more valuable - an attempt to grab political power.
Yes, he could have betrayed him to gain something he thought was more valuable!

Now, this is of course a very silly question, but please answer: Was Judas’ possibility of political power more valuable than Jesus’ well-being?
A priest will refuse to hear the confession if it is another obsession without merit.
This may be true, but it would be a merciful priest, who if refusing to hear a confession, would do what he can to get the person some counseling or some other means of dealing with the person’s fears or self-condemnation.
This is the dangerous part of your formulation, OS. Guilt is an actual state of responsibility for a wrongdoing. The state exists whether a person FEELS guilty for it, or not.
A description of the “state” is in order, but if the person does wrong without knowing he does wrong, then his “state” is different than the person who does wrong knowing and appreciating the negative consequences of his actions. The latter is the one who, when his mind is back in order (as Judas) is going to feel guilty and is in the condition of going to confession. The former, feeling no remorse, is not sorry, and is in no condition to go to confession. If a person does not know the negative consequences of a sin, then they most certainly do not know what they are doing.

I see nothing dangerous about this observation, guanophore. Perhaps you could be more specific about the “danger”?
Judas did not seem to feel any guilt until he realized his plan backfired. He clearly did not intend for Jesus to suffer. Of course, by the time he felt the guilt, it was too late.
What he put into motion would culminate in Jesus’ death.
Yes, it is very possible that when he turned Jesus over to the authorities, he did not know that Jesus would suffer. He probably did not know the consequences of his actions. If he had known better, he would not have done what he did.

Are you starting to get the picture?
We go to confession to be reconciled to God and His Church when we have been separated by sin. Feeling guilty is not a requirement. Ideally, when the concience an the emotions are functioning properly, guilt will accompany our realization that we have done wrong, but no feeling is a requirement for any sacrament. It is an act of the will to confess a sin, and an act of the will to receive absolution. We are required to have contrition.
Yes, we are “required” to have contrition, but if that contrition is not real, then the exercise of the sacrament is not real. Remember, the “separation” occurs within the human himself. God always forgives, and the Church is to reflect such forgiveness. We are “Church”, and we are called to forgive. It is true that a person can willfully separate himself from the Church, though. They do so when they condemn other members of the Church, make accusations, etc., point at them and say “they do not belong” or “they are not following Christ”. Ironically, it is in their pointing that they exclude themselves from community, not the other way around.
Apparently only if someone “feels” guilty. It is only important to assuage and assure the person that all is good? There is no real requirement for the Sacrament, since there is really no such thing as mortal sin? 😉
What is the “requirement” for the sacrament, guanophore? If a person does not confess, then God does not forgive? If a Catholic has done wrong, but does not think he has done anything wrong, he may choose to go to receive communion and think nothing of it. It is only when it is pointed out that what he is doing is wrong that he consider going to confession first. And if the person does not fully realize the consequences of his acts, then what is the source of his contrition? What is “Knowledge of God’s law” if a person knows that the Church says something is wrong without really seeing its wrongness?

For example, look at these rules:

Civility and a respect for each other should be foremost.
It is never acceptable to question the sincerity of an individual’s beliefs
It is never acceptable to assume or say you know what another person thinks or needs

If a person does not see the “wrongness” of questioning the sincerity of an individuals beliefs, then they will continue to do so even though the rule is there. Indeed, he may believe that making accusations of “disrespecting Church teachings” is “respectful”. Is this person in a bad “state”? Well, God forgives him, and the Church, hopefully, forgives him. That is our calling.

Whatever the case may be, the person is not going to choose or feel “contrition” until he is convinced of the wrongness of the act. It is a matter of observation, guanophore.
Supposing Judas saw Jesus’ value? Supposing Judas wanted Jesus to take His earthly throne and demonstrate His kingship?
If that was the case, which was possible, then he had no intent whatsoever for Jesus to be imprisoned or mistreated. He did not know the consequences of his actions, as I stated on the last post.
No, appetites are not concupiscence either. Adam and Eve and Jesus and Mary had them, all figures not afflicted by original sin. In Scripture, concupiscence is referred to as the “old man” or the “flesh”.
But I say, walk by the Spirit, and do not gratify the desires of the flesh. 17For the desires of the flesh are against the Spirit, and the desires of the Spirit are against the flesh; for these are opposed to each other, to prevent you from doing what you would.”
Galatians 5:16–18
Hmmm. And how do you distinguish the “flesh” from our appetites?
But his responsibility does not extend so far as that he willingly and knowningly rejected God?
This is a very confusing question, guanophore. “Responsibility” means an ability to respond for his actions. If he cannot respond as to why he did what he did, then his ability is lacking, he is irresponsible. Judas may have had the self-awareness to say that if he had known that Jesus would be tortured, he would not have turned him in. Indeed, he could have responded that he was not rejecting, he was setting in motion what he saw as a rise to power for Jesus. His “will” was that Jesus come to power, according to the possibility you suggested.
When you say such things, it just seems to fly in the face of Scripture and the Teachings of the Church. Jesus addresed Peter as “Satan”, and identified Judas as “a devil”. Jesus spoke of human beings 'being evil" and “sons of the devil”. There just seems to be so many scriptures that need to be rejected for your assertion to be true, it boggles the mind.
Yes, these specific words seem to indicate something contrary to the love and care that God/Jesus have for people, for we do not ordinarily put such labels on people we love. Indeed, the labels themselves encourage people to condemn rather than forgive, for the labels are ordinarily used as a condemnation. The Gospel itself has some contradictions within, and I think that they are there because condemnation is part of the workings of our God-given, natural conscience. Ultimately, though, the call is to forgive, and forgiveness blots out all condemnation. IMO, Jesus’ use of those words shows his human nature.
The latter half of Romans 7 is an excellent description of this experience of being divided against oneself. The solution to the battle is found in Romans 8:1-2
I would enjoy going through these with you, but maybe a new thread?
We may be drawn away and allured, but we CHOOSE not to listen.
What reasons does a person have in their mind for not listening? “I am not listening because…” ?

And if you have a chance, please answer this question:

When Jesus said, “forgive them, for they know not what they do” what did they not know? (Just give it a guess, some possibilities)

Thanks. 🙂
Yes, he could have betrayed him to gain something he thought was more valuable!

Now, this is of course a very silly question, but please answer: Was Judas’ possibility of political power more valuable than Jesus’ well-being?
I think that Judas was blind to Jesus’ well being. I think Judas convinced himself that, if he forced His hand, He would act to secure Himself and His disciples. I think it never occurred to Judas that Jesus would allow HImself to be led like a lamb to slaugher. He may have convinced himself that what he was doing WAS for Jesus’ well being!
This may be true, but it would be a merciful priest, who if refusing to hear a confession, would do what he can to get the person some counseling or some other means of dealing with the person’s fears or self-condemnation.
Most priests will hear a confession or address the scrupulosity in the confessional. They are not trained in psychotherapy so it is a difficult spot. Also we have had scrupulosity since the beginning, and we have only had psychotherapy for about 120 years. What did they do before that?
Yes, it is very possible that when he turned Jesus over to the authorities, he did not **know** that Jesus would suffer.  He probably did not know the consequences of his actions.  If he had known better, he would not have done what he did.
Are you starting to get the picture?
I have had the picture that you do not believe human beings willingly and knowingly reject God.

People are culpable for what revelation they have received. None of us can fully appreciate the consequences of our actions. Judas had sufficient revelation and grace to choose to wait upon Jesus. He chose to force the issue. I think he regretted what he had done when the outcome was not what he expected. Yet, he is still culpable for the choices he made. Primarily he is culpable for his attitude afterward. Unlike Peter, he did not fall upon his knees and proclaim his unworthy state. In his pride he despaired of God’s mercy.
If a Catholic has done wrong, but does not think he has done anything wrong, he may choose to go to receive communion and think nothing of it.  What is "Knowledge of God's law" if a person knows that the Church says something is wrong without really seeing its wrongness?
We are responsible to form ourselves in our faith through study, prayer, and receiving direction. If a person does not examine his conscience, it is not likely he will grow in faith. If a person knows the Church says something is wrong, he is morally obligated to learn how and why. This is part of receiving the aposotlic teaching. It will only perpetuate blindness to refuse to look at the facts.
Whatever the case may be, the person is not going to choose or feel "contrition" until he is convinced of the wrongness of the act.  It is a matter of observation, guanophore.
We can certainly observe ourselves, and should, but we can also examine ourselves in the light of apostolic teaching. We can also help one another to see ourselves. One way to resolve blind spots is to listen to feedback.

I don’t get the impression that Judas sought out the Apostles when he regretted what he had done. He did not seek spiritual support or wisdom from outside himself. He withdrew, isolated himself, and fell into despair. This is not how God intended His Church to function.

But you, beloved, build yourselves up on your most holy faith; pray in the Holy Spirit; 21keep yourselves in the love of God; wait for the mercy of our Lord Jesus Christ unto eternal life. 22And convince some, who doubt; 23save some, by snatching them out of the fire; on some have mercy with fear, hating even the garment spotted by the flesh.” Jude 1:20

Judas would not allow his brethren to snatch him from the fire.
I believe Jesus did forgive him. He knew Judas hadn’t foreseen the outcome of his betrayal. He said “Forgive them, Father, for they know not what they do” on behalf of his executioners and it certainly applies to Judas. Otherwise he wouldn’t have hanged himself.
If Judas hadn’t hanged himself surely it would show he didn’t consider himself to be guilty. Yet there is no doubt that he did and wanted to make amends somehow. It may not make sense to us but what else could he have done? It was probably an act of despair because he thought he would never be able to ask Jesus to forgive him…
If Judas regretted his actions, why did Jesus not forgive him?
Jesus is Love itself, so He always forgives. People through pride or despair refuse to throw themselves upon His mercy.

And even then Jesus forgives them and saves them unless they reject His love.
Jesus will always forgive a truly contrite heart. It was because Judas repented for the wrong reasons. He repented not to renew his friendship with Jesus, but he was afraid to suffer the consequence of his actions.
Jesus forgives even those who do not repent, as you noted with his executioners.

I agree with you. I didn’t write
" He repented not to renew his friendship with Jesus, but he was afraid to suffer the consequence of his actions."!
He does not wait until we are contrite or repentant. While we were yet sinners, He died for us.
He forgives even when we repent for lesser reasons. This is what the sacrament of reconciliation is all about.
Hey, lots of great info here. I almost read all of it.

I reading Jn 6 today at adoration and something stood out:
It is the spirit that gives life, while the flesh* is of no avail. The words I have spoken to you are spirit and life.
But there are some of you who do not believe.” Jesus knew from the beginning the ones who would not believe and the one who would betray him.c
And he said, “For this reason I have told you that no one can come to me unless it is granted him by my Father.”
As a result of this, many [of] his disciples returned to their former way of life and no longer accompanied him.

Is verse 65 saying that God chose Judas? and in vs 64 Jesus knew all along.

I think vs 64 is clear, but what about vs 65?
If Judas hadn't hanged himself surely it would show he didn't consider himself to be guilty. Yet there is no doubt that he did and wanted to make amends somehow. It may not make sense to us but what else could he have done?  It was probably an act of despair because he thought he would never be able to ask Jesus to forgive him..
There was no way to make amends. The deed was done. You bring up an interesting point. Judas may have wanted to depend upon his own ability to make things right with God, and saw that he could not. His pride would not let him throw himself on to the mercy of God.
Hey, lots of great info here. I almost read all of it.

I reading Jn 6 today at adoration and something stood out:
It is the spirit that gives life, while the flesh* is of no avail. The words I have spoken to you are spirit and life.
But there are some of you who do not believe.” Jesus knew from the beginning the ones who would not believe and the one who would betray him.c
And he said, “For this reason I have told you that no one can come to me unless it is granted him by my Father.”
As a result of this, many [of] his disciples returned to their former way of life and no longer accompanied him.

Is verse 65 saying that God chose Judas? and in vs 64 Jesus knew all along.

I think vs 64 is clear, but what about vs 65?
Judas was chosen, but not necessarily granted to come to Jesus for salvation by the Father.

“Jesus answered them, “Did I not choose you, the twelve, and one of you is a devil?” 71*He spoke of Judas the son of Simon Iscariot, for he, one of the twelve, was to betray him.” John 6:69–71

20When it was evening, he sat at table with the twelve disciples; 21and as they were eating, he said, “Truly, I say to you, one of you will betray me.” 22And they were very sorrowful, and began to say to him one after another, “Is it I, Lord?” 23He answered, “He who has dipped his hand in the dish with me, will betray me. 24The Son of man goes as it is written of him, but woe to that man by whom the Son of man is betrayed! It would have been better for that man if he had not been born.” 25Judas, who betrayed him, said, “Is it I, Master?” He said to him, “You have said so.” Matthew 26:20–25

Perhaps, afterward, Judas remembered what Jesus had said?
Hey, lots of great info here. I almost read all of it.

I reading Jn 6 today at adoration and something stood out:
It is the spirit that gives life, while the flesh* is of no avail. The words I have spoken to you are spirit and life.
But there are some of you who do not believe.” Jesus knew from the beginning the ones who would not believe and the one who would betray him.c
And he said, “For this reason I have told you that no one can come to me unless it is granted him by my Father.”
As a result of this, many [of] his disciples returned to their former way of life and no longer accompanied him.

Is verse 65 saying that God chose Judas? and in vs 64 Jesus knew all along.

I think vs 64 is clear, but what about vs 65?
It seems very unlikely Judas would have followed Jesus for three years if he didn’t believe nor would he have said “I have betrayed innocent blood” and killed himself. There seems no doubt Jesus knew what would happen but it doesn’t follow that Judas was compelled to be a traitor. Knowledge doesn’t imply causation. If it did no one would have free will! Often we can predict what people are going to do but it doesn’t mean they have no choice. 😉
Hi tonyrey,

I don’t think that “them” in “forgive them for they do not know what they do” included Judas, whom Jesus named a devil and the son of perdition.

Jn 6:70 Jesus answered them, “Did I not choose you twelve? Yet is not one of you a devil?”
I don’t think Jesus will save a devil.

Jn 17:12 When I was with them I protected them in your name that you gave me, and I guarded them, and none of them was lost except the son of destruction, in order that the scripture might be fulfilled.
The next chapter is about Judas’ betrayal. In context, the son of perdition in Jn 17:12 was Judas.

Correlate to this,

*Hebrews 6:4-6 For it is impossible in the case of **those who have once been enlightened and tasted the heavenly gift **and **shared in the holy Spirit and tasted the good word of God *and the powers of the age to come, and then have fallen away, to bring them to repentance again.

Judas was chosen, but not necessarily granted to come to Jesus for salvation by the Father.

“Jesus answered them, “Did I not choose you, the twelve, and one of you is a devil?” 71*He spoke of Judas the son of Simon Iscariot, for he, one of the twelve, was to betray him.” John 6:69–71

20When it was evening, he sat at table with the twelve disciples; 21and as they were eating, he said, “Truly, I say to you, one of you will betray me.” 22And they were very sorrowful, and began to say to him one after another, “Is it I, Lord?” 23He answered, “He who has dipped his hand in the dish with me, will betray me. 24The Son of man goes as it is written of him, but woe to that man by whom the Son of man is betrayed! It would have been better for that man if he had not been born.” 25Judas, who betrayed him, said, “Is it I, Master?” He said to him, “You have said so.” Matthew 26:20–25

Perhaps, afterward, Judas remembered what Jesus had said?
I’m sure Judas remembered what Jesus had said and it must have increased his mental agony. He probably thought he was doomed to go to hell and that is why he gave way to utter despair. Yet Jesus knew how much mental torture Judas was going to undergo. He pitied him for having given way to temptation by Satan and forgave him because He knew Judas didn’t foresee exactly what was going to happen. Jesus loved Judas in spite of what he was going to do because he knew he was possessed. Judas also loved his Master because he couldn’t bear to go on living when he finally realised what was going to happen. He killed himself because he couldn’t forgive himself for what he had done. Like so many Christians today he was convinced his crime was unforgivable but God is infinitely merciful. He knows Judas was overwhelmed with remorse for what he had done and proved it by hanging himself. There was nothing else he could have done…

Sooner or later we all find ourselves in a similar position, not so tragic but still hard to bear. When we think of the unnecessary suffering we have caused there is usually no way of making amends. If that thought makes us suffer there is hope for us because it is a sign we are truly sorry. Like Judas we have all betrayed Jesus in some way or other: “Whatever you do to the least of these you do to me”…
Good Morning, guanophore
I think that Judas was blind to Jesus’ well being. I think Judas convinced himself that, if he forced His hand, He would act to secure Himself and His disciples. I think it never occurred to Judas that Jesus would allow HImself to be led like a lamb to slaugher. He may have convinced himself that what he was doing WAS for Jesus’ well being!
Yes, all of these can be true. In summary, I observe in that scenario that Judas did not know what he was doing. He was not even intending to reject Jesus, let alone the Father.
I have had the picture that you do not believe human beings willingly and knowingly reject God.
And the above shows Judas as an example. It is not a “belief”, it is an observation.
People are culpable for what revelation they have received. None of us can fully appreciate the consequences of our actions. Judas had sufficient revelation and grace to choose to wait upon Jesus. He chose to force the issue. I think he regretted what he had done when the outcome was not what he expected. Yet, he is still culpable for the choices he made. Primarily he is culpable for his attitude afterward. Unlike Peter, he did not fall upon his knees and proclaim his unworthy state. In his pride he despaired of God’s mercy.
Catholic definition of the word “culpable”:

Morally responsible for an evil action. Culpability assumes sufficient awareness and (internal) consent to the evil done. It is identified with formal guilt or sin. (Etym. Latin culpabilis, blameworthy; from culpare, to blame.)

So, we know that the crowd did not have “sufficient awareness” because Jesus observed that they did not. We have speculated that Judas did not have “sufficient awareness” because he was convinced that what he was doing was right.

You are saying that Judas was primarily culpable for his attitude afterward. “In his pride he despaired of God’s mercy”. That’s a bit vague, guanophore. Let’s look at the behavior itself. He felt extremely guilty about his error. He desperately wished he had never done what he had done, probably “wishing he had never been born”. He was in a state of self-condemnation, which is felt as guilt, the object of self-resentment. As what happened with the crowd and the pharisees, resentment blinds us to the value of the person resented. So, Judas at the moment saw his own value as a big negative. When the human sees the value of himself or another as a big negative, coupled with this is a compulsion to punish, which is exactly the way the conscience functions. So, we have two somewhat separate “actors”: self-condemnation and compulsion to punish. Where do these “actors” come from? Well, in the more inclusive use of the words “conscience” they come from the conscience itself, and when the conscience is not equated with God then it is at least seen as coming from Truth. Yes, he most certainly perceived his state as unworthy, and he demonstrated such seeing unworthiness by committing suicide.

Guanophore, therefore I observe that Judas did not know what he was doing when he killed himself. He most obviously, for very understandable reasons, did not think himself worthy of forgiveness or mercy. He found himself worthy of destruction. He was blinded by resentment.

Now, was he responsible for his action? Yes, absolutely. He is the one who killed himself. Was he responsible for his blindness? Well, if he had the awareness to say “I am blind to my own value because I am very resentful of my act”, he would have acknowledged his own blindness as a misperception, which means that he would have been aware of an underlying truth. He was not aware of the underlying truth, that of his worthiness of mercy. So, no, he would not have been able to respond for his blindness. He would have said, “I see myself unworthy because I am unworthy”. We could say to him, “But God loves all of us”, but here would be the end of his ability-to-respond (respond-ability, responsibility). He would have to say “God is wrong about that” or some other untruth.

Now, is Judas “blameworthy” in the sense of “condemned by God”? Well, I certainly cannot condemn him, and it is very difficult for me to think of God doing so, it is contrary to what I know about Love. What happened was certainly a sad affair, but I have no reason to condemn anyone.
We are responsible to form ourselves in our faith through study, prayer, and receiving direction. If a person does not examine his conscience, it is not likely he will grow in faith. If a person knows the Church says something is wrong, he is morally obligated to learn how and why. This is part of receiving the aposotlic teaching. It will only perpetuate blindness to refuse to look at the facts.
We can certainly observe ourselves, and should, but we can also examine ourselves in the light of apostolic teaching. We can also help one another to see ourselves. One way to resolve blind spots is to listen to feedback.
Yes, people are “morally obligated” but people still do not do so. Though blindness may be a factor, this is mostly a matter of ignorance/lack of awareness. Does God condemn, blame, or does He forgive? The question to investigate this is “why do people not follow up on why something the Church says is wrong is truly wrong?” Do you want to investigate that?
Judas would not allow his brethren to snatch him from the fire.
Yes, Judas was blind, as I explained above. Note: I removed the word “pride” from my observations because the term is very vague; it often simply means “bad”, a projected negative.

Please feel free to critique my analysis!

thanks! 🙂
Yes, all of these can be true. In summary, I observe in that scenario that Judas did not know what he was doing. He was not even intending to reject Jesus, let alone the Father.
He may not have intended for Jesus to be tortured and killed, but the plain fact is, he rejected Jesus and the Father long before this deed. He had three years to sit at the feet of Jesus and allow his heart to be tenderized, but he would not. He stole from the money bag, and plotted manipulaton of his Teacher. Full knowledge does not mean he could see all the possible outcomes. Full knowledge means that one knows that certain acts are considered wrong.
 And the above shows Judas as an example.  It is not a "belief", it is an observation.
Are you suggesting that your “observations” are not filtered by your belief system? :bigyikes:

You don’t think your conviction that no one ever knowingly or willingly rejects God changes the way you evaluate behavior?
Catholic definition of the word “culpable”:

Morally responsible for an evil action. Culpability assumes sufficient awareness and (internal) consent to the evil done. It is identified with formal guilt or sin. (Etym. Latin culpabilis, blameworthy; from culpare, to blame.)
Are you suggesting Judas did not know it was wrong to steal? To conspire with Jesus’ enemies? To betray his Teacher for money? His lack of knowledge of the outcome does not remove his culpability for his actions.
 So, we know that the crowd did not have "sufficient awareness" because Jesus observed that they did not.
No, OS, you misapplied the statement of Jesus to “the crowd”. His statement was made in regard to those who were crucifying him.
 We have speculated that Judas did not have "sufficient awareness" because he was convinced that what he was doing was right.
“We” speculated no such thing. Judas knew that his actions were wrong. He convinced himself that the outcome would make the means worthwhile. A person does not say “I have betrayed innocent blood” if one thinks otherwise.
You are saying that Judas was primarily culpable for his attitude afterward.  "In his pride he despaired of God's mercy".
No, I did not say that. He was equally culpable for his attitude and choices before and after.
 Let's look at the behavior itself.  He felt extremely guilty about his error.  He desperately wished he had never done what he had done, probably "wishing he had never been born".  He was in a state of self-condemnation, which is felt as guilt, the object of self-resentment.
You suggest that we look at behavior, then you talk about feelings. Perhaps he did feel guilty. Not all who have regrets also feel guilty. Regret may come from not like the outcome, but it may not involve any affect of guilt.
  Yes, he most certainly perceived his state as unworthy, and he demonstrated such seeing unworthiness by committing suicide.
After three years of watching Jesus heal and forgive the unworthy, the rest of the Apostles accepted that there was nothing they could do to “earn” or “qualify” for His love and mercy. They accepted that it was unmerited grace. Judas rejected God’s unmerited grace.
 Guanophore, therefore I observe that Judas did not know what he was doing when he killed himself.
You think he killed himself by accident?!
He most obviously, for very understandable reasons, did not think himself worthy of forgiveness or mercy.  He found himself worthy of destruction. He was blinded by resentment.
You have as much right to speculate about his feelings as anyone else on the thread. And your speculations must be informed by your confirmational bias. 👍
   Was he responsible for his blindness? ... (a lot of psychobabble)...   So, no, he would not have been able to respond for his blindness.
Other people who were blind came to Jesus and told Him they wanted to see. Jesus told the Pharisees they would remain blind because they claimed they could see. Thomas has the right response. He falls to the feet of Jesus and prays “Oh Lord, help my unbelief!” Judas could have thrown himself on God’s mercy, could have asked God to help his blindness. We can all do this. God gives every human soul sufficient grace to be saved.
 We could say to him, "But God loves all of us", but here would be the end of his ability-to-respond (respond-ability, responsibility).  He would have to say "God is wrong about that" or some other untruth.
If he chose to go by his feelings, perhaps. But the truth of God is not rooted in feelings. Either one accepts the Truth of what God has revealed, or one rejects the revelation. Each soul is responsible for thier choice.
 Now, is Judas "blameworthy" in the sense of "condemned by God"?  Well, I certainly cannot condemn him, and it is very difficult for me to think of God doing so, it is contrary to what I know about Love.  What happened was certainly a sad affair, but I have no reason to condemn anyone.
Nor is it our place to do so. Only God can read and judge the heart.
Yes, people are “morally obligated” but people still do not do so.
Exactly. People willingly and knowingly fail to respond to responsibilities. God draws all to Himself. Those who do not respond choose to reject HIm.
 Does God condemn, blame, or does He forgive?
We are self condemned, when we refuse God’s offer of mercy.
 Yes, Judas was blind, as I explained above.  Note: I removed the word "pride" from my observations because the term is very vague; it often simply means "bad", a projected negative.
Arrogance, or hubris, is first noted in the actions of Lucifer, who, though he was created a powerful being full of light, chose to leave the presence of God. In the garden of Eden, we see hubris at work again, when Adam and Eve take it upon themselves to disbobey God’s commandment.

Pride is the excessive love of one’s own excellence. … that frame of mind in which a man, through the love of his own worth, aims to withdraw himself from subjection to Almighty God, and sets at naught the commands of superiors. It is a species of contempt of God and of those who bear his commission.”

Perhaps you would prefer that the meaning of pride remain “vague” so that you don’t have to figure out how to incorporate it into your psychotheology?
Interesting aside about Judas’ death that i just read on a website called biblebios. com.

It connected the two different accounts of Judas’ death by saying that Judas hung himself in a tree and sometime later his body fell and burst open. Gross!
Interesting aside about Judas’ death that i just read on a website called biblebios. com.

It connected the two different accounts of Judas’ death by saying that Judas hung himself in a tree and sometime later his body fell and burst open. Gross!
Do you think it’s unlikely? Suppose he fell on some jagged rocks…
He may not have intended for Jesus to be tortured and killed, but the plain fact is, he rejected Jesus and the Father long before this deed. He had three years to sit at the feet of Jesus and allow his heart to be tenderized, but he would not. He stole from the money bag, and plotted manipulaton of his Teacher. Full knowledge does not mean he could see all the possible outcomes. Full knowledge means that one knows that certain acts are considered wrong.
Petty theft doesn’t amount to deliberate rejection of Jesus - and certainly not of God the Father. What leads you to believe Judas was guilty of “plotted manipulaton”?

“‘Let anyone among you who is without sin be the first to throw a stone…”
Do you think it’s unlikely? Suppose he fell on some jagged rocks…
I think it is very likely. Even without the jagged rocks.

If those who know who he was were too resentful to bury him, or found him unclean on the Passover, he could have hung there for days until the gasses swelled in his body.
Petty theft doesn’t amount to deliberate rejection of Jesus - and certainly not of God the Father. What leads you to believe Judas was guilty of “plotted manipulaton”?

“‘Let anyone among you who is without sin be the first to throw a stone…”
Theft, no matter how petty, is still a sin. Under what circumstances could Judas take money out fo the joint purse that could be justified? Perhaps he was afraid he would go without something to eat? Sin separates us from God, and it always starts with petty sins, then the conscience becomes seared, so we justify greater sins.

Judas went to the enemies of Jesus and asked them what they would be willing to pay him to deliver Jesus to them. He plotted to betray Jesus, though he knew his blood was innocent. I think he was manipulating Jesus to publicly proclaim Himself King, set up the Kingdom on earth, and get himself a posh spot.

Whatever his motives, he was trying to manipulate the situation and took money to do it. OneSheep’s position is that no one is culpable of their sins because no one willingly and knowingly rejects God. My contention is that Judas willingly and knowingly betrayed his master.
Do you think it’s unlikely? Suppose he fell on some jagged rocks…
Nobody would have claimed his body, so it would have stayed in the tree. After several days it would have started to bloat, skin tightening around the bloated decaying body. Eventually the hastily prepared rope or cloth would have given way. And the impact of the body with the ground burst it open.

That seems more likely than tripping.
Hi tonyrey,

I don’t think that “them” in “forgive them for they do not know what they do” included Judas, whom Jesus named a devil and the son of perdition.

Jn 6:70 Jesus answered them, “Did I not choose you twelve? Yet is not one of you a devil?”
I don’t think Jesus will save a devil.
St John states clearly that “Satan entered him…”
Jn 17:12 When I was with them I protected them in your name that you gave me, and I guarded them, and none of them was lost except the son of destruction, in order that the scripture might be fulfilled.
The next chapter is about Judas’ betrayal. In context, the son of perdition in Jn 17:12 was Judas.
Jesus didn’t say Judas was lost forever nor that he would go to hell. He was lost because at that moment he was possessed by Satan.
Correlate to this,
*Hebrews 6:4-6 For it is impossible in the case of **those who have once been enlightened and tasted the heavenly gift ***and **shared in the holy Spirit and tasted the good word of God **and the powers of the age to come, and then have fallen away, to bring them to repentance again.
Judas cannot be in this category because he did repent. “I have betrayed innocent blood” are not the words of a man who isn’t sorry for what he has done. Nor is a man who kills himself for that reason a hardened, unrepentant sinner. Judas was heart-broken when he heard Jesus had been condemned. He may have expected his Master to save Himself because it was a Jewish belief that the Messiah would lead his people to victory over the Romans and establish their kingdom on earth. There is no doubt whatsoever Judas was devastated by the knowledge that Jesus was going to be crucified like a criminal. If he had foreseen the full consequences of his treachery he would have thought twice before going ahead with his plan but there is no evidence that he hesitated for one moment. When Jesus told him to do what he had to do quickly he obeyed instantly. He may have thought that was what his Master wanted him to do but he didn’t have time to consider the matter. What he did know was that he was fulfilling the prophecy and must have thought he had no choice. Jesus never said things that weren’t true. So Judas was trapped by his fatal mistake - and no one is damned unless they reject God deliberately…
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