Good morning, guanophore!
I dont’ think Judas saw Jesus as a threat. He knew he had betrayed innocent blood. He betrayed him to gain something he thought was more valuable - an attempt to grab political power.
Yes, he could have betrayed him to gain something he thought was more valuable!
Now, this is of course a very silly question, but please answer: Was Judas’ possibility of political power more valuable than Jesus’ well-being?
A priest will refuse to hear the confession if it is another obsession without merit.
This may be true, but it would be a merciful priest, who if refusing to hear a confession, would do what he can to get the person some counseling or some other means of dealing with the person’s fears or self-condemnation.
This is the dangerous part of your formulation, OS. Guilt is an actual state of responsibility for a wrongdoing. The state exists whether a person FEELS guilty for it, or not.
A description of the “state” is in order, but if the person does wrong without knowing he does wrong, then his “state” is different than the person who does wrong knowing and appreciating the negative consequences of his actions. The latter is the one who, when his mind is back in order (as Judas) is going to feel guilty and is in the condition of going to confession. The former, feeling no remorse, is not sorry, and is in no condition to go to confession. If a person does not know the negative consequences of a sin, then they most certainly do not know what they are doing.
I see nothing dangerous about this observation, guanophore. Perhaps you could be more specific about the “danger”?
Judas did not seem to feel any guilt until he realized his plan backfired. He clearly did not intend for Jesus to suffer. Of course, by the time he felt the guilt, it was too late.
What he put into motion would culminate in Jesus’ death.
Yes, it is very possible that when he turned Jesus over to the authorities, he did not
know that Jesus would suffer. He probably did not know the consequences of his actions. If he had known better, he would not have done what he did.
Are you starting to get the picture?
We go to confession to be reconciled to God and His Church when we have been separated by sin. Feeling guilty is not a requirement. Ideally, when the concience an the emotions are functioning properly, guilt will accompany our realization that we have done wrong, but no feeling is a requirement for any sacrament. It is an act of the will to confess a sin, and an act of the will to receive absolution. We are required to have contrition.
Yes, we are “required” to have contrition, but if that contrition is not real, then the exercise of the sacrament is not real. Remember, the “separation” occurs within the human himself. God always forgives, and the Church is to reflect such forgiveness. We are “Church”, and we are called to forgive. It is true that a person can willfully separate himself from the Church, though. They do so when they condemn other members of the Church, make accusations, etc., point at them and say “they do not belong” or “they are not following Christ”. Ironically, it is in their pointing that they exclude themselves from community, not the other way around.
Apparently only if someone “feels” guilty. It is only important to assuage and assure the person that all is good? There is no real requirement for the Sacrament, since there is really no such thing as mortal sin?
What is the “requirement” for the sacrament, guanophore? If a person does not confess, then God does not forgive? If a Catholic has done wrong, but does not think he has done anything wrong, he may choose to go to receive communion and think nothing of it. It is only when it is pointed out that what he is doing is wrong that he consider going to confession first. And if the person does not fully realize the consequences of his acts, then what is the source of his contrition? What is “Knowledge of God’s law” if a person knows that the Church says something is wrong without really seeing its wrongness?
For example, look at these rules:
Civility and a respect for each other should be foremost.
It is never acceptable to question the sincerity of an individual’s beliefs
It is never acceptable to assume or say you know what another person thinks or needs
If a person does not see the “wrongness” of questioning the sincerity of an individuals beliefs, then they will continue to do so even though the rule is there. Indeed, he may believe that making accusations of “disrespecting Church teachings” is “respectful”. Is this person in a bad “state”? Well, God forgives him, and the Church, hopefully, forgives him. That is our calling.
Whatever the case may be, the person is not going to choose or feel “contrition” until he is convinced of the wrongness of the act. It is a matter of observation, guanophore.