Why did the Church blame the Jews for killing Jesus until 1965?

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While it doesn’t rise to the level of church doctrine, this article from the On-line Catholic Encyclopedia is instructive in how the relationship between Judaism and Catholicism was likely viewed in the recent past in the more educated Catholic circles. You’ll note that the modern editors of that encyclopedia felt the need to add the following comment to the beginning of the article.
To complement this article, which was taken from the 1910 Catholic Encyclopedia, New Advent recommends a prayerful reading of “Nostra Aetate” from the Second Vatican Council.
There seem to be a bifurcation of excuses/explanations in this thread:

The Jews did call down upon themselves the responsibility for the blood of Jesus.
So your concept of justice is that all Jews, for the rest of history, are to be persecuted for the actions of a few Jews 2000 years ago? Truly appalling! No wonder the Jews say with respect to the Holocaust, “Never forget.” It could indeed occur again and this kind of “enlightened” reasoning could figure prominently.
There seem to be a bifurcation of excuses/explanations in this thread:
So your concept of justice is that all Jews, for the rest of history, are to be persecuted for the actions of a few Jews 2000 years ago? Truly appalling! No wonder the Jews say with respect to the Holocaust, “Never forget.” It could indeed occur again and this kind of “enlightened” reasoning could figure prominently.
Indeed. The history speaks for itself.
As I see it, why and how would a huge crowd in Jerusalem declare that they and their descendants were guilty of killing Jesus? It would be the words of a few in the crowd - d’you think everyone in a crowd would agree and therefore be taken to speak for a whole race of people? If they’d thought he was the son of God they wouldn’t have said it…if they didn’t, they wouldn’t have seen any special significance in the crucifixion of, in their eyes, yet another Jew who tried to stand up to the Romans, and there’d be no point in saying it. Crucifixion was an all too common grisly sight as the Romans tried to stamp out any sedition. More likely the story was added or at least exaggerated/embellished to placate a Roman population in order to convert them to Christianity. Romans are not going to want to see Jesus as a saviour whom they themselves killed!
There seem to be a bifurcation of excuses/explanations in this thread:
So your concept of justice is that all Jews, for the rest of history, are to be persecuted for the actions of a few Jews 2000 years ago? Truly appalling!
Am I guilty of Adam’s sin? (the correct answer here is “yes”) The sins of the fathers do pass to the sons.

But I never said a word about persecution. All I said was that it is a historical fact that the Jews demanded the death of Jesus.
No wonder the Jews say with respect to the Holocaust, “Never forget.” It could indeed occur again and this kind of “enlightened” reasoning could figure prominently.
Just to be clear, I am not a holocaust-denier. I am, in fact, a big supporter of Israel, and it is my theological belief that the Jews are STILL the chosen people of God and we Gentiles are being grafted in “for a time.”

The lack of enlightenment, therefore, seems to be found in your complete misreading of my posts.
The bigger question would be, if Jesus was destined to die for the benefit of all mankind, the Jews should be given Credit, not Blame.
The bigger question would be, if Jesus was destined to die for the benefit of all mankind, the Jews should be given Credit, not Blame.
Sure. Judas, too.


Romans 3:7-8
7 Someone might argue, “If my falsehood enhances God’s truthfulness and so increases his glory, why am I still condemned as a sinner?” 8 Why not say—as some slanderously claim that we say—“Let us do evil that good may result”? Their condemnation is just!
I went to Catholic School in the 1950’s beginning in 1956.

I never heard that “the Jews” killed Jesus. I heard that He died for our sins … and that it was our sins that he took upon Himself on the cross.


*The illustration above is from an old Baltimore Catechism of the era I went to grade school *

Now when you hear the Gospels, “the Jews” refers to those hostile Jewish leaders who DID want to kill Jesus (and plotted to, and took him to trials, and led the crowds to cry “Crucify Him!”). That’s just history, as is the fact that they had to involve Pilate the Roman Governor and Herod (a non-Jewish King appointed to the area) and Judas, an apostle in their plotting. Blaming all Jews, Italians, or all of the apostles of killing Jesus by association would be (or IS - as the case may be) preposterous.

As has been mentioned - ALL the apostles were Jewish, and all but Judas began their post-crucifixion ministry preaching in the Temple - as well as elsewhere (as Jesus had).

As Jesus taught “Love your enemies …” – justifying a thousands of years long grudge, or a shorter one, would not be of God. Satan would have encouraged it though, I think.

The principle that WE killed Jesus through our sins is one I learned early. He did not HAVE to do it (is the intellectual argument) - but the fact that HE DID - makes that bit of escapism moot.

Like others I’d like to see the actual documents whereby this was ever taught.🤷 The Church writes things down. The Biblical passages are another matter. At the time of their writing the early Church was experiencing persecution at the hands of the Jewish leaders (though not all of them by any means, as many of the diaspora - Jews living outside of the Holy Land - embraced the apostolic teachings when they came to their areas).

So then, do we blame anyone? Yes. We blame ourselves. We crucified Christ through our sins. As cited in our present Catechism of the Catholic Church (No. 598), the ***Roman Catechism of the Council of Trent ***taught clearly that "sinners were the authors and the ministers of all the sufferings that the divine Redeemer endured: We must regard as guilty all those who continue to relapse into their sins.
Since our sins made the Lord Christ suffer the torment of the cross, those who plunge themselves into disorders and crimes crucify the Son of God anew in their hearts (for He is in them) and hold Him up to contempt.
And it can be seen that our crime in this case is greater in us than in the Jews. As for them, according to the witness of the Apostles, ‘None of the rulers of this age understood this; for if they had, they would not have crucified the Lord of glory.’ We however, profess to know Him. And when we deny Him by our deeds, we in some way seem to lay violent hands on Him" (I, 5, 11).
I don’t think the teaching of Trent was a novelty at the time either. I think that, like the Vatican II reiteration, it was restating existing teaching to a generation that might have needed to hear the teachings again in their time.
Just to be clear, I am not a holocaust-denier. I am, in fact, a big supporter of Israel, and it is my theological belief that the Jews are STILL the chosen people of God and we Gentiles are being grafted in “for a time.”

The lack of enlightenment, therefore, seems to be found in your complete misreading of my posts.
I understood you, Randy. and I agree with your sentiments about the Jews. I feel like they are the “big brothers” of us Catholics. I pray for them and us every day. (Along with the rest of the world…) :gopray2:
There seem to be a bifurcation of excuses/explanations in this thread:
That link makes it seem so that the Church is anti semitic, but is not. More knowledge of history is required. that link can be refuted.
  • They deserve it, exemplified in this gem:
So your concept of justice is that all Jews, for the rest of history, are to be persecuted for the actions of a few Jews 2000 years ago? Truly appalling! No wonder the Jews say with respect to the Holocaust, “Never forget.” It could indeed occur again and this kind of “enlightened” reasoning could figure prominently.
1,I dont deny the holocaust.
2, Randy did not mean what you said he meant.
3, Read CaptFun’s post.
I went to Catholic School in the 1950’s beginning in 1956.

I never heard that “the Jews” killed Jesus. I heard that He died for our sins … and that it was our sins that he took upon Himself on the cross.


*The illustration above is from an old Baltimore Catechism of the era I went to grade school *

Now when you hear the Gospels, “the Jews” refers to those hostile Jewish leaders who DID want to kill Jesus (and plotted to, and took him to trials, and led the crowds to cry “Crucify Him!”). That’s just history, as is the fact that they had to involve Pilate the Roman Governor and Herod (a non-Jewish King appointed to the area) and Judas, an apostle in their plotting. Blaming all Jews, Italians, or all of the apostles of killing Jesus by association would be (or IS - as the case may be) preposterous.

As has been mentioned - ALL the apostles were Jewish, and all but Judas began their post-crucifixion ministry preaching in the Temple - as well as elsewhere (as Jesus had).

As Jesus taught “Love your enemies …” – justifying a thousands of years long grudge, or a shorter one, would not be of God. Satan would have encouraged it though, I think.

The principle that WE killed Jesus through our sins is one I learned early. He did not HAVE to do it (is the intellectual argument) - but the fact that HE DID - makes that bit of escapism moot.

Like others I’d like to see the actual documents whereby this was ever taught.🤷 The Church writes things down. The Biblical passages are another matter. At the time of their writing the early Church was experiencing persecution at the hands of the Jewish leaders (though not all of them by any means, as many of the diaspora - Jews living outside of the Holy Land - embraced the apostolic teachings when they came to their areas).


I don’t think the teaching of Trent was a novelty at the time either. I think that, like the Vatican II reiteration, it was restating existing teaching to a generation that might have needed to hear the teachings again in their time.
But apparently the Good Friday liturgy, pre-second Vatican council still referred to Jews as ‘perfidious’.
Short Time Warp…back to 1957.

Sister Margaret Mary is teaching 7th grade Religion:

"Sister Sister…do we hate the Jews because they killed Jesus??

“No Zoltan,we do not hate Jews and they didn’t kill Christ.”

“But Sister, in the bible a bunch of Jews were yelling ‘crucify Him…crucify Him’ and one guy says ‘let his blood be on us and our children…??’”

“Zoltan, those people may have been Jews and the man who called out was probably a Jew, but he was really speaking for ALL of US. Christ died to save ALL mankind. Technically…we ALL killed Jesus.”

“But Sister…”

“Look at it this way Zoltan. At that time the Romans ruled all of Judea. Rome had very strict laws. Only the Roman governor of a Provence had the power to execute people. The Jews couldn’t execute anyone…only the Romans could do that. So…why not blame Pontius Pilate? or the Roman soldiers? or all Italian people today?”

“Yes, Dino, you have your hand up…”

“Wise up Zoltan…Sister’s right. We ALL killed Jesus see…not just the Jews or the Italians. You gotta problem with dat…see my uncle Guido, you know who he is, right?”

End of discussion…:gopray2:
Short Time Warp…back to 1957.

Sister Margaret Mary is teaching 7th grade Religion:

"Sister Sister…do we hate the Jews because they killed Jesus??

“No Zoltan,we do not hate Jews and they didn’t kill Christ.”

“But Sister, in the bible a bunch of Jews were yelling ‘crucify Him…crucify Him’ and one guy says ‘let his blood be on us and our children…??’”

“Zoltan, those people may have been Jews and the man who called out was probably a Jew, but he was really speaking for ALL of US. Christ died to save ALL mankind. Technically…we ALL killed Jesus.”

“But Sister…”

“Look at it this way Zoltan. At that time the Romans ruled all of Judea. Rome had very strict laws. Only the Roman governor of a Provence had the power to execute people. The Jews couldn’t execute anyone…only the Romans could do that. So…why not blame Pontius Pilate? or the Roman soldiers? or all Italian people today?”

“Yes, Dino, you have your hand up…”

“Wise up Zoltan…Sister’s right. We ALL killed Jesus see…not just the Jews or the Italians. You gotta problem with dat…see my uncle Guido, you know who he is, right?”

End of discussion…:gopray2:
BUT the Jews did have the power to execute people…
Short Time Warp…back to 1957.

Sister Margaret Mary is teaching 7th grade Religion:

"Sister Sister…do we hate the Jews because they killed Jesus??

“No Zoltan,we do not hate Jews and they didn’t kill Christ.”

“But Sister, in the bible a bunch of Jews were yelling ‘crucify Him…crucify Him’ and one guy says ‘let his blood be on us and our children…??’”

“Zoltan, those people may have been Jews and the man who called out was probably a Jew, but he was really speaking for ALL of US. Christ died to save ALL mankind. Technically…we ALL killed Jesus.”

“But Sister…”

“Look at it this way Zoltan. At that time the Romans ruled all of Judea. Rome had very strict laws. Only the Roman governor of a Provence had the power to execute people. The Jews couldn’t execute anyone…only the Romans could do that. So…why not blame Pontius Pilate? or the Roman soldiers? or all Italian people today?”

“Yes, Dino, you have your hand up…”

“Wise up Zoltan…Sister’s right. We ALL killed Jesus see…not just the Jews or the Italians. You gotta problem with dat…see my uncle Guido, you know who he is, right?”

End of discussion…:gopray2:
I loved it!
BUT the Jews did have the power to execute people…
Glad you enjoyed Sister’s class.

Help me out here…if the Jews did have the “power to execute” why did they wake up poor Pontius in the middle of the night?
Glad you enjoyed Sister’s class.

Help me out here…if the Jews did have the “power to execute” why did they wake up poor Pontius in the middle of the night?
Yes, I was wrong to put it like that…what I was thinking of was their stoning for blasphemy. If they technically had no jurisdiction for capital cases, it didn’t stop them stoning Stephen. Didn’t they accuse Jesus of blasphemy? The temple authorities were responsible for keeping law and order - which was threatened by Jesus’ activities - so they could hand him over to Rome for sedition. It was in their interest for Caiaphas and co to keep in with the Romans in order to keep their powerful and wealthy positions.
But when Pilate did get called up, having no respect for the Jews and their beliefs, he would have rubber stamped the execution of yet another troublesome Jew inciting rebellion in a turbulent age. I believe that Pilate’s part in it was played down - suggesting that he tried to save him - by the evangelists trying to convert Romans to Christianity.
The Church blamed the Jews for killing Jesus until Nostra Aetate in 1965. This led to 1900+ years of slaughter of the Jewish people in the name of Christ. How could the Church not just permit this mass murder but enable it? Why was it only in the aftermath of the Holocaust that the Church finally did what it should have two millennia earlier?
Why did the Church encourage the nuclear attack on Japan, or any number of other things it didn’t actually encourage?
Why did the Church encourage the nuclear attack on Japan, or any number of other things it didn’t actually encourage?
Wow! I didn’t know the Church encouraged the nuclear attack on Japan.

Did the Vatican know beforehand about the A-bomb? How did they find out…it was very Top Secret.

Did Harry Truman call Pope Pius XII to get an OK???
Wow! I didn’t know the Church encouraged the nuclear attack on Japan.

Did the Vatican know beforehand about the A-bomb? How did they find out…it was very Top Secret.

Did Harry Truman call Pope Pius XII to get an OK???
Read my post again.
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