Yeah that was what I was thinking.
Where does the CC teach that angels have free will? I have a hard time imagining an angel even making a decision.
It’s always been my understanding that Angels, though higher in standing & rank as far as the powers that be are concerned, humans are favored more so in Gods eyes than the angels. BUT if an angel says DO, then we DO because God sent them to TELL US TO DO…lol I am going to take a look and check this out, but I think the Angels, (I’m going on opinion) are the soldiers & messengers of heaven, (the supernatural ones anyway). That’s essentially it. As far as free will? You know what? let me grab my catechism…OK…Angels…Here’s the topics on angels in the Catechism: ANGEL(S): In the anaphora, birth of Christ, Christ and, in the church’s life, cosmic order and the guardianship of, existence of truthof faith, fallen, gabriel announcing, gone astray, guardian, heaven and , identity and duties of, images in art, protectors of men. Dude, check it out, the catechism 311…“ANGELS AND MEN, AS INTELLIGENT AND FREE CREATURES, HAVE TO JOURNEY TOWARD THEIR ULTIMATE DESTINIES BY THEIR FREE CHOICE AND PREFERENTIAL LOVE. THEY CAN THEREFORE GO ASTRAY. INDEED THEY HAVE SINNED. THUS HAS A MORAL EVIL, INCOMMENSURABLY MORE HARMFUL THAN PHYSICAL EVIL ENTERED THE WORLD. GOD IS IN NO WAY, DIRECTLY OR INDIRECTLY THA CAUSE OF MORAL EVIL. HE PERMITS IT, HOWEVER, BECAUSE HE RESPECTS THE FREEDOM OF HIS CREATURES AND MYSTERIOUSLY KNOWS HOW TO DERIVE GOOD FROM IT.” Also ANGEL is the name of an OFFICE, not a being. Interesting…yeah, I’m not seeing anything covering the salvation of angels, but I think we know what happens to them when they get kicked out of heaven, lol. They become part of the management downstairs, LOL