Thank you. If modern man is in fact descended from pre-existent living matter a.k.a the neanderthals, it has to mean that a sensitive soul is even today created at the time of his conception in his mother’s womb, which incidentally, would explain his animal instincts. To this, God would be consciously/deliberately adding rationality, free will and immortality, in order to make it a spiritual soul.…The souls of non-human living things are generated from nature. St Thomas Aquinas holds that non-human souls of living things are educed out of the matter which is provided by the female and male parents and upon the fertilization of this matter. There is a certain power, for example, in the semen of the male parent that upon the fertilization of the female egg, this power is able to educe from the matter the soul for the new thing…
What I want to know is whether there is any time-point, sufficiently far back in antiquity, as would allow the entire present day human race to be descended from a single man (Adam)?
Can we then assume that papa Adam lived at that particular time in antiquity (as a hominid/archaic human if necessary) with spiritual soul, but his natural descendents for several generations were not blessed with spiritual souls, and when the biological evolution to modern humans ultimately happened, God duly shifted to widespread creation of spiritual souls? God being God, would be aware of which particular lineages are directly descended from Adam (in order to infuse the spiritual soul only for them). All non-Adamic lineages would have been selectively rendered infertile so that they ultimately died out! This is compatible with inter-breeding of homo sapiens and neanderthal populations.
The above overcomes the science objection that there never was any point in human history when two sole humans interrupted the natural population growth of the human species. It is not necessary for the entire human race to be descended from an exact pair of two individuals - there could have been any number of female contemporaries of Adam whom he might have inseminated and whose progeny would therefore carry the stain of Original Sin. In fact, thanks to his fallen nature, sexual restraint would have been lost and he could very possibly have been in reproductive overdrive! Incidentally, if the fallen Eve was equally promiscuous, then would her progeny through other males also carry the stain of Original Sin? If yes, it only expands the initial number of lineages which got corrupted with Original Sin, and makes it that much less necessary for the human population to have been reduced to exactly two!
I accept that this sounds a little contrived, but it is the only way I see of reconciling Humanis Generis para 35-37 with the ‘doctrine’ of evolution.
And finally, to answer the OP, yes, those neanderthals who were descended from Adam AND WHO HAD SPIRITUAL SOULS were saved. The others weren’t true humans anyway and hence the question of saved/unsaved doesn’t apply to them!