Why Do American State (Public) Schools Not have a School Uniform?

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I have never understood why American state (public) schools do not require a school uniform.

I attend secondary (high) school and virtually every secondary school in my country has a uniform - I wear a blazer, tie, jersey, dress trousers etc. Our uniform system is very much based on the British system.

So, I would like to know why most Americans schools don’t have school uniforms. Is it a cultural thing? Or so that parents can save money?

Here in NZ, new school uniforms can cost around $1000 (or even more if you attend a very prestigious school), so many people here argue that they are a waste of money.

I am vehemently opposed to the abolition of school uniform.
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So, I would like to know why most Americans schools don’t have school uniforms.
I’m not sure why…it’s always just been normal to me. Where I’m from people only wear uniforms for certain jobs and the military. Maybe it’s a reflection of the labor force? Most jobs don’t require uniforms where I’m from.
Uniforms are very expensive here. Really good quality but very expensive. Certain manufactures have a complete monopoly.

Many people unfortunately can’t afford them.

I don’t think that’s an excuse to get rid of them - just that some families find it so hard to buy them.
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Personally I found uniforms to be cheaper than having to buy a new outfit every month or so, which was what people at a non-uniform school next to my former high school used to do
Im not sure I’m convinced of this. My child wears a school uniform. I find that i have to buy him whole new sets of pants half way through the school year. The reason being is that he is a kid and kids will play hard in their school uniform in the same way that kids play hard at school
with no uniforms. He devolops holes in his uniform school pants in just the same way as he develops holes in his regular jeans. Holes in pants are against the dress code and so I am frequently having to replace those.
Uniforms are a good idea, but, a lot of public schools have trouble keeping kids under control, so enforcing a uniform policy would probably not be considered feasible.
We have a very strict uniform policy but with teenage boys it is hard to enforce. No untucked shirts, tie must be done properly, shoes must be polished.

Nonetheless, I see that other students get away with breaking the policy very easily.

But still, we have uniforms in New Zealand, and in the UK, Australia and many other countries school uniforms are the rule - but in the USA they seem to be the exception.
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In the US, it is not unheard of for teachers to be assaulted by one of their students. Dress codes are the least of our problems.

Not to mention, teacher’s hands are tied pretty tightly when it comes to discipline anyway.
As the article below states, the UK uniforms are cheap as you buy them at nationwide chain stores and select the right colours. Which is why the price isn’t an issue there.

In NZ, school uniforms can be elaborate and have to be purchased from uniform shops.

I really like school uniforms. I like dressing well and having pride in my school - but some may disagree.

This article highlights how contentious the school uniform issue is here: 'Kiwi mums and dads getting fleeced': Parents react to uniform price outrage - NZ Herald.

One parent in the article paid $1500 for their child’s uniform - which I know can be hard for many families.
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but in the USA they seem to be the exception.
Actually about one in five USA public schools do have uniforms most of those are located the larger cities and states. I do not think school uniforms are required in Canada either.

Public schools in the US are administered by individual states, and not the federal government in Washington D.C. This means it is highly unlikely we will never see a nationwide requirement for uniforms. You will find states that it is required though.

When I was attending school (1950’s and 60’s) we had a strict dress code that was enforced. My children also had a dress code as well.

On a personal note I do support school uniforms,
And so, what happens to them? No 11 year old needs to be wearing a $350 blazer. No disrespect to you, but who can afford that?
America, land of the free. No one is going to tell people what to wear to public school.
This was at a private primary school.

I now attend a state (public) high school and the blazer cost around the same…it’s more a secondary school problem with regards to price.

The outrage here in NZ is enormous with many parents annoyed (understandably) about the cost of high school uniforms.
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Well, public school here is not private school. So you are comparing apples and oranges. But even for private school, that is too much for many people.
Sorry. Here’s what I mean: I attended a private fee paying school in my primary years.

Now that I am at high school, I attend the equivalent of an American public school - we call them state schools. My point is that for high school uniform can cost upwards of $1000 even at state schools.

And to answer your question - many people can’t afford uniform. Some people don’t go to school according to the news because they just can’t afford the uniform. Very sad.
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Not sad, ridiculous.

No one should be denied an education because of an arbitrary dress code.
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Yes, some schools don’t have full roles until a few weeks into the year because parents have to seek assistance for the uniforms.

I believe we need to support government assistance for uniforms to people who can’t afford them-not abolish them.

I agree that $300-400 is ridiculous for state school blazer. But I think we just need funding.

Our system is a child system of the British system. Which is why most schools have uniforms - and I think this is good.

The solution is to increase government funding for those who can’t afford rather than abolish them altogether.
Let me just make clear the situation. In NZ, private school = fee paying school, and public/state school = government funded school.

Private schools, whether primary school (elementary) or secondary (high school) school usually have quite elaborate uniforms.

State primary schools often don’t have a uniform.

State secondary schools (again these are publicly funded) almost always have a uniform - often quite elaborate ones. Because they are government funded, but they have very expensive uniforms, they come under criticism because many people who attend just can’t afford the uniforms.

I attend a state school currently (publicly funded, non fee paying). The uniform is a blazer, tie, jersey, dress shirt and dress trousers etc. As you can imagine, some people who attend just can’t afford the uniforms because of the price.

I believe that school uniforms instill school pride in the wearer, prevent clothing rivalry and have many other benefits. I also like dressing well so having a nice uniform is another benefit.

Having a school uniform is just a part of our system.

I think that government funding should be increased so that people who can’t afford the uniform can have it - rather than possibly have their education suffer. Perhaps I sounded harsh saying that I am happy that uniforms are compulsory - that was not my intention - I think it would be better if the government subsidised uniforms for those who can’t afford.
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