Why Do American State (Public) Schools Not have a School Uniform?

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I have never understood why American state (public) schools do not require a school uniform.
I’ll venture to guess this is at least in part due to your having grown up in a country where uniforms in public schools is the norm. I grew up in the US, where they are not the norm, so when I go to the UK or Ireland I get the impression that all children attend private school 😀

I’m a proponent of school uniforms, but their non-use in public institutions does not befuddle me.
But still, we have uniforms in New Zealand, and in the UK, Australia and many other countries school uniforms are the rule - but in the USA they seem to be the exception.
I imagine there are plenty of countries whose public school systems do not require uniforms. In France, most private schools (the majority of which are partially funded by the government) don’t mandate it. I can think of only one in the entire Archdiocese that does.
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I have never understood why American state (public) schools do not require a school uniform.
The USA is a highly individualistic country. Uniforms are generally associated with the military or with private schools. A lot of people just plain hate being told what to wear, as they want to be able to express themselves through their clothing choices. Even many major companies are letting people just wear “business casual” and giving them a lot of leeway in what they choose to wear to work.

Uniforms are also a cost issue for many families as the outfit would typically not be worn anyplace except school, so you can’t say “it’s cheaper to buy the kids a uniform rather than other clothes” etc.

Also, just from what I saw in my Catholic private elementary school alone, there would be a lot of extra work for teachers and admins policing the school uniforms, making sure they weren’t dirty or too small or missing parts or “modified” by the students or whatever. In many US schools, it’s hard enough just maintaining discipline for the important things like preventing truancy and violence, without constantly having to be the “uniform police” as well.

Many private schools and also some charter schools that are offered to public school students have a uniform of some type. The kids who attend these schools and their parents participate voluntarily, so it’s understood that the student will have to wear a uniform and it will have to be kept in good fit and good order.
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