Why do I have to exist in the first place

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I have often pondered the question as to whether or not we were given a choice to exist?

Putting us to a test that we didn’t agree to seems to be out of character for a benevolent God.
The question of prior consultation is logically untenable. You were indeed not given that choice to exist or not, because prior to your existence, you were absolutely nothing, and hence there was absolutely no one God can “consult” as to whether you should exist or not. How can God “consult” something that is nothing.

Suppose God belatedly grants your wish to be consulted, and you were now given that choice, to continue existing as you do now, or be annihilated, would you not choose existence over annihilation? Would you prefer annihilation instead, the complete and utter loss of your conciousness and individuality, over living ?

Gerry 🙂
I had no choice in the matter. I am here, and it only makes sense to make the best of it.
I had no choice in the matter. I am here, and it only makes sense to make the best of it.
That neatly summarizes all the points made above.

Let’s go big time!!! Two related questions are:

**1. ****Why is there EVIL? **

**2. **Why did the Father REQUIRE Atonement?

Maisua the Glib has no answers to those Q‘s, but we are here & evil is real [today is 911]

**Someday, I hope to have answers, but probably will not have them in this lifetime. **

Don’t want to be hokey, but that leaves me with faith & hope; and the one thing I can affect—if & how I live a life of love. Beyond that, it is like a farmer worrying about weather.

I wish you & hope you enjoy the Peace of this community!!!


You are here.

If Jesus was here and you had access to Him and this access was really easy, would you ask Him. If the answer is yes, then all is too easy, Jesus said , Don’t do anything until I send the Holy Spirit, He will be with you because I am going where you can not go. Now you have the Holy Spirit instead of Jesus… The ONLY difference between walking up to Jesus and asking Him and asking the Holy Spirit is you can’t see the Holy Spirit. Ask, anything, and then listen.Listening is very important. You will hear Him. Remember God loves you. If you try to follow the teachings of the Holy Spirit, the answer to everything that happens in your life is , “Because God loves me.” So knowing the answer helps you understand the bits in-between.

You will be very blessed if you hear a voice? So for starters, just practise following your conscience. Of course in some instances you will fail. Dont try to hide that from God, confess it to Him. Some times some sins are very stubborn. As long as you keep hating the sin and asking for forgiveness your patience will grow. Just don’t give up. Keep praying and talking to the Holy Spirit and listening. Dont ask for too much in the way of things of this world. Jesus knows what you need and He will provide them for you. Worship Him, pray for love, reverence, submission to His will, forgiveness, mercy etc. If you really try to live according to the teaching of the Holy Spirit, who always leads you to Jesus, your life will be transformed and you will be living the most exciting and adventureous life anyone could ever imagine. Live one day at the time, what ever you do try to do it with love. Let Jesus have your worries, all you have to do is do things as a lover. edwin
Hello SocaliCatholic,

Love is greater than life. If God had not given man freedom from the control of His will, there would be no atrocities, persecution, hatred, death and damnation. Murder, the holocaust, abortion, rape, atrocities, and damnation, all flow out from man’s free will. We know that God tremendously values man’s physical and spiritual life and well being. What outcome could be so precious to God to attain, for God to grant man free will which allows atrocities, death and damnation to man? LOVE! Love can only be chosen in a situation where there is freedom to choose not to love. Death, damnation and sin are all consequences of God allowing man free will in order to gain man’s love. Gaining human love for God is worth putting man’s life at risk, otherwise, God would not have allowed free will. Love is far greater than man’s, physical or eternal, life. Therefore, love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, with all your mind and with all your strength.

Free from the will of God obedience to the will of God, is love for God.

Peace in Christ,

Steven Merten www.ILOVEYOUGOD.com
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