Why do most protestants reject the deuterocanonical books?

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Perhaps these examples cover Tobit, Judith, Wisdom, and Baruch, but I fail to see where this means that Sirach and 1 and 2 Maccabees must be left out.
Well, you asked for examples and I gave them to you. The Catholic church lumps all the books together so, as far as I’m concerned, an error in one is an error in all.

The topic of this thread was why protestant reject the deuterocanon books. I’ve given the arguments. Admittedly, some are stronger than others.
Why wouldn’t you evaluate each on an individual basis, like you do with all of the other books?
Historic mistakes isn’t the only reason to dismiss the Deutero as Scripture. It is just one example of why at least some of the books do not belong. When evaluating the Catholic reasons for inclusion and the Protestant/Jewish reason for exclusion I think it is clear that the Protestant/Jewish argument is greater.

If you want to dismiss the reasons given and accept the books as scripture (even those with mistakes) then that is your prerogative.
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If you want to dismiss the reasons given and accept the books as scripture (even those with mistakes) then that is your prerogative
I just asked a simple question. You’re free to ignore it and change the subject if you’d like. However I feel as if your bias leads you away from seeking the truth.
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