I meant this on a personal level. In wider society I agree that the rich have gotten very rich and the middle class poorer.
So true! I keep trying to tell friends of mine this (especially during the recent megamillions lottery frenzy) but no one seems to see it this way. I guess it’s pretty universal to want to be super-rich, or at least fantasize about it, but as long as you have enough material wealth to be happy, why isn’t that enough?I think people are not fair when it comes to accessing the life of the rich and privileged. Yes, material wealth is nice, but it isn’t everything. It is isn’t the most important thing. We Catholics should definitely understand this.
Yes, and I often wonder about myself whether my skepticism about celebrity worship is just a form of snobism. In other words, would I be any less starstruck if I attended a dinner party full of highbrow writers, actors, musicians, etc.There are a few celebrities that I would like to meet but only if I could sit down over a cup of coffee and actually talk to them. I have zero desire to stand in a crowd or line just to wave at someone or get an autograph. I’m just not mesmerized by celebs…just curious about a few. I certainly don’t worship anyone like some fans seem to do!
And what about sports heroes? I’ve seen guys get almost squeely over seeing some sport star! Many sport heroes ruin any expectations when they open their mouths and can barely speak in complete sentences. A few are very well spoken. I suppose any hero worship is our desire to live someone else’s life rather than our own mundane existence. Not me! I like mundane.