Why do people watch these kind of movies?

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I just click on the entertainment section of a news site and noticed that the movie Hostel beats out Narnia in this week’s box office. Curious, I read a review of the movie and was sick to my stomach… why would people watch such junk as this?

Here’s one review of the movie:

I cringe at the thought someone actually enjoying such a movie…

Warmest regards,
I just read the review and I cannot believe it. The review alone has sickened me. I hadn’t heard of this movie before reading this post. I feel ugly just knowing that it’s out there.😦 😦 😦 Jesus must be crying his Sacred Heart out.
The world loves darkness, we love light. It is just a manner of being children of the Light vs being children of the darkness. And, some christians may watch this trash because they are feeding the darkness ( flesh gal 5 ) within.
There are a couple of reasons that people watch these movies.
  1. It taps into a primal part of our subconscious. In ancient times this primal instinct would be fulfilled by going to war/hunting. When the average city dweller no longer went off to do the fighting himself, the Romans fed the urge through the blood sports. We still have these primal instincts today, no matter how much we would like to believe we have progressed.
  2. Our nature is broken, but we understand that our actions have consequences. By watching things we may fantasize about, but would never do (because of the consequences), we feed our feed our broken nature.
  3. Some people just like to be scared (I’m one of them.)
I’m not saying these are good reasons, or that it makes going to see the movies alright. I’m just answering the question.

Yours in Christ,

I am skipping this movie, I like well done horror i.e. The Exorcist, Silence of the Lambs, Se7en, The Sixth Sense. This does not rate the title good horror.
I saw the previews on TV and that alone sickened me. People have become so de-sensetized to violence. All you have to do is check out the video games kids play. I don’t mind being sqeemish when it comes to violence. It shows my heart is soft. WWJD? Would he watch that movie?
Just read the review. Where’s the vomit smiley when I need it?
People went and saw that movie?? I can’t even stand to watch the trailer for it; it makes me queasy. I like a good murder mystery, I like a good horror movie, but I just can’t take something like Hostel. I shudder to think about it.
Why do people see Rob Schnider movies? Who knows? Most people love to see terrible films. :confused:
Well, people can watch what they want, can’t they? It isn’t as thought they are going to go do it.
I liked Hostel. Narnia made me want to stab myself in the eyes with a pencil just so I could never watch it again.
Read the review. Unbelievable. Nauseating. A movie straight from hell.
Read the review. Unbelievable. Nauseating. A movie straight from hell.
I do not care for this kind of film, but the notion that it comes from Hell is appalling. People are allowed to make what they want, and thank God for that.
I just click on the entertainment section of a news site and noticed that the movie Hostel beats out Narnia in this week’s box office. Curious, I read a review of the movie and was sick to my stomach… why would people watch such junk as this?

Here’s one review of the movie:

I cringe at the thought someone actually enjoying such a movie…

Warmest regards,
I’ve never even heard about this movie before. It doesn’t look like a good movie, IMO. I’m surprised that so many people wasted their money on it.
there are many sick movies out there. this is what comes from letting hollywood people tell us what to see i guess.
although i remember now that narnia has so violence and scary things in it. so it might not be a good movie for children either.
there are many sick movies out there. this is what comes from letting hollywood people tell us what to see i guess.
You can’t put the blame completely on Hollywood, they wouldn’t make the movie if people didn’t want to go see it. Basic supply and demand.

Yours in Christ,
This is the kind of things produced from such an impure Earth…
Moreover… I skimmed through the discussion board on IMDb and one person said he saw kids seeing this movie too… (under 6 yrs old I think)… and described them as screaming throughout the duration. It’s just ridiculous…
Well, people did enjoy Pulp Fiction . But I wasn’t one of them. :ehh:
As long as people keep buying Michael Jackson CD’s, the world will never be safe.
I do not care for this kind of film, but the notion that it comes from Hell is appalling. People are allowed to make what they want, and thank God for that.
Why is the “notion” appalling? What is appalling is that ideas such as those shown in this movie are influenced by Hell. Yes, would should thank God for free will, however, we should also hope, pray and love people to freely follow God’s will, not hell’s will.
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