I really aint in need of bible lessons. But thanks anyway.
“What may be a near occasion of sin for one person is not for another”
To one person it is a near occasion of sin to just have a tv in their home. That doesnt mean they are entitled to tell ME or anyone that its a near occasion of sin for us as well.
To some people its a near occasion of sin to drink alchohol or gamble or even dance… thats their perogative. What may make YOU think about sinning doesnt mean others are the same way. Catholics need to realize this and stop slipping into fundamentalist perceptions.
Glad to know I am enabling creative filmmakers to continue on.
If extreemist religious had their way when Mel Gibson was making Lethal Weaons movies or Mad Max flicks, and us others who didnt get all twisted about it but supported him and thus allowed him to GROW as a filmmaker you wouldnt have Passion of the Christ. Cause the fundamentalist thought police and free speech haters (all for the good of OTHERS…they are fond of saying, wink wink…) would have shut him down if they had their way.
Sorry, but there is stuff that isnt black and white and IS “relative” in this world.
I’m also gonna support the director when Hostel comes to dvd as well