Why do people watch these kind of movies?

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I’ve been studying slasher films for about three years now (entirely to make fun of them and of course sticking entirely to reviews on bad movie sites. I’m sure not gonna watch them!) and I haven’t been able to figure that out. I generally don’t mind dark humor too much, as long as it’s not to dark and done in a somewhat cartoony manner, but a film like that just doesn’t make any sense to me. :confused:
We make a point of not going to those kind of movies. I would guess the reason people do is the same reason they slow down and gawk at a terrible automobile accident! Some just find things like that something they are drawn to. I have never been able to figure it???
Well, I guess I’m gonna be the party pooper and say I went to the show and seen it and enjoyed it. 😃

I aint gonna knock anyone for not wanting to see this one cause its an aquired taste in horror.

… *as much as get excited about watching sick horror flicks. *

I have read people who choose to identify with the killer…now to me that is sick…but I have read that they say if they cant act out the murders thru the killer on screen they would probably do so in real life and these movies are their outlet. So who am I to say how the human mind works and what is good or bad for someone? Of course I know that some movies cause sickos to wanna act out but thats life.

so dont judge someones charactor too quickly cause they dont share your taste in movies. 😉
(I only shortened the above quote for brevity. I highlighted the parts I want to speak about. Please read the orginal post #37 above as I don’t want to quote out of context.)

You don’t have to say what is good or bad, Christ already did when he said that we commit adultery when we just think about it. You can sin in thought, word and deed.

A thought of killing someone may enter your head and if you immediately stop the thought you have not sinned. But if you entertain the thought you have sinned as if you had already done the deed. Watching a whole movie about killing and fantasizing about it is just as bad in God’s eyes.

We promise in confession to avoid the “near occassion of sin”, this is exactly what that means. By subjecting yourself to this kind of “entertainment” you are inviting Satan to tempt you.

There is enough evil in this world, just watch an hour of news and you will see it, don’t support people who spend their time thinking up new, sicker ways to defile God.

Your support is enabling them, and may be preventing them from seeking their own needed conversion. Christ says we our are “brothers” keepers. Christ said to rebuke your “brother” when he is doing wrong and if he doesn’t listen to you take two more and if he still doesn’t listen go to the Church, and if he still doesn’t listen then you have done your part and you may “wash your hands of him”.

The question to ask is, if I go to these movies am I rebuking my “brother” or telling him what he is doing is okay?

It is a narrow road that leads to Heaven and a broad one that leads to Hell. Many take the road to Hell.
I really aint in need of bible lessons. But thanks anyway.

“What may be a near occasion of sin for one person is not for another” 😉

To one person it is a near occasion of sin to just have a tv in their home. That doesnt mean they are entitled to tell ME or anyone that its a near occasion of sin for us as well.

To some people its a near occasion of sin to drink alchohol or gamble or even dance… thats their perogative. What may make YOU think about sinning doesnt mean others are the same way. Catholics need to realize this and stop slipping into fundamentalist perceptions.

Glad to know I am enabling creative filmmakers to continue on.

If extreemist religious had their way when Mel Gibson was making Lethal Weaons movies or Mad Max flicks, and us others who didnt get all twisted about it but supported him and thus allowed him to GROW as a filmmaker you wouldnt have Passion of the Christ. Cause the fundamentalist thought police and free speech haters (all for the good of OTHERS…they are fond of saying, wink wink…) would have shut him down if they had their way.

Sorry, but there is stuff that isnt black and white and IS “relative” in this world.

I’m also gonna support the director when Hostel comes to dvd as well 👍
I am not suggesting that we sensor movies and prevent them from being made. I am suggesting that we should not support someone who is going down a wrong path. If you can honestly say that this director/producer, etc. is glorifying God with their work or at least not offending Him, and you feel that this will not inhibit their path to heaven then by all means support them. (I think Mel Gibson’s movie meets this criteria)

Our goal in life is to obtain heaven and to take as many with us as possible. Yes, we can enjoy life along the way but we should do nothing to cause another to go astray, as I feel these movies do. That doesn’t mean I want to sensor them, it just means I would never support them, only pray for the souls of all involved.

(I believe it was at Lourdes or Fatima that the Blessed Mother instructed the girls to dress modestly because the way they dressed could lead someone astray and that would be their sin.)

And I can’t see how I am slipping into fundamentalist perceptions, I am a proud Cradle Catholic and hope to be until the day I die. I don’t think anything I stated was against the strict teaching of the Catholic Church. If it is I ask that someone correct me for I at times need rebuking also. I would rather be wrong and be corrected by someone than to go to Hell in ingnorance.
I am ashamed to say my wife and I went to see “Hostel” on Saturday night. Now, I have a stomach for the violent and the obnoxious; this movie is over the line. If you think Full Metal Jacket, Black Hawk Down, The Shining, etc., are violent, this movie makes those look like Barney. I can’t even believe this movie has been allowed to show in the theater.

Now, get this. When the movie was over, a woman sitting next to us (with a friend, not sure if it was a spouse, significant other, or what) stood up and CLAPPED. Wow.
I really aint in need of bible lessons. But thanks anyway.

“What may be a near occasion of sin for one person is not for another” 😉

To one person it is a near occasion of sin to just have a tv in their home. That doesnt mean they are entitled to tell ME or anyone that its a near occasion of sin for us as well.

To some people its a near occasion of sin to drink alchohol or gamble or even dance… thats their perogative. What may make YOU think about sinning doesnt mean others are the same way. Catholics need to realize this and stop slipping into fundamentalist perceptions.

Glad to know I am enabling creative filmmakers to continue on.

If extreemist religious had their way when Mel Gibson was making Lethal Weaons movies or Mad Max flicks, and us others who didnt get all twisted about it but supported him and thus allowed him to GROW as a filmmaker you wouldnt have Passion of the Christ. Cause the fundamentalist thought police and free speech haters (all for the good of OTHERS…they are fond of saying, wink wink…) would have shut him down if they had their way.

Sorry, but there is stuff that isnt black and white and IS “relative” in this world.

I’m also gonna support the director when Hostel comes to dvd as well 👍
Kinda suprised that you would have time to watch movies, what with you defending all of our freedoms and everything!
I happen to work as a manager for a movie theatre chain. Whenever we get in new movies each week, we have to preview them and make sure that they run through correctly so on opening day there aren’t any problems. Opening day of this film, I’ve never seen anything like it. Parents taking their children to see this ****. I’m not talking 14 or 15 year olds, I’m talking about 7 and 8 year olds. These parents make me sick. Whenever I have to walk movies like this I see the parents and the children and they make NO ATTEMPT to even cover their little ones eyes. As a child my mother rarely took me to anything R rated, but if she did, she made sure my eyes and ears were covered. This is just further proof of how bad society is getting…
I am ashamed to say my wife and I went to see “Hostel” on Saturday night. Now, I have a stomach for the violent and the obnoxious; this movie is over the line. If you think Full Metal Jacket, Black Hawk Down, The Shining, etc., are violent, this movie makes those look like Barney. I can’t even believe this movie has been allowed to show in the theater.

Now, get this. When the movie was over, a woman sitting next to us (with a friend, not sure if it was a spouse, significant other, or what) stood up and CLAPPED. Wow.
I didnt clap after Hostel, but I did cheer when that german guy got his comeuppence in the mens room! Outright bloody vengeance and I LOVED IT! 😃

I also cheered when Charlie Bronson asked that punk who raped his daughter in Death Wish 2 if he believed in Jesus (cause the creep was wearing a cross) The kid said yes and my man Charlie said, “Well you’re gonna meet him”…then BLAM!!!

I eat that stuff up and love every minute of it and feel perfectly sane and have no problem jiving that with my faith.
As for clapping… me and the half the audience applauded after Devils Rejects! I loved every bloody minute of that as well… 👍

I love well written revenge flicks and horror flicks where bad people get theirs in the end. I’ll never change.
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