Ah, yes, the cheapest “shot” in the books: “you don’t get it”. Oh, I get it just fine. I accept your effort to expand the “reality” to any realm of your choosing, I only request you to show your epistemology.Obviously, you don’t get the point. The remainder of your post is just a long elaboration of yours on not getting the point.
That is the point I was making. The ball is in your court. Can you present your METHOD of eliminating false propositions about the “rest of reality”?No, not scientists in general say that, only scientists under the spell of scientism, which is precisely what you just described. The qualifier ‘in the broadest sense’ is no remedy, since then the contentious question arises of what counts as ‘observation’ and what counts as objective ‘verification’.
You seriously confuse “metaphysics” and “epistemology”. Metaphysics is about “what exists”, or “what is reality”? “Epistemology” is about “how do we know it”? Of these two branches, it is the epistemology what counts. Metaphysics is just baseless assumption WITHOUT epistemology. Metaphysics is NOT a method. It is just a bare hypothesis. According to your post, you are unaware of this. And you dare to try to argue that I don’t get it?There are plenty of scientists who believe there are aspects of objective reality that we can probe neither with the tools of science nor with a broader “scientific epistemological method” as you call it (if we make it very broad, we would call it metaphysics, but you apparently despise that one – so it can’t be too broad, can it?).
Yes, in the broadest possible sense. It means that no matter what that “objectively existing reality” might be, if you make a proposition about the nature of that reality, there needs to be some method, which finds out if that proposition is true or not. Let me help you with a few actual propositions:
- at the conception everyone is assigned an immortal soul, and
- also at conception, everyone is assigned a guardian angel, and
- if you die with one unrepented mortal sin, you will be tortured forever, and
- demons can cause certain physical illnesses, also
- the transubstantiation of bread and wine into actual flesh and blood, even though physically they are unchanged … these are all specific claims about your purported “reality”.
If you have one, come out with it. If you don’t… then you are just one of those snake-oil peddlers, whose only “evidence” is: “trust me”.
I have been around the block a few times, both here and other religiously inclined boards. The same question was presented repeatedly on all of them. Not just there never was an answer, but not even an attempt was presented. I make a non-so-scientific prediction: “you will not be able to give an answer either”, and I would love to be proven incorrect in my prediction.