Why do some people think that Science is the only source of knowledge?

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I also believe the most parsimonious explanation of reality is one Supreme Being.

It doesn’t get any more parsimonious than that! 👍
so the question to be asked is what would be the nature of the extraordinary evidence (lacking the possibility of physical evidence) that would sufficiently explain this extraordinary event?

I noticed you didn’t honour my initial post on this question with a reply.
I believe the answer to this question is ------by means of repeatable and verifiable evidence.

What was your initial post that you think has gone unanswered by me?
I also believe the most parsimonious explanation of reality is one Supreme Being.
I would say that there is probably one supreme (or ultimate) principle of reality (or of existence). Where I would disagree with you is in your belief that the ultimate principle is a “Being” because once you personalize such a principle it is anthropomorphized in much the same way as the pagans personalized their gods. Additionally, the personalization of such a Being is not parsimonious. Your religion certainly proves this point. The several doctrines of your faith, in fact, demonstrate an extremely complex Deity.

Why I underlined “probably” above is because I do not think it can be said with absolute certainty that there is not an infinite regress. While it indeed seems to be the case-------as Thomas so famously posited—that there cannot be an infinite regress, the discoveries being recently made point to a bizarre quantum universe with classical understandings of causation being investigated.
I believe the answer to this question is ------by means of repeatable and verifiable evidence.**

And exactly how would you repeat the Big Bang in order to verify it?
I believe the answer to this question is ------by means of repeatable and verifiable evidence.**

And exactly how would you repeat the Big Bang in order to verify it?
The “big bang” is itself is a theorized concept based on repeatable and verifiable evidence The theory is consistent with observations of the past and present states of the universe; it is widely accepted within the scientific community as it offers a comprehensive explanation for a broad range of observed phenomena, including the abundance of light elements, the cosmic microwave background, large scale structure, and the Hubble diagram for certain supernova. These observations are themselves repeatable and verifiable and provide the basis for the theory.
Yes, all that is true. But there is no scientific explanation for the Big Bang. Any evidence for why the Big Bang happened was forever obliterated with the Big Bang. There is no scientific evidence for why the universe came into being. It is forever a mystery. One man’s explanation is as good as another.

Carl Sagan in Cosmos, 1980 A.D.

“Ten or twenty billion years ago, something happened – the Big Bang, the event that began our universe…. In that titanic cosmic explosion, the universe began an expansion which has never ceased…. As space stretched, the matter and energy in the universe expanded with it and rapidly cooled. The radiation of the cosmic fireball, which, then as now, filled the universe, moved through the spectrum – from gamma rays to X-rays to ultraviolet light; through the rainbow colors of the visible spectrum; into the infrared and radio regions. The remnants of that fireball, the cosmic background radiation, emanating from all parts of the sky can be detected by radio telescopes today. In the early universe, space was brilliantly illuminated.”

Genesis, 1200 B.C. : “In the beginning God said: ‘Let there be light.’”
Yes, all that is true. But there is no scientific explanation for the Big Bang. Any evidence for why the Big Bang happened was forever obliterated with the Big Bang. There is no scientific evidence for why the universe came into being. It is forever a mystery. One man’s explanation is as good as another.
OK. This is a different issue altogether. Your real question is what evidence is there for how the big bang occurred. You are not asserting that “the big bang” is evidence which defies repetition and verification. Instead, it appears you are now asking “why” did the big bang occur.

Certainly, you are correct, no evidence is known to us because, as you correctly noted, the evidence itself was obliterated in the process of its occurrence.

However, the question of what lies behind the big bang isn’t necessarily forever foreclosed. The study of the quantum produces new discoveries and paths for investigation every day.

In any case, I hardly think Genesis’ “let there be light” is a compelling explanation. Nevertheless, in a sense you are correct to say that one man’s explanation is as good as another on the issue of why did the Big Bang occur. Until there is some evidence, I would say that “I really don’t know”. I can conjecture as can you; and, each of us is free to argue the point as we like without fear of scientific rebuttal.
However, the question of what lies behind the big bang isn’t necessarily forever foreclosed. **

It is forever closed unless you can get behind the Big Bang, which is impossible because there is no behind.
However, the question of what lies behind the big bang isn’t necessarily forever foreclosed. **

It is forever closed unless you can get behind the Big Bang, which is impossible because there is no behind.
That is presently an unknown. Perhaps you are right. Perhaps you are not. It is simply unknown. Will it always be so? Once men thought humans could never fly. Once, people would have been considered lunatics if they opined that we could ever walk on the moon. This is a very bizarre cosmos that we are part of—never say never.
This is a very bizarre cosmos that we are part of—never say never. **

Really? Could you ever jump down your own throat?

I would say never. 😃
I would say that there is probably one supreme (or ultimate) principle of reality (or of existence). Where I would disagree with you is in your belief that the ultimate principle is a “Being” because once you personalize such a principle it is anthropomorphized in much the same way as the pagans personalized their gods. Additionally, the personalization of such a Being is not parsimonious. Your religion certainly proves this point. The several doctrines of your faith, in fact, demonstrate an extremely complex Deity.
A principle presupposes personal existence for at least two reasons. It implies insight into reality and it also unifies the different aspects of reality. It is not an abstraction in the sense you are using it but rational creative power. Nor is it anthropomorphic but ratiocentric - in contrast to the eccentric view of materialists who reduce existence to a heterogeneous set of fortuitous events which are valueless and purposeless (using their power of reason to demonstrate that reason itself is a freak of nature).
Why I underlined “probably” above is because I do not think it can be said with absolute certainty that there is not an infinite regress. While it indeed seems to be the case-------as Thomas so famously posited—that there cannot be an infinite regress, the discoveries being recently made point to a bizarre quantum universe with classical understandings of causation being investigated.
There is no reason to believe submicroscopic events are the source of truth, goodness, freedom, justice, beauty and love. Materialism is self-refuting.
There is no reason to believe submicroscopic events are the source of truth, goodness, freedom, justice, beauty and love. Materialism is self-refuting. **

Indeed! How can an atom know itself, its past, or its future? :confused:
Science is based on two philosophical principles it cannot explain because they are beyond its scope:
  1. The power of reason
  2. The intelligibility of the universe
Both these principles are based on an act of faith which is only rational if the power of reason and the intelligibility of the universe are due to Design. Otherwise science exists in an irrational, valueless and purposeless vacuum in which objective evidence is an illusion.
Science is based on the power of reason and not any act of faith. Design is a leap of faith, not science.
Science is based on the power of reason and not any act of faith. Design is a leap of faith, not science.
Belief in the power of reason is itself an act of faith because it cannot be based on thin air!
What do you think the power of reason consists of? Electrical impulses inside the skull which have emerged from purposeless processes? :rolleyes:
There is no reason to believe submicroscopic events are the source of truth, goodness, freedom, justice, beauty and love. Materialism is self-refuting. **

Indeed! How can an atom know itself, its past, or its future? :confused:
By a process of magical transformation - according to Darwin and his disciples.
Science is based on the power of reason and not any act of faith. Design is a leap of faith, not science.
For some reason you seem to be reacting defensively. Catholics and other Christians do not doubt the value of science, that is self-evident. All we are saying is that science itself accepts as self evident fact the underlying structure of reality with which Philosophy deals. I speak as a Thomist here. And that philosophical perspective helps understand the reasonableness of Faith. But certain, aggressive " scientists " step beyond the bounds of legitimate science to condemn philosophical reasoning, and claiming for itself the sole source of truth.

Science is based on the power of reason and not any act of faith. Design is a leap of faith, not science.
It would take a leap of faith to accept your statement since you haven’t provided any hard evidence to demonstrate it.

Meyer and others are in the process of compiling scientific evidence to demonstrate design. The evidence needs to be assessed on its own merits and not summarily dismissed as “not science.” Any attempt to do so is not a scientific one, but, rather, dogmatic and one fearful of losing something - perhaps an all-encompassing faith in science is believed to be in jeopardy. If the evidence is woefully inadequate, that cannot be determined until it is all in and assessed. Science ought not take the side of any particular idea or theory, they should all be susceptible to the evidence, not dismissed a priori.

Science is based on the power of reason and not any act of faith. Design is a leap of faith, not science.

This is too bizarrely false. Design exists. I am designing this sentence. It is not a leap of faith that I am designing this sentence. Nor is a it a leap of faith that Strawberry designs his sentences. Design exists in the real world. It is a fact of reality. Why should we not be able to see it everywhere we look? :confused:
Science is based on two philosophical principles it cannot explain because they are beyond its scope:
  1. The power of reason
  2. The intelligibility of the universe
Both these principles are based on an act of faith which is only rational if the power of reason and the intelligibility of the universe are due to Design. Otherwise science exists in an irrational, valueless and purposeless vacuum in which objective evidence is an illusion.
By a process of magical transformation - according to Darwin and his disciples.
You just gave science first place in importance by bringing up Darwin and substituting your own “science”.

Whereas if you didn’t think science is so important you wouldn’t be bothered what it says.

Got me wondering now. Those arguing against science doth protest too much, methinks. Are they guilty of scientism all along? 😛
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