I’ve said this before in other threads. The CC goes back 2000 years. In the early church through the Middle Ages, people who attended Mass were by and large, illiterate. They could neither read nor write. And until post-Guttenberg and his printing press, bible were hand copied laboriously by monks. People didn’t go to the local bookstore and buy a bible to read because, they couldn’t read, and there were no bookstores. So, stained glass windows and statures proliferated in Churches, AS TEACHING TOOLS. When the celebrant gave a sermon on say, the nativity of Jesus, the descent of the Holy Spirit, the Resurrection and other topics, he would point to a statue or a stained glass window and the people could visualize what he was talking about. Statues, stained glass window, and the like are a long standing tradition with distinct education purposes.Why do we have statues in church like in my church there is a statue of mother Mary and in my home I have candles of Jesus and Mother Mary and Saints. My mom has a big Mother Mary and Saint Anne. When I read and look up stuff it just makes me so confused about being Catholic and I don’t know what to do cause I get worried about having those in my room and I don’t know?
Asiacamie, there is nothing wrong with statues of Jesus, or Mary. Or any Saint. You know we don’t worship them, they remind us, and keep our focus on them in prayer. Just as you have photos of your family and friends, we have statues of Jesus.I don’t know I Just always see like people in a different religion say don’t pray to Mother Mary your not suppose to do that only pray to Jesus and they have statues in their church that’s scary and I just get confused about it all
It isn’t. You answered your question rightly.Isn’t that having Idols and Altars. I was reading the Bible and it talked about this and it says “Do not make for yourselves gods of silver or gods of gold.” I know we don’t worship those statues
Stop listening to people who are not Catholics. They are wrong. Go talk to your priest if you are confused or anxious about something. You are reading bible verses other people have fed you. What you don’t understand is those bible verses are out of context and incomplete. We don’t read the bible like that. You need to get rid of these bad influences who are trying to confuse you and go talk to you pastor about things you don’t understand.I Just always see like people in a different religion say don’t pray to Mother Mary your not suppose to do that only pray to Jesus and they have statues in their church that’s scary and I just get confused about it all
Oh, no–no worries!! I’m glad to be able to clarify, if I gave that impression at all.oh ok my bad then
Yes. Paintings and icons are not graven images, so they are OK. Statues are graven images, i.e., 3D images. The commandment of God says: Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image, or any likeness above,Would it bother you less if they were paintings or photographs?
So if your kid (real or hypthetical kid) brought you home a sculpture they made in art class, you’d throw it in the trash and tell them its a graven image?Statues are graven images, i.e., 3D images
Nativity scenes which are flat icons are fine. I don’t think that a flat icon would break the commandment of God which commands against graven or carved (i.e. 3D) images:How do you feel about Nativity Scenes?