Why do we need a Savior?

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I’ve been there, my friend. It is because I realised the catholic faith did not give real answers that I left it.
I didn’t start with the CC-I left it for years and looked outside of it only returning 25 years later. It’s not the Church, per se, that’s the answer-it’s what she’s pointing to.
Don’t like pseudo-answers, huh, well answer me this: where did you come from? Don’t say my parents because I will respond with the question where did they come from, and don’t say my grandparents because I will ask where did they come from, and so on, trying to lead you to see that their must be a First Cause. The first Greek philosophers knew that there must be, on a simply rational level, a First Cause. They called this first cause god, though they did not know much else about God. I have another question for you: are you an absolutely necessary being? Or is your existence contingent upon someone else, perhaps even your parents, and is their existence contingent upon their parents etc.? Does there have to be One Being who is not contingent, that is absolutely necessary for existence? Even the Greeks figured out the answer to this question thousands of years ago. They called this necessary being god.
Are there any philosophical arguments that can convincingly prove that humanity is in need of a Savior? Or can we only know about needing a Savior through divine revelation? Thanks!
Why do we need a Saviour?

We are always in search of saviours. The political system is built on this idea … you need someone who will improve your living conditions. When your washer, car, air conditioner, toilet, TV, break down, a saviour is the one to fix things and make them good again. So saviours are as natural as our nose. They help us to live a better life by fixing things.

So it isn’t so strange that we also need a saviour in the area of behaviour that will improve our life. Someone to teach us how to act so we may find love and peace. And a saviour who will fix the biggest problem of all, that of death.

So yes, we indeed need help … a saviour … Jesus Christ … who rose from the dead and fixes it so that all who follow him and his teaching will also rise from the dead and fix it so that life, happiness, and peace can be attained.
This is an old thread. But asking the question do we need a savior is like asking do we need a doctor? People who are sick need a doctor. So to answer if we need a doctor we should ask is there anything wrong with us?

To those who would claim they have no need of Jesus’ salvation, he simply says what he said to the pharisees who asked him why he hung out with sinners:

“Those who are well have no need of a physician, but those who are sick. I came not to call the righteous, but sinners.”

People who know they are sinners know they are in need of God’s mercy.
Jesus said he who sins is a slave to sin. Really, sin is some kind of an addiction. And, an addiction is something that has power over us. Thus, we are not free when we are addicted.

Jesus answered them, “Truly, truly, I say to you, everyone who practices sin is a slave to sin. The slave does not remain in the house forever; the son remains forever. So if the Son sets you free, you will be free indeed". (John 8:34-36)

The good news is if we read what Jesus says carefully is that Jesus is going to set us free from sin and harmful addictions. We don’t have to do it alone.
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