Why do we pray? :(

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Why do I have to keep praying for help with a problem again and again especially a small problem that can easily be fixed?

I don’t understand it anymore.

I could have a problem on the level of someone asking me to get them a glass of water because they are to weak to get it, I’m not asking for a miracle so why do I feel alone, I feel spiritually miserable.

I’m not praying for anything against God’s will so I don’t understand why it isn’t being answered.

Matthew 7:9 Is there anyone among you who would hand his son a stone when he asked for bread?

It makes it harder to pray each day but I do persevere but feel rejected and isolated.

Hi Nelka,

This may sound cliché, but God has a reason for everything. We don’t know what His plans are, but there might be a reason for this. He might not have responded with a solution yet so that you would continue to persevere in prayer (which is a good thing!), or He may have responded but in a way you wouldn’t expect Him to.

There’s a post I recall… I think it goes along the lines of:

God responds to prayer in 4 ways
  1. He says: “yes, here you go”
  2. He says: “yes, but not yet. I’m waiting for the right time”
  3. He says: “no. I love you too much to give you what you’re asking for because it would harm you”
  4. He says “no, because I have something much better to give you”
I’m really sorry that you’re feeling this way. I’ve been in your position before, feeling lonely and abandoned. I also struggle to trust and persevere sometimes, when prayers go unanswered, I think this is an issue a lot of people face.

Just remember that every time you pray, every single time, God hears you. Always.

Our prayers never go unheard by Him, and He never ignores them. He will answer our prayers according to His Will, which we will never know, so we must trust Him completely, and trust in His infinite love for us. Because He does loves us, His little children, so very very much, and wants what is best for us. He loves us more in a single moment, than anyone else in this world can love us in an entire lifetime. So never stop praying to Him, and talking to Him. Pray with complete trust and abandonment, knowing that He does hear you and will answer you, in the way that is best for you.

Go visit Jesus often in the Blessed Sacrament and pour out your heart to Him. Tell Him everything you are feeling, and all the things you desire from Him. Then pray for greater trust in Him and in His timing, and pray that you will love Him more and more, each day, until you see Him in eternity.

I promise that I will pray for you too, every day, until you write on this forum that your prayer is answered. God bless you, and I hope that you feel happier soon ❤️
That is not the reason why we pray. You make all these to look so petty.

There is no reason for you to feel rejected.
Why do I have to keep praying for help with a problem again and again especially a small problem that can easily be fixed?

I don’t understand it anymore.

I could have a problem on the level of someone asking me to get them a glass of water because they are to weak to get it, I’m not asking for a miracle so why do I feel alone, I feel spiritually miserable.

I’m not praying for anything against God’s will so I don’t understand why it isn’t being answered.

Matthew 7:9 Is there anyone among you who would hand his son a stone when he asked for bread?

It makes it harder to pray each day but I do persevere but feel rejected and isolated.

Humility is important – blessed are the meek and the poor of spirit. The Holy Trinity is actively giving grace in response. We are strengthened through our continuous prayer. St. Paul said:
1 Thess 5:17 Pray without ceasing.
2703 This need also corresponds to a divine requirement. God seeks worshippers in Spirit and in Truth, and consequently living prayer that rises from the depths of the soul. He also wants the external expression that associates the body with interior prayer, for it renders him that perfect homage which is his due.

2708 Meditation engages thought, imagination, emotion, and desire. This mobilization of faculties is necessary in order to deepen our convictions of faith, prompt the conversion of our heart, and strengthen our will to follow Christ. Christian prayer tries above all to meditate on the mysteries of Christ, as in lectio divina or the rosary. This form of prayerful reflection is of great value, but Christian prayer should go further: to the knowledge of the love of the Lord Jesus, to union with him.

2714 Contemplative prayer is also the pre-eminently intense time of prayer. In it the Father strengthens our inner being with power through his Spirit “that Christ may dwell in [our] hearts through faith” and we may be "grounded in love."10
Prayer does not change God - it changes us. God is unchanging and unchangeable. Prayer lifts our hearts and minds to God. Is that not enough?
I understand that but it’s like my child asking me to unscrew the lid to their drink because they can’t and I say know and they go thirsty.

It wouldn’t be so bad if we knew why the answer was no.
Interaction would be great, wouldn’t it?
Yes, I remember some years ago wondering whether I should call St Michael by Saint or Holy, I always used Saint but someone I knew used Holy so I asked God.

That evening I came on this forum and the first thread I clicked on someone had written what Saint and Holy meant, the same thing just different language.

Otherwise I could end up praying for the same thing over and over thinking perseverance would do it but wasting prayers as it will still be no.
My belief says that prayer is a reliance on God. It’s necessary so we can become closer. And “pray always”.
That is not the reason why we pray. You make all these to look so petty.

There is no reason for you to feel rejected.
What does this mean?
Ok, let’s put it this way. You said your prayer is not answered. Actually what you were saying was that God did not give exactly what you prayed for, not that your prayer was not answered. His answer could be a no, or He could give you something else.

Our attitude towards prayers is to accept that God would know what is best for us, like a father knows what’s best for his child. It should not be forcing His hand that He must give what we ask. Do you understand this part? I will elaborate if you don’t.

As for Mt 7:9. It does not mean that God must give you bread when you ask for it, it only says He will not give you a stone. In other word, He will not do something bad for you. He may give you exactly what you ask for or it could be an alternative to it.

When we pray, in you case it is petition, it must be in the understanding that we allow God to answer it according to His will, not ours. We don’t dictate to God; we just trust that He knows what is best for us, for He can see much more than we can. He sees into eternity.

God bless.
As for not feeling rejected, we trust that God loves us. How could a father reject his child? And you are a child of God.

If you have problem with God being a Father and that you are a His child, you should build more on it, your faith. Why would you not trust God, for example.
I pray because I must, it is my job, my duty to the God who made me and who makes my existence possible.

You, OP, have referenced only prayer of petition (for self) or intercession (for others). There are other types of prayer, not limited to:
  • Contrition (a type of petition)
  • Adoration
  • Blessing
  • Thanksgiving
All of these should have a place in our lives.
Why do I have to keep praying for help with a problem again and again especially a small problem that can easily be fixed?

I don’t understand it anymore.

I could have a problem on the level of someone asking me to get them a glass of water because they are to weak to get it, I’m not asking for a miracle so why do I feel alone, I feel spiritually miserable.

I’m not praying for anything against God’s will so I don’t understand why it isn’t being answered.

Matthew 7:9 Is there anyone among you who would hand his son a stone when he asked for bread?

It makes it harder to pray each day but I do persevere but feel rejected and isolated.

in addition to what you post, God knew everything from beginning to end, before a single thing was created. He knew back before creation you would write your thoughts here. So one could ask, knowing that, what’s the use… if everything has already played itself out in God’s mind before it happens?

I won’t deny there is a huge mystery here. That said, that doesn’t mean we can’t understand mystery, we might be limited in complete understanding now, but we can still understand part of the mystery.

Just because God knows everything about us, does it mean He caused us to do anything opposite His will. He gave us free will. His grace is always at work to get us to respond in the best way during this life. He won’t force us to accept grace during this life which is one big test for us to live out. Just as the angels were tested and 1/3 failed , now it’s our turn to be tested. God has given us a heads up however. Since the one who judges ALL, told us in advance, few of us (humanity), will be saved.

That’s frightening information but I would suggest much needed revelation to know. Since God can’t lie or deceive, that knowledge should remove presumption on our part AND motivate us to persevere to stay on the narrow road till the end of our life.

Why do we pray? It’s God’s will for us to do. And our prayer should always be, not my will Lord, but yours be done.
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