Why do wet dreams occur?

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There are no ifs or buts here and I will not engage you in your pursuit of sin within sleep.
Why are your responses so angry? I am not trying to prove that you can sin when you sleep. I am simply saying I don’t understand why God would allow such things as a wet dreams to exist since they border so closely on eroticism. The mind uses erotic thoughts to cause the emission.
There are no ifs or buts here and I will not engage you in your pursuit of sin within sleep.
Why are your responses so angry? I am not trying to prove that you can sin when you sleep. I am simply saying I don’t understand why God would allow such things as a wet dreams to exist since they border so closely on eroticism. The mind uses erotic thoughts to cause the emission.
Why do you read “anger” into my posts? Can you detect tone in the written word?

I am challenging you back. Why should it bother you so much? You are asleep, it’s not within your control.

Really, there are other things to spend your energy over. Grow in virtue. Fight vice. Real vice. This is not one of them.
It’s interesting because it’s almost like God has created the human body and human soul/spirit to conflict with each other, at least some of the time.
I think part of the confusion comes here from forgetting about our fallen nature.
In the state in which God had created us presumably all body faculties were under direct control of spirit, and then anything of this sort wouldn’t happen. However from time of the original sin we have lost this unity and our parts are in ever going conflict. Thus there are parts of activity of our bodies which are not under our control and cannot be judged morally.
Your free will knows this. Your body doesn’t. When you are sleeping, you have no free will — the body and natural instinct take over. It’s not your fault.
And that causes me to ask the question why? According to Catholic Church teaching, it would seem that sexual pleasure is really only supposed to take place between husband and wife. This is one of the reasons masturbation is sinful, because the person provides themself with sexual pleasure. It’s a selfish act with zero chance of procreation.

Of course the sexual pleasure occuring during a wet dream cannot be helped. I do wonder though, why it even occurs? If it’s God’s design that the body needs to get rid of excess sperm from time to time, why does it normally occur in such a way that you have an erotic dream? Isn’t this lustful, even if not through your own choice? Why would God design it in such a way if sexual thoughts are generally lustful unless in the confines of a marriage?
@porthos11 answered this better than I could have. I would just say that if you are in some kind of lucid “twilight” state, half-awake, half-asleep, and you start having promptings, you would do well to get up, move around, do something to break your train of thought and calm yourself down, and then go back to bed. It’s very easy to deceive oneself into thinking you have less willful consent than you actually do. Any male who has ever struggled to remain chaste will understand precisely what I’m talking about. Just be calm and take gentle command of the situation.
It’s a dream. In my dreams I can fly, I can be a secret spy that kills people for the cause, naked at work, adopting a purple lizard that can talk. At a party with people I knew in my childhood, conversing with my dead father, I don’t look at it as how could a God allow that and for what purpose.
They occur because they’re a natural bodily function. It’s how God made us. I’m happy to accept the way God made me without having to question his every move.

Women have them too, by the way. Women just don’t ejaculate.

I tend to think it is the body’s way of dealing with hormones and internal reactions when the body for whatever reason is not voluntarily having sex.
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The primary reason masturbation is a sin is because it is a disordered use of our sexuality, ordered not toward the procreation of children and unity with a spouse as intended by God, but merely for solitary pleasure. As I understand it, nocturnal emissions are just the body’s way of getting rid of older sperm, etc. to make room for fresher ones.

St. Celestine V, before he became Pope, had an interesting dream/vision about how this is just a natural bodily function. He talks about it in his memoir (in the third person):

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Wet dream have the function of discharging old sperm so it can be replaced with new. Keeps one healthy and ready to procreate! Wet dreams can happen during the daytime also!
Possibly, but many,even great, parents don’t have this conversation. Parenting (I’m not one) can be hard sometimes I think :confused:
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When you have a wet dream, you are also wasting sperm.
No, you’re not. Not any more than a woman “wastes eggs” through the natural operation of her body in its monthly cycle.
On average, each time a man ejaculates he releases nearly 100 million sperm .
This is actually another thing that for instance makes the teaching that in vitro is bad because so much sperm is wasted, problematic.
No, it doesn’t. Sperm is not a human being. It’s not “wasted”; it performs the function that it was designed to perform.

In vitro fertilization is bad not because embryos are “wasted”; it’s bad because (1) it separates the the acts of intercourse and procreation (i.e., it takes the act of marital love and chucks it in favor of a “baby factory” act), and (2) it creates human life and then suspends / destroys / uses it for other purposes. “Waste” isn’t the issue. “Human life” is.

Normally when people capitalize words in debate it gives the impression they are shouting them. You’ve done it quite a bit in this thread, so I assumed you were angry. Below are a couple of examples.
Nocturnal emissions are not, so they can NEVER, EVER be sinful.
Obviously, if you have a wet dream and pleasure accompanies that, then that is also within a natural bodily function and is therefore NOT sinful and NOT lustful.
You also wrote
There are no ifs or buts here and I will not engage you in your pursuit of sin within sleep.
You seem very angry here, not wanting to engage with my posts anymore. It’s almost as if my posts have annoyed you a lot (and caused you to be angry).
Masturbation is wrong for a number of reasons, and I believe one of those reasons is that you waste sperm …
… I’m wondering why they even occur in the first place.
Male and female reproductive cells (gametes) are regularly lost. In the male 120 day spermatogenesis process only 1/2 to 1/3 of spermatozoa become viable. The quality and motility of sperm declines with age, but then so also does production since testosterone levels fall.

Masturbation is self-stimulation either physical or psychic.

Modern Catholic Dictionary (excerpt on masturbation):
The sinfulness consists in setting in motion the generative powers while preventing them from achieving, their natural, divinely intended purpose.
I think this can be a good question but a hard question to answer. The reasons why are really unknowns to us on many things. It’s like asking why is the universe is the way it is, why gravity…

I can only make a guess…

Sex isn’t inherently bad. The mechanism God made serves purposes biologically, procreation, attraction, etc etc. However there can be a back up biologically and the body might need a release mechanism built in to keep everything healthy…
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