Why Do Women Choose the Wrong Man?

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Well, since in some previous generations divorce was actually a rarity, there were times when society DID require it!
Lest my point not be well made: I agree that society did require it. But society isn’t really a thing existing in itself; it is made up of people, who express a like desire or requirement. And part of that society is women. And much of societal demands are made and learned during the teenage years; and one hardly needs mention the overwhelming amount of teenage sexual activity. Boys (I refuse to call them men) are “learning” that sex is for the asking; responsibility is not a word in the dictionary; and habits are set early. Then women (those over the teenage years) continue the same behavior (giving sex to get love) and wonder why they get no committment. Like the little curly haired girl said in the Pepsi ad: Duh!
Many of my female friends and relatives will repeatedly date loser men just because they can’t think of anything better to do and are afraid of being alone for a weekend, let alone for life. For all the feminist movement has supposedly accomplished, we seem to have a society in which the majority of women will compromise their values to be with any guy, rather than to be alone. These women that I know are educated and have good jobs, but still seem to judge themelves based on who they are dating or to whom they are married. They will overlook the fact that a man may be a womanizing alcoholic with no religious beliefs whatsoever if he is good looking and has a prestigious job. The one thing these women all have in common is a lack of confidence, which often seems to be attributable to a lack of faith.

This issue strikes close to home for me because I always refused to go out with some guy just to avoid sitting home alone on Saturday night. But I was raised in a home where my parents’ marriage was much less than ideal - my father was (is) psychologically abusive and although my mother is a saint for putting up with it, I never wanted that situation for myself so I refused to date anyone for whom it was readily apparent did not share my values. I know from first-hand experience what substance abuse does to a family so I always avoided men who joke about their drinking excursions, weed smoking, etc. Also, men who are always bragging about their sexual conquests never appealed to me - life with a womanizer does not seem likely to lead to a stable environment in which to raise children. But for some reason, many women friends and relatives would often remark that I was too picky or too quick to judge, thereby belittling my willingness to observe and discern that certain conduct might indicate that a person was likely not a good choice for a life partner. The ironic thing is I eventually met a great man to whom I am now married with a family, while some of the women who used to ridicule me are still dating loser after loser (or in some cases, marrying loser after loser) and now ask me for advice.
But for some reason, many women friends and relatives would often remark that I was too picky or too quick to judge, thereby belittling my willingness to observe and discern that certain conduct might indicate that a person was likely not a good choice for a life partner. The ironic thing is I eventually met a great man to whom I am now married with a family, while some of the women who used to ridicule me are still dating loser after loser (or in some cases, marrying loser after loser) and now ask me for advice.
“Too picky” I was called the B word. 🙂

I think the bottom line is YES, many women have chosen the wrong man, and now we have to live with it. Let’s let go and let God show us how to make a blessing out of a mess.!!! Nothing else said.
Boys (I refuse to call them men) are “learning” that sex is for the asking; responsibility is not a word in the dictionary; and habits are set early. Then women (those over the teenage years) continue the same behavior (giving sex to get love) and wonder why they get no committment. Like the little curly haired girl said in the Pepsi ad: Duh!
AMEN! In my experience, this is so sad but true. I have one friend who has been dating a “boy” for 7 years, they moved in together probably 3 years ago and they are still not engaged!!! :eek: I am so sad for her because she really wants to be married and raise a family, and yet, what does she expect when she lives with him (and sleeps with him) before marriage?

Don’t get me wrong, I am not attacking… I made some of the same mistakes myself before I got married…before I came back to the church. It’s just so much easier to see these things more clearly when you are seeing it with Christ at your side.
I agree with kage-er on the women who play either the Thrill Seeker or Florence Nightengale roles. I’ve seen both types and they are consistent in their approach. I had a friend who liked dangerous men. Someone fixed her up with a nice guy who had a home, a steady job and she said he ‘wasn’t any fun.’ I think some women mix up sport dating with dating as a tryout for marriage. I think she liked the party life, the flitting from one guy and one drama to the next. I’ve seen a number of women who always picked ‘bad boys’ and then wondered why they were bad.

My sister is a perfect Florence Nightengale. In fact later in life she became a nurse! She was always using whatever boyfriend or later husband (she’s had several) as a project for improvement. Oddly this behavior showed up early. When she was a young girl she always picked girlfriends who had problems. I think she really wanted to be a psychiatrist.

In men the Nightengale syndrome is the Knight in Shining Armor who continuously picks troubled women because he likes the rescuer role. Then once he ‘saves’ her he has to live with her and it proves less than satisfactory.

Someone mentioned Dr Laura and I whole heartedly agree with her assessment on the way people choose spouses or boy/girlfriends. There is a lot of internal motivation that some of us don’t want to admit to.

Lisa N
Many of my female friends and relatives will repeatedly date loser men just because they can’t think of anything better to do and are afraid of being alone for a weekend, let alone for life. For all the feminist movement has supposedly accomplished, we seem to have a society in which the majority of women will compromise their values to be with any guy, rather than to be alone. The one thing these women all have in common is a lack of confidence, which often seems to be attributable to a lack of faith.
At the risk of being misunderstood, I think that it goes to the question of self-esteem. Not the type bandied about by the idiots in public life, particularly in grade and high school. It is interrelated with lack of faith; but it really is a different issue. It is the grounding that you have an identity which is yours; not something given to you (and thus part of) the identity of your parents or spouse. You have worth as an individual; you are a human being who has to stand on his or her own two feet. I’ve seen too many sick marriages, where the wife is frantic to keep the marriage together, for fear that if she is divorced, she ultimately won’t have an identity. And that often is a major part of the problem of why they are headed for divorce; and they are in denial as to what the problems are and how they have a part in creating them.
The ironic thing is I eventually met a great man to whom I am now married with a family, while some of the women who used to ridicule me are still dating loser after loser (or in some cases, marrying loser after loser) and now ask me for advice.
And I hope you are giving it to the in spades, and really plain English. Don’t mince around, don’t worry about hurting feelings, and don’t pull your punches. People need to hear the truth, whether they like it or not. You don’t need to belittle them, but never ever hesitate to speak truthfully and forcefully. If they come to you for advice, you may be the sole person who gives them an opportunity to change. Doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result is a good definition of insanity…
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