I was raised spiritually confused. I ended up being Confirmed in the Catholic Church when I was a teen, but spent some years in the Episcopal Church. Between the two churches I attended, my religious “education” was less than stellar, because I didn’t even know that Jesus is God until I was 18. I spent years in Catholic and Episcopalian Sunday school and was never taught (as far as I can recall) this essential Christian belief. Needless to say, I’ve had to make up for this by educating myself since December of 2015.
At that time, I was in my first year of college and preparing for Winter break. I was invited to Mass (I was attending a Catholic college for their great nursing program), and I decided to go since I had few extracurricular activities going on. The service was small (only one other student and a handful of faculty showed up) and short, but I was paying attention for the first time (after having gone to Mass countless times since I was born). It blew me away, so I attended another religious event that night. Over the next month I learned the basic Catholic truths, and I’ve been in more advanced study since then.
I can’t chalk my conversion up to coincidence. The wheels for this were in motion since at least 2011- when I was a freshman in high school- if not earlier. I wanted to be a police officer at the time, so I was exploring the option of going to a vocational school for their security program. When application time came around (end of sophomore year), I decided to apply for the marketing program instead for less-than-good reasons. My mother found out that there were spaces left in the security program and urged me to apply for it, and I was accepted after writing a letter to the principal stating why I should get the spot.
The old program was being overhauled as it didn’t really help students get a job in the field. Since it was a high school program, and high schoolers tend to be minors, we couldn’t do a lot that would’ve helped us. So, EMS and firefighting was added to the curriculum as, in Ohio, you don’t need to wait until you’re 21 to get a job in these fields. Long story short, I have a natural talent for medicine and ended up being the only student in my class to get the EMT certification. I was worried about not being able to make money in EMS, though, and pursued nursing as a more financially rewarding career path.