Why do you have to be good and just - only to be tested by God

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Why do you have to be good and just if God will ultimately test your faith? I’ve seen good people’s lives destroyed forever and unable to recover from the tests that was done to them (divorce, death of a family member, laid off from work, infidelity, lost of property and so on)? Is there a better way to avoid these tests that he wanted everyone to undergo. If God is merciful, why won’t he lift a finger to stop the suffering.
gregwiden40 said** : “Why do you have to be good and just, if God will ultimately test your faith?”**
Well, you certainly don’t have to be EITHER Good or Just.
In fact, you can go on a 3-state Killing Spree, if you like.
So, live on the Wild Side, I give you FULL Permission.
Some day, go to Confession, and everything’s cool.

And, he said** : “I’ve seen good people’s lives destroyed forever and unable to recover from the tests that were done to them (divorce, death of a family member, laid off from work, infidelity, lost of property and so on)?”**
I don’t understand what you mean here?
I doubt that God is testing people by killing-off their Family Members.
In fact, every, single Family member you have will be Dead soon enough (and you can blame God for all of them dying, if you choose to).
And, as far a Divorce, it takes 2 to Tango.
And on and on.
If a person decides to LOSE IT over Life’s events, that is his (or her) decision.
God offers a full-service Recovery Plan for anyone who wishes to Let Go of past Garbage.
Faith in God is a powerful positive force. So, if people LOSE IT, they know where to come to get over it.
But, what usually happens is that a person will swear at God for messing up his Life, and turn his back to God. This is a personal Choice.

Do you REALLY think that everything that happens in a person’s Life is a Test from God?
Do you think that God forces a Wife to cheat on her husband?
Or, that God makes a husband viciously beat-up his Wife on a regular basis?
If so, what is your rationale for thinking that this is (somehow) True?
If NOT, then what are you talking about?

And he asks** : “Is there a better way to avoid these tests that he wanted everyone to undergo?”**
I recommend Suicide, this will put an End to all of the Tests that you will ever have to take (and fail) here on Earth.

And, finally** : “If God is merciful, why won’t he lift a finger to stop the suffering?”**

What makes you think that God has NOT lifted a finger.
Things on Earth MIGHT be MUCH Better, because of what God has done for each of us.
In other words, if you think that THIS is Bad … you oughta see how Bad things could be.

Anyway, God created a “Perfect” place for Man to live … the Garden of Eden.
But, man was not made to put-up with no Conflict.

And, people only suffer if they choose to suffer about what happens.
Many people are in anguish because things are happening to people they don’t know (in Countries they have never been before).

People have an inherent need for Conflict (and feeling like the Earth is difficult) … Nobody wants to live in Utopia.
Better to say, that nobody who would live in Perfect Peace, would be very happy with that lifestyle after a short period of time.
Why do you have to be good and just if God will ultimately test your faith? I’ve seen good people’s lives destroyed forever and unable to recover from the tests that was done to them (divorce, death of a family member, laid off from work, infidelity, lost of property and so on)? Is there a better way to avoid these tests that he wanted everyone to undergo. If God is merciful, why won’t he lift a finger to stop the suffering.
I suggest you read the Book of Job from the Old Testament cover to cover.

It shows us how and why God tests us, and how He rewards us if we stay faithful to Him throughout our Trials.
Hi Greg,

Personally, I think that it is more so that people have free will, and we are affected by their actions, rather than being tested by God. In my personal opinion, God wants what is best for us.

The things that you have listed are human events or the results of human choices, and someone else’s free will–things such as divorce, job losses, and so on.
What you are feeling is completely normal - its the human condition. If you google “the problem of evil” you will encounter countless discussions on the presence of evil in the world, its effect on our lives, God’s role, and how we should act.

I don’t think that we have free will just so that it can be tested. We have free will because it is intrinsically good. In tests you mention you make a clear distinction between good and evil, justice and injustice. These distinctions show that there is a preferable reality of good and justice, and ultimately truth. Free will is about discovering what is this Truth, which, once it is discovered, can never be denied. Of course, we could always act contrary to what we know is the truth, but it that case it is entirely us who are to blame for the consequences.

So think of life not a s a succession of tests - we are not lab rats in a maze - but as a chance of grasping what is good and true and then using your free will to follow it.
Why do you have to be good and just if God will ultimately test your faith? I’ve seen good people’s lives destroyed forever and unable to recover from the tests that was done to them (divorce, death of a family member, laid off from work, infidelity, lost of property and so on)? Is there a better way to avoid these tests that he wanted everyone to undergo. If God is merciful, why won’t he lift a finger to stop the suffering.
It is my belief that God has nothing to do with the events in humanity, good or bad. Life is a string of events…some we cause ourselves…some have others as their cause, but we have to do our best to endure and improve.
It is my belief that God has nothing to do with the events in humanity, good or bad. Life is a string of events…some we cause ourselves…some have others as their cause, but we have to do our best to endure and improve.
Fortunately, most people who believe in God do not find this to be a rational argument, but rather a statement without any kind of proof to support it.
Fortunately, most people who believe in God do not find this to be a rational argument, but rather a statement without any kind of proof to support it.
Back to that word “proof” again. Those same rational people must certainly understand that they have no proof for their system…only repetitive and unsubstantiated claims or a book written 5,000 years ago.
It is my belief that God has nothing to do with the events in humanity, good or bad. Life is a string of events…some we cause ourselves…some have others as their cause, but we have to do our best to endure and improve.
If God has nothing to do with the events “in humanity” there is very good reason to believe God has nothing to do with anything. Why single out the creation of the universe?
Why do you have to be good and just if God will ultimately test your faith?
It shouldn’t make any difference if you’re tested or not!
I’ve seen good people’s lives destroyed forever and unable to recover from the tests that was done to them (divorce, death of a family member, laid off from work, infidelity, lost of property and so on)?
How do you** know** their lives are destroyed forever?
Is there a better way to avoid these tests that he wanted everyone to undergo.
“permitted” is more accurate than “wanted”. Much needless suffering is caused by human malice, ignorance or selfishness. Suffering due to natural causes is inevitable in a physical universe.
If God is merciful, why won’t he lift a finger to stop the suffering.
You are assuming God never prevents or mitigates suffering…
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