Thanks for your reply!
I wish I could sugarcoat this since it is an extremely difficult teaching. It is, however, the teaching of the Church. Many people, myself included, do sincerely believe it! It is the reason why understanding mortal sin is a life and death matter.
1861 Mortal sin is a radical possibility of human freedom, as is love itself. It results in the loss of charity and the privation of sanctifying grace, that is, of the state of grace.
If it is not redeemed by repentance and God’s forgiveness, it causes exclusion from Christ’s kingdom and the eternal death of hell, for our freedom has the power to make choices for ever, with no turning back. However, although we can judge that an act is in itself a grave offense, we must entrust judgment of persons to the justice and mercy of God.
An essential thing to remember is that we can commit mortal sin numerous times and we can receive forgiveness and enter heaven. But we must seek God’s forgiveness within the sacrament of reconciliation. We can go to hell for one mortal sin, but we need not. God wants us in heaven. He is ready at all times to resume a relationship with us, but we must repent and go to confession for this to happen. I agree, but isn’t the person who you describe below saying that what he thinks is more important than what God wants? After all that’s what he does.simpleas: But I think some…choose to
go against a certain teaching, not to offend God,
but to seek what they feel is important. The Church says we must have full knowledge and consent** to commit sin.** We do
not have to have full knowledge and consent to reject God. When we sin we have AUTOMATICALLY rejected God. That is what sin is! If we really desire to love God, then we follow the teachings as best we can, praying we won’t sin because THAT would be rejecting God. I agree. No one will follow all of the rules all of the time. In fact, none of us can! That is why Jesus criticized the Pharisees for thinking that following the Law could earn us heaven. Nothing will “earn” us as great a thing as heaven!
Church is not enough. We must live out our faith between Sundays. Even though we will fail at keeping all the rules we must still do our best. That is how we tell God that we love Him. We follow His laws. Those laws are taught by the Church, so we must follow Church doctrine. We will fail. That’s what confession is for!We aren’t talking about the feeling of being offended. We have
committed an offense- broken a law of God. Does that make sense?Being told to submit and obey…can be a hurdle for many people.
The people who are told to submit or obey are the people who are practicing Catholics. They are supposed to know that God gave us the Church to guide us to heaven. We are wise if we listen!