So any atheist who posts on a Christian forum is not serious about the fact that they don’t believe in gods? Maybe you can expand on this, because there doesn’t appear to be any connection.
It has to do with lack of convictions.
From the perspective of an atheist, how intelligent is it to argue about the existence of the easter bunny or the tooth fairy?
What does that say about the atheist who engages in such a discussion?
You certainly implied as such.
Are distinctions simply not in your realm of “concepts”?
That doesn’t sound like you were saying that atheists are moral. Rather that they can ignore it. Maybe ‘amoral’ would be a better term.
“Amoral” necessarily implies objective and absolute moral norms.
Surely you’re not such as to believe in such an absurd notion.
…as opposed to those make-believe atheists, the ones who really do believe in God…
You really don’t cement your credibility by continually putting words in my mouth.
There’s a difference between “make-believe” and superficial. I never said that you weren’t “sincere” in your own way(just as sincere as a teenager going through an “emo” phase), I simply insist that you wear your atheism like a fashion statement or a fad. It’s the “in” thing now to be an atheist, just like smoking and tattoos used to be the “in” thing.
For whatever reason, you seem to hold yourself back from living a truly atheistic life. That either says something about you, or about atheism, or maybe even both. That is my point.
So which sort were you? Were you a real atheist who thought morality absurd or a pretend one who didn’t?
What do you think?
Hey, Amandil, grab a beer and listen up. I’ve got something to explain to you.
There’s this concept called ‘equality’. It means that we should treat people with equal regard whatever their race, colour, gender, age, nationality (and all other inherent descriptions of what makes us human).
Why? Why should I treat anyone equally to me? What does their race, color, gender, age, nationality, have if anything to do with me?
This is a basic human right. It crosses many religions and many secular definitions of the rights of people in general.
Why is it a “basic human right”? What does that even mean? Why should I even care about the rights of others?
It means that we must not treat people as not being as worthy as ourselves simply because of their race, colour, gender, religion etc.
You haven’t even explained why anyone is as “worthy” as me. As far as I’m concerned, no one is more “worthy” than me, no one is more important than me.
All “equality” seems to do is highlight is differences between people anyway. You really want to foster “equality”(whatever that means to you), how about you stop talking about “equality”?
As for me, I could really care less.
That has happened before and it didn’t turn out too well. It’s one of the basic foundations that is required for a peaceful society.
Why should I care about society?
Now I’ve been meaning to ask you. As one atheist to another. Which sort are you? Are you a real atheist who thinks morality absurd or a pretend one who doesn’t?
Any chance of an answer this time…?
How about you; are you an atheist who follows religious principles of morality or are you an atheist who instead liberates himself from religious principles or morality?