No less of a luminary than Fr. Robert Barron, following the great Hans Urs von Balthasar, from his famous book on the topic, Dare We Hope That All Men Be Saved?, writes in his book, Catholicism, on pages 257-258:
If there are any human beings in hell, they are there because they absolutely insist on it. The conditional clause with which the last sentence began honors the church’s conviction that, though we must accept the possibility of hell (due to the play between divine love and human freedom),** we are not committed doctrinally to saying that anyone is actually “in” such a place.**
I’ll let everyone make their own conclusions about the words in the Catholic Encyclopedia.
I think we Catholics can mostly agree that hell is
possible because of God honoring free will.
So, the question are:
- Why did he marry without approval of the Church?
- Why does he no longer receive communion?
I think you will find that he may have heard his actions are “gravely sinful”, but he has not incorporated such gravity into his conscience. He is probably thinking that his actions do not hurt anyone and are inconsequential, in fact he may love his spouse dearly and has little regard for what the Church says about anything. He does not know God in the way committed Catholics know Him. He does not know what he is doing. You would say he has “full knowledge”, and I say he has a bit less than such “fullness”.
Please, contest my observations. My observations are full of holes here, for brevity.
Back to the most basic question:
Why does he steal at all? Well, he has the human appetite for material stuff, and he has the human appetite that makes what other people have appear very attractive. There are other animals with the same combination of appetites.
Why is he not considering the wants, the rights, the well-being of the victim? Would he steal from his own mother, from a friend, from his child? No, in most cases he would not. He does not know the value of the harm done because he does not value the well-being of his victim. His not knowing the value of his victim is a matter of ignorance, and desire-induced blindness.
Again, there are some observations and assertions here that may or may not be necessarily true! Feel free to point them out, and we can address other options.
What is very key, here, Vico, is another
dimension of this discussion. I have had a few days to think about this, and I have to admit I am learning a lot in our discussion about how to help my writing be understood. If you are a normal human being, which I say as a matter of projection
(like, this is what my reaction would have been before I saw things the way I see now), when you read my explanations of the theft and the fornication, you had a slight emotional reaction. My emotional reaction would have been one of dismay, disappointment, perhaps revulsion, and even suspicion. Perhaps the reaction would have been one of indignation. The thought, “This person is making excuses for everyone!” might be bouncing around in my mind, as well as “This person is full of baloney!”
Is this an accurate description of your
gut reaction, Vico, if you are having one?
Thanks again, Vico, for your responses. I again apologize for my delay. I thought about PMing you to explain, but I decided that you are probably so busy that the delay is welcome.
Have a blessed Sunday!