I’m not sure what this means in real terms.
We all have a relationship with God. It is developed doing His will.
Yes, and through prayer, awareness, and meditation.
What this means is that we do what we do
- with love, giving of ourselves
- using our reason, giving ourselves to what is true and good
- and with commitment, to see it through.
This is the formula for happiness.
All will follow as it should, when we walk with God.
If one does not know this, one will be lost.
For this and other reasons it is important to evangelize, to let people know the good news.
Ignorance is bad for us. If we do not try to pull ouselves out of it, we are essentially rejecting God and doing oursleves harm.
This is not punishment but a direct consquence of going after the wrong things.
Well stated!
There are also tests in life.
To these we can never plead ignorance
As soon as the word “plead” is mentioned, this takes things in a different direction, right? A plea is an appeal to a higher authority (in this case) to lessen or withdraw a punishment. I think we can both agree that natural consequences occur regardless of ignorance or awareness. Plea all I want, but if I hurt someone my natural conscience is going to give me a beating! And, if I eat too much, I will suffer plenty. These are natural consequences, no amount of “pleading” will help.
In your case, you know the commandments and what the church teaches.
If you choose not to do God’s will as He has revealed it, you will be doing so willfully and in full knowledge of what is the imperative.
At that point you cannot plead ignorance as the choice was to believe or not to believe.
Whether you believe or not is decided in the choice you make.
You must believe Him. Therein lies your choice - there is no place for ignorance in this equation…
Okay, let me address “full knowledge of the imperative”.
I just heard a guy last night on CA radio talking about this. He was talking about how many young people, for example, even though they have been raised Catholic, do not know the seriousness of the sin of fornication.
It is one thing to “know the imperative”, but quite another to “know the seriousness of the sin”. “Knowing the seriousness” involves incorporation of the conscience, and conscience development is a life-long process.
Is there a place for ignorance in this equation? Well, ignorance takes its place whether we like it or not. Look at these examples of ignorance without thinking of them as “excuses” but as
explanations. I know, thinking of explanations without having them morph into excuses is very, very difficult.
- A person may be ignorant of the rule, completely.
- A person may be ignorant of the consequence.
- A person may be ignorant of the value of the Authority who makes the rule i.e.“God said it, so what? God is a figment of the imagination.” Or, “you only think God said that.” or: “Am I supposed to take it from the guys who molest little boys?”
- A person may be ignorant of the steadfastness of the rules. “Hey, lots of people get away with this.”
- A person may be ignorant of his own value. “I’m going to hell? So what, I am garbage and I have it coming.”
- A person may be ignorant of the value of the other. “I only fail to forgive the enemy, bad people, heretics, criminals, and idiots. I forgive everyone else.”
- A person may be ignorant of the hurt caused by sin. “All I did was… so what? I know it is against the rules, but it is no big deal. The rules are stupid.” (This indicates non-incorporation (word?
) in the conscience.
Those were some examples of ignorance, and I observe that usually several of these forms are involved at once. Were you successful at seeing these as explanations rather than excuses? I know, it is very difficult. I read them, and my mind starts to contest and say “you should…”; but the fact is, people are ignorant, and lack of awareness is an essential component of all sin.
To me, if one or more of these are involved, then the sinner does not know what he is doing. And I would add that anyone who does not give
infinite value to God and to all of His loved creation does not know what he is doing. Yes, lack of awareness is a huge factor in our behaviors. Do you see your mind going to “excuses, excuses”? The mind quickly tries to condemn explanations that sound like excuses. This is the way our normal conscience
automatically works.