
Sorry to revert back farther into the thread, but all this is occupying my mind right now.As to temporal causes, at the moment, physics and cosmology would trace everything back to the big bang. Before that, was there God’s fiat, “Let there be light.”? Possibly. But some cosmologists may surmise that the big bang was preceded by a big crunch: The universe collapsing in on itself only to bounce back out again into another big bang. An infinite series.
This argument (an ever expanding and contracting universe) is refuted by a very similar argument to the contingency argument isn’t it? I am speaking of an argument of the first mover. Movement cannot occur in and of itself any more than a contingent existence could occur in and of itself. Movement is contingent…the result of outside influence which causes it to move (yet another side of that same coin).
Additionally, an ever expanding and contracting universe is also subject to the contingency argument because even if it exploded out of some tiny mass, that tiny mass is contingent in its existence. To say the mass explodes and contracts infinitely does not answer the question of the cause of the Possible Existence of those particles that are expanding and contracting.
Those cosmologists are merely putting off the inevitable by extending it out over a longer period of time.