Hi everyone,
Here’s a question that has puzzled me for a long time, it came up again recently as I was on a site where members are generally pretty antagonistic to the faith/God: one person posted, saying that since God hadn’t manifested himself in a powerful, convincing, for-everyone-to-behold kind of way in 2000 years, that was proof of his inexistence.
We gather from reading the book of Genesis that Adam enjoyed a pretty intimate relationship with God, that he could possibly see him with his natural eyes, the very least we can say is that it was not possible for Adam to doubt God’s existence, YET it was possible for Adam to know God existed beyond a shadow of a doubt (so being an atheist was not an option for him) AND disobey God’s commands. Therefore we can conclude that knowing for a fact (with undeniable,compelling proof) that God exists doesn’t nullify free-will. Seeing the Beatific Vision would, however, but this isn’t what this thread is about. So, is the fact that God remains hidden simply the consequence of the Fall and has, in fact, nothing to do with keeping our free-will intact?
Here’s a question that has puzzled me for a long time, it came up again recently as I was on a site where members are generally pretty antagonistic to the faith/God: one person posted, saying that since God hadn’t manifested himself in a powerful, convincing, for-everyone-to-behold kind of way in 2000 years, that was proof of his inexistence.
We gather from reading the book of Genesis that Adam enjoyed a pretty intimate relationship with God, that he could possibly see him with his natural eyes, the very least we can say is that it was not possible for Adam to doubt God’s existence, YET it was possible for Adam to know God existed beyond a shadow of a doubt (so being an atheist was not an option for him) AND disobey God’s commands. Therefore we can conclude that knowing for a fact (with undeniable,compelling proof) that God exists doesn’t nullify free-will. Seeing the Beatific Vision would, however, but this isn’t what this thread is about. So, is the fact that God remains hidden simply the consequence of the Fall and has, in fact, nothing to do with keeping our free-will intact?