Our family has had a rough go of it the past couple of years. At first I was doing fine, felt a sense of peace and calm even amidst the storm, for I trusted in God’s goodness and loving providence. Then the doubts started to arise: “You believe things will be fine, but what if God doesn’t exist? Then when your loved dies that’s it. And how do you really know God exists?” Then all the questions followed: “If God does exist why isn’t he helping you out a bit more? Why when you need him most is he allowing a pandemic to occur, cutting you off from the sacraments and Eucharistic adoration? Etc…”It seems like you have a complaint in there somewhere possibly, something we could answer? Do you feel like God is out of reach for you?
It hasn’t gotten to the point where I ask myself is it reasonable to believe in God, as Catholics understand God. As I originally asked, why doesn’t God make it so crystal clear that he who we believe he is. Instead it seems we have to rely on Scripture and Tradition, and there is much a doubting mind can question there (such as I mentioned earlier the early Church’s seeming understanding that Christ would return within their lifetimes, as just one example. Or why does Luke mention the wrong emperor at the time of the census. I could go on.).