The Catholic Churchis not failing.
Are public schools ‘failing on sexual abuse?”
Are the Boy Scouts‘failing on sexual abuse?
Are parents ‘failing on sexual abuse”?
Most people don’t even ‘fail the boy scouts’ (except for lawyers) but rather recognize that individuals **within **the scouts, individuals who acted **against **the entire core and teachings of the Scouts, went ‘off’.
Public school teachers likewise went against the whole rationale and teachings of the public school system when they abused.
Preachers in the Baptist or Lutheran or non denoms, Muslim Imans, Jewish Rabbis, etc., all went against their teachings to abuse.
But somehow, it is only ‘the Catholic Church” who ‘keeps on failing’.
Even though the individuals, whether priest or bishop, went against **their **teachings as well.
But as long as people insist on making this a “Catholic Church’ issue, they direct attention away from the whole root causes of abuse throughout the world, and make it look as though abuse happens in the Catholic Church because of the whole **system ** of the Church.
You won’t hear how much the ‘system’ of public schools leads to ‘easy abuse’ because the whole narrative of ‘celibate priests’ and ‘bishops out to protect good names’ would **blow up ** if one applied it to public schools, whose ‘name’ is not perceived as being ‘moral authority’, and whose abusers are not celibate!
But if you make the whole issue the failures of “The Catholic Church’ instead of ‘some priests and some bishops’, you know, like the way they do about ‘some teachers and some school officials”, you can pretend that just about **all **abuse comes from the Catholic Church and ‘religion’ and extremism and ‘denial of healthy sex’ and then say, “Obviously that proves the Church has no moral authority’.
But people would much rather feel it’s all “The Catholic Church” failing. Even sometimes when they’re Catholics themselves. It gives them a little justification to ignore some ‘unpopular’ teachings because, “look at the **abuse **from the hierarchy, can’t trust them to know about sex.”
Does that mean I **excuse **abusers? Heck no. They should be prosecuted to the full extent of the law. They are a stain on society and a stain to the Church whose Laws they broke.
But stop with the “Catholic church keeps failing’ and make it accurate.
Why do men and women, even though who claim to be Christian, especially those who claim to be Christian, keep failing and abusing people?
That’s the real question.