Why Does the Catholic Church Keep Failing on Sexual Abuse?

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Oh, you mean that according to you I was only supposed to make a post about the failure of societyto deal with abuse by just kowtowing to “the Catholic Church’s failures’ and never mention anybody else.

Because just by mentioning abuse that exists elsewhere I do what, exactly? “Excyse” the Church? How so? When I took pains to mention that allabusers should be pursued to the fullest extent of the law? How did that ‘excuse’ the people in the church who abused? Oh right, it didn’texcuse them.

Sorry if it offends you to have full facts put out there and not a biased and slanted effort to paint oneorganization as failing.
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The Church, held to a higher standard, fails to a greater or lesser degree at all times and in all places. Look at the 15th century and various others. Horrible failures - but not complete failure.

To some degree, the Church is always lacking in holiness. Thus, it is unduly affected by the rotten surrounding culture. God’s plan of Church entering culture has been reversed and culture now enters Church.

Sex scandals? Is there a single politician, celebrity or bible Christian figure who has escaped?

Two reasons/causes: Who does things backward? Who undoes what God has done?
  1. Human weakness
  2. The incitement of the devil
One of the ads flashed was a law firm asking for clients who had been abused by clergy.
I was watching the Comet channel on TV and saw an ad for this, too! Also one for Boy Scouts that were abused. Ambulance chasers…the lot of them!
When someone types in capital letters, which is considered screaming at someone, then you just removed “reasoned discussion”.
Until the church fully opens all its records then this will keep being an issue for the church.
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Please excuse me. I am an older lady who mostly handwrites letters, especially to my young grandsons, and all caps is my way of emphasizing. I apologize if it came across as screaming. If I can go back to edit I’ll see if I can fix things. Thank you for bringing this to my attention.
In a lot of the cases, the accused has been long dead and I do not understand they think anything can be proved.

To be honest, I have become extremely cynical about sexual abuse/harassment claims because it is used so often to just get back at someone or to make a quick buck. Look at all the women who come out of the woodwork to accuse a political candidate of sexually assaulting them decades ago. I know it might take a while for someone to work up the courage to tell the appropriate authorities about these things, but it is just interesting how it always happens around election time. There is very little doubt that, in at least some of these cases, there is politcal or monetary motive.
If you only knew…
Your skepticism cuts like a blade to victims…
Trust me…it is a lifetime of hurt and to read what you typed infuriates me.

You are blaming a very young child who has harbored pain their entire life, and even worse bearing pain and shame towards the one place someone of any age should feel safe.

You think just because the abuser is dead the victims hate and pain and suffering goes away? Their mistrust and confusioin?

How dare you be so presumptive as to make those who have suffered feel even more disenfranchised.

To make a buck?

Are you kidding me…?

You should REALLY examine what you wrote and think about it.
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I stand by what I wrote. You have to be incredibly naive or blinded by emotion to not see that the claims of sexual harassment/abuse can be and have been abused or weaponized. Just read Adam’s example above of his bishop being falsely accused. It is nothing against victims of actual abuse. If anything, if we continue to go with the “guilty until proven innocent” route we have taken with the accused and keep allowing these things to be so easily abused, actual victims will be less likely to be believed.
I am blinded by nothing, I AM a victim…and the Church IS doing something…if you want further information I will gladly point you to the people to speak with.
I have even met with our Bishop over this ordeal…the Church is Jesus Christ. . . .
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RB, honestly I am just through with you…

Peace be with you and please do not respond…
And how do you stop this from happening? Open up all records. Hide nothing. If records were destroyed admit to it.
Not many Catholics have replied here… Speaks volumes…
Most of the responders do not identify their religion on their profile, or have hidden profiles. Please do tell us how you know their religion? Every single one that does identify, is Catholic.
I am troubled by abuse allegations that are raised right after the alleged abuser dies. Obviously the abuser isn’t there to defend himself.

I had that precise fact pattern happen when an alleged victim picketed outside my church, alleging that my pastor of many years ago abused him. The pastor had just died. He hadn’t been the pastor there in 25+ years.

I was respectful of him but I asked him - why should he be believed, given the time lag and the pastor’s death. He basically responded, “why would I just make this up?” I answered him: You may hate the Catholic Church; many do. You may have hated the pastor and only him. Maybe you like notoriety. Maybe you want money. (He didn’t like any of this).

I ordinarily wouldn’t have engaged him like that but I had a MAJOR problem with him doing this outside mass on a Sunday - and I told him so.
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I didn’t. I just…didn’t think to. Kinda embarrassed to think of it now.
To be honest, I have become extremely cynical about sexual abuse/harassment claims because it is used so often to just get back at someone or to make a quick buck.
With all due respect, this statement is appalling. Whilst there are a few who have nefarious intentions, most people who come forward years later are true victims. Sexual abuse is a horrific scar upon the soul.
I am troubled by abuse allegations that are raised right after the alleged abuser dies. Obviously the abuser isn’t there to defend himself.
The power differential often precludes a victim from feeling safe to speak. Until very recently, sexual abuse was covered up not just in the Church, but in every situation. If you have never experienced sexual abuse, you cannot understand how soul crushing and humiliating it is, and expecting a child to have spoken up long ago when EVERYONE from the Church to his/her parents told them to remain silent is unrealistic and unfair. When an abuser dies, many victims finally are able to speak of the experience because the perceived (or real) power is gone.

Accusations should absolutely be vetted and it is wise to acknowledge that there will be some who are false accusers with ulterior motives. However, the skepticism and distain toward victims only serves to shame and humiliate them all over again. If you have not been sexually abused, particularly as a child, it can be difficult to understand how utterly devastating is that breach of trust. Many experience more pain by being dismissed and not believed, especially by a parent, than they do from the abuse itself. It is the ultimate betrayal.
Isn’t the skepticism to use your word,
understandable when the alleged perpetrator isn’t there to defend themselves? And shouldn’t they expect that skepticism?

I can say absolutely anything about a dead person with no fear of reprisal.
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